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Civilians in Space, Space Tourism, etc.
"The least likely scenario is that we would find [a large asteroid or comet] that could hit in the next year. The chance is 1 in 100,000. In that case, there is probably little that we could do to divert it." --Quote from NASA's Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking website.
An asteroid movie comin' at ya!
Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous!
Image of Jupiter Being Struck by Shoemaker-Levy Fragments
Graph Showing Cumulative Asteroid Detection
Click here for Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking Website
Join Spaceguardfor emergency mobilization to defend Earth from asteroids and comets. This is currently Priority One.
Potentially Hazardous Asteroids: Close Approaches
Close Earth Approaches of Asteroid 1999 AN10: Resonant and Non-Resonant Returns
Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking Home Page
Click for Near-Earth Asteroid Info