What's Planned in the Near Future at IC
As you can imagine, the start of Grad School classes at UW-Madison have limited the time for IC Updates. However, the technicians at IC are still producing quality insane material. They just haven't had the time to share it with you yet! The schedule on this page is VERY tentative!
On this page you'll find a quick rundown of what the technicians at IC are producing as you read this for your web-browsing pleasure. Stay tuned for updates!
- More Bri's Writings
- In-Songs Galore, more Insanity Links
- Sample of Bri's Web of Deceit 2
- Bri's Make-your-own homepage guide expanded and completed
- Bri's Web of Deceit 2 - it's gonna be AWESOME!
- More pix - if scanner gets working!
In the Near Future
Venomous Lizards everywhere!