InforMagnet Health and Longevity Priorities
Prosextra for Men and Women
Hepatitis C Patients' Testimonials -- Colloidal silver seems to help reduce the virus
Get Robey Colloidal Silver Generator Listed Below
Prozac Side Effects
And you thought the blues were bad? Stay blue or turn green... Which will it be? Note: Don't go off antidepressants suddenly--and replace with natural ones such as SAMe or TMG which helps produce SAMe. SAMe has been called the "best known natural antidepressant." Any "side effects" for SAMe would be positive rather than negative, with standard dosages.
Rejuvamin HGH Booster Supplement
14-yr-old Cures Deafness, Govt Censors Him for Decades
Ebola Cured. Greed Unchecked.
"Another anticipated problem is finance. Pharmaceutical companies may be reluctant to invest in the development of a cure against rare tropical diseases." Next topic. African villagers cannot afford this treatment, so we let the human race completely die, I suppose? Hello? For God's sake let's get this mass produced and available to everyone! Yes, including the poor and the black, for Chrissakes! It's Xmas, think of it that way. Why haven't we been hearing about Dr. Maurice Iwu and his work? This is INTOLERABLE IGNORANCE. I have not yet found anything indicating that Dr. Iwu's work was invalidated or disproved.
Dr. Maurice Iwu, affiliated with Walter Reed Institute of Army Research, late 1990s. So, if we have this established way to cure Ebola, why not publicize it and produce it? If the US Army has since come out with a negative report on this antidote for Ebola, I think we need further independent work to verify or disprove Dr. Iwu's work.
Dr. Maurice Iwu
Headlines will read: Witch doctor cures Ebola. Ya gotta love this one.
Ebola Cure
Traditional native cure used by witch doctors in Africa shuts out the pharmaceutical giants.
Verified Ebola Cure
May not be usable as an effective cure for Ebola, warns USAMRIID.
Ebola Zaire Fan Club
I include a link to this crassly titled site because it mentions an African herbal remedy to stop or control Ebola virus in humans: Garcinia kola tree of Africa.
BBC Sez Bioflavonoids Stop Ebola in Humans
Simple traditional cure from the bush (Garcinia kola tree--see link above) may also stop many other viruses.
Some important issues
Deadliest Five Disease/BW Agents Summarized by USAMRIID
The Weirdos Are Right Again! Magnet Therapy for Depression
Weirdos Right Again--Scientifically Proven in Israel at the Technion
International Coalition for Drug Awareness
Click here for some dissenting info on `seratonergic' drugs like Prozac and its clones, as well as other drug-related controversies. (Thanx to Art Bell's great radio show "Coast to Coast AM"--see his great website at for more info.)
New Tom Bearden Slideshow
Relates to Electromagnetic Health Technology, Antidotes to Chemical & Biological Warfare, and Medical Treatments for Serious Injury (Robert O. Becker wound healing and bone fracture healing techniques). Includes new physics and electromagnetic theory. Assessment of present and near-future military threat by rogue states.
Ebola/Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak Alert Center
As one doctor put it, a patient suffering from haemorrhagic fever "literally melts in front of your eyes."
Ultimate HGH
Reverse physical aging process by stimulating your own HGH production. Secretagogue boosts HGH levels. Why look your age. Make your age look like you.
Govt Ignores Anti-Biowar Breakthrough: NanoBio Corporation stops viruses and bacteria using simple nano-oil cream, nontoxic, cheap to produce
Thanx to and Linda Moulton Howe
Can Flanagan Neurophone Help Rush Limbaugh's Deafness?
Dr. Patrick Flanagan's Neurophone
Official Anthrax Antidote Touted, Simple, Cheap to Produce
Effective Anthrax Antidote: Colloidal Silver (solution/suspension of microscopic silver particles in water)
Look for Robey Colloidal Silver Generator also listed previously (below). Also stops (most or all) other bacteria and viruses. Can be used along with some other antidotes (check with doctor). Once again, a major vital technology ignored for decades by those "powers that be." Comments/critique welcome, but as of the time of this writing, I believe there are very strong reasons to believe that colloidal silver is a real, effective antidote for anthrax and other biowar agents, and should be stockpiled by every household.
Oasis Longevity Signal Formula
Antiaging from the inside out
Read All About It! FDA's Criminal Suppression of Health and Longevity in the USA
Frigidity (also see Viacreme link below)
Oleda Baker's Strongest Anti-Aging Wrinkle Formula
If you are aging check it out! P.S. You are aging.
Viacreme: Female Sex Drive Enhancer: Female "Viagra"
HGH Human Growth Hormone Anti-Aging Therapy
Aspartame, NutraSweet, and Death
Geron and Advanced Cell Technology
HGH (Human Growth Hormone) Releasers: Lysine, Arginine, Ornithine: LEF Study: Longevity
MGN-3 Cancer Cure or TherapyNontoxic. No side effects. Kills 30 percent of all cancer cells in the first hour. In two months, your immune system will be killing 27 times more cancer cells as compared to the rate prior to treatment. Info source: 21st Century Super Cures! Dr. David G. Williams, Alternatives, PO Box 61010, Rockville MD 20859-1010
MGN-3 Cancer Cure or Therapy. Nontoxic.
Hot Superglue Cures 98% of All Cancers?? Verification needed.
Prozac Survivor
No I never took this stuff or any other similar shit. If drugs are not smart they should at least be fun. (UPDATE: Tried generic Prozac for several months, had first reportable car crash in 25 years, now phasing out Prozac, and trying some Provigil for diagnosed narcolepsy.)
Prozac "was associated with more hospitalizations, deaths, or other serious adverse reactions reported to the FDA than any other drug in America." Business Week 3/16/98 p. 14.
I absolutely detest perfectionists. Their behavior anyway... Hey, God is the only nonhypocritical perfectionist, right? Or did I lose ya somewhere along there..?
Life Extension Foundation: New breakthroughs in Anti-aging research
Anti-aging research found via Life Extension Foundation: Prolla
Anti-aging research found via Life Extension Foundation: Weindruch
Effective Virus Cure: Colloidal Silver Kills All Viruses. Robey Colloidal Silver Generators
Also, general info on colloidal silver and how it destroys virus particles on contact. Very informative website, well designed & maintained. Colloidal silver is extremely safe. It is simply ionized silver molecules suspended in water via electrolysis.
Treatment of Hemorrhagic Virus Patients (official U.S. source)
Hemorrhagic Viruses as "The Coming Plague"
Links About Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever
Note: Consult a physician before using any so-called "smart drugs." Some, such as Deaner and Hydergine, may cause psychotic breaks! This link is only for reference purposes. I use DMAE, a natural derivative of fish oil. I recommend only "smart drugs" that are natural and considered 100% safe.
Note: Consult a physician before using any so-called "smart drugs."
Note: This link is for reference purposes only. Consult a physician before using any so-called "smart drugs."
Note: This link is for reference purposes only. Consult a physician before using any so-called "smart drugs."
Interview with Michael Fossel re Telomere Research (anti-aging therapies)
Michael Fossel/ Author, Reversing Human Aging (William Morrow and Company) Clinical Professor of Medicine Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan
Oral Human Growth Hormone Supplement Available
Aspartame/Nutrasweet Cancer Link Claimed
S-Adenosylmethionine (SAMe): An Exciting New Antiaging Therapy
Russian Ebola Cure Posted on Outbreak
Are We Prepared for a Super-Ebola Pandemic Emergency?
Taiwan Infant Deaths: Enterovirus Update July 1998
Mosquitoes Can Transmit the AIDS Virus, Says Government
"CAN MOSQUITOES TRANSMIT AIDS? The government says `YES.' Information in this booklet reveals that: The HIV virus survives for 48 hours in a mosquito and for 72 hours in a bedbug. Experiments have shown that AIDS can be transmitted by mosquitoes. This 43 page booklet entitled Do Insects Transmit AIDS, initially published by the U.S. Congress, is now available only through Rockford Press."
"Guinea pigs can be protected from Ebola virus infection by immunization with plasmids containing the viral genes for either the secreted or transmembrane forms of the viral glycoprotein, GP."
Telomerase: The End of Cancer?
Geron Corporation Investor Info
Geron Corporation and Other Longevity-Related Biotech Companies
Life Extension's Latest News on Geron Corporation and Telomerase: Genetic Engineering for Longevity
Prozac and Alternative Natural Therapies
Prozac: Subway Bomber Who Asserted ProzacŪ Defense Convicted
Prozac et al.: What You Should Know About Psychiatry and Psychiatric Drugs
Hepatitis C Breakthrough
Hepatitis C Protocol (Life Extension Foundation
Dermatique Skin Care Products (Including Scar Treatment)
Flesh-Eating Bacteria Links
Please see Colloidal Silver Information Listed Below on This Page
Flesh-Eating Bacteria: Strep A Necrotizing Fasciitis
National Necrotizing Fasciitis Foundation
Geron Corporation: Telomerase Breakthrough in Life Extension Research
3-Hour Heroin Detox! (No, I never used h, thank goodness.)
Life Extension Foundation's "What's Hot" News for Anti-Aging, Antidepressant, Weight Loss Info, etc.
Dr. Day's Different Cancer Therapy
Hydrazine Sulfate Cancer Treatment
Heroin Detox, Rapid, Effective, Drug-Assisted, Painless
Silica Hydride, Most Powerful Antioxidant Yet Discovered?
Shark Cartilage Treatment for Macular Degeneration
Supplement of Choice for Natural, Safe Leukemia Treatment
Skin Cancer Treatment with Money-Back Guarantee
Grapefruit Seed Extract Antiviral Wonder Supplement
Sambucol Elderberry Extract Stops Viruses
Try Trimethyl Glycine!
Powerful new antiaging supplement, also precursor to SAM-e, the best known natural antidepressant
Dr. Patrick Flanagan's Silica Hydride: Most Powerful Antioxidant Yet Discovered?
Affordable Human Growth Hormone Supplement Reverses Aging Process
Colloidal Silver
If you have a virus or bacterial infection, click here. Robey Colloidal Silver Generator--Make your own colloidal silver for a few cents per ounce.
Full-Spectrum Illumination for Health Ban White Fluorescents!
Dr. Joel D. Wallach
"One of the most powerful antibacterial compounds known" is called Citricidal and is available from Dr. David Williams, Mountain Home Publishing, PO Box 829, Ingram, TX 78025 USA. Tel. 1-800-527-3044.
NutraSweet (aspartame)
A Deadly Health Menace
The Cure for All Diseases by Hulda Clark.
LifePlus Vitamins: Nondrug, Nutritional Treatments for Depression, Obesity, etc.