InforMagnet Inventions and Tech Links
"Remember, nothing that's good works by itself, just to please
you've got to make the damn thing work."
-- Thomas A. Edison
Dewey B. Larson
Understanding space and time as reciprocals of each other leads to a new understanding of physics and possibly simplified methods.
The Final Theory by Mark McCutcheon
Well-reviewed book, more conceptual physics to ponder.
Crackpots Conclusively Proven Correct Again: Tabletop Fusion Verified by Ornery ORNL
Realists trounced
Tabletop Fusion 1968
Ignored of course, the inventor only invented what you are lookin at right now.
Free Energy Magnet Engine from Woodsy Canadian Inventor
All This Crap Is Unnecessary: Tesla's Wireless Power Transmission Method Reexplained in Modern Terms
Tesla arrogantly breaks "ahead of his time" speed limit, callously tramples on "I told ya so" law laid down by pointy-heads, before the "invention" of fire.
Zero Point Energy: Carbon Room Temperature Superconductor or Negative Resistor: Physics Explained
Simple Compressed Air Motor Vehicle
ZevCat Zero Emissions Vehicle. Vastly simpler, more durable, more energy efficient than gasoline, diesel, or electric vehicles. Now in production, superinvestment opportunity ($4,000 minimum investment, pre-IPO). Can compressed air power a vehicle? Well, right now your car is powered by gas pressure. The only difference with the airmotor is that the gas in the airmotor is not exploding; the gas pressure is constant and so the airmotor is specifically designed to utilize this constant nonexploding gas pressure. Recharge is technically no different from filling your tires, but higher pressures are needed: Air pressure tanks now available from Quantum Technologies that will hold 10,000 psi for increased range and higher torque, higher power-to-weight ratio. I believe the present configuration and technology of the Guy Negre Aircar needs considerable improvement. This technology should be supported and developed perhaps by licensing of the technology to major car companies.
New 1958 Invention Obsoletes Standard Electric Engines
Top award-winner Edwin V. Gray dies penniless, unknown, apparently shot to death--his thank-you note from a technocracy of morons. (Gray is Winner of the Inventor of the Year Award, Los Angeles, 1975, presented by then-Governor Ronald Reagan) General Motors tested his engine in 1979, and kept the results top-secret. Gray's engine is fully detailed in his published 1975 patent, quickly shelved by the US Dept. of Energy after a skeptical read-through.
Australian Inventors--Lutec 1000 Now Provides Free Electric Power.
Quoted from Lutec website: "The Lutec 1000 is the first free energy machine to be developed to commercial stage anywhere in the world.
"The Lutec 1000 generator will produce up to 1000 watts of DC electricity twenty four hours a day, every day, which will be stored in a battery bank and then inverted to AC power and connected directly into the home or business.
"The Lutec 1000 draws the power it requires to run itself from the same battery bank. The average house in Cairns, Queensland, uses only fourteen of the twenty four kilowatt hours able to be stored in twenty four hours by this method.
"The batteries will last ten years. The generator is expected to come with a conditional ten year warranty.
"The magnets that are responsible for the generation have an effective life of one thousand three hundred years." --Quoted from Lutec 1000 website located at (found via Electrifying Times website) Need updates, verification, of course.
Ergenics Hy-StorR Electric Battery Is Superefficient
Tilley Foundation Totally Beats Out All Japan and Detroit Electric Autos and All Fuel Cells and Hybrids
Claims: 200 miles range, at up to 100 mph, with no depletion of electric battery charge. Horsepower is way up there too. Light years beyond the "leading edge"! Featured in recent Electrifying Times magazine. Any critics of this project, please write to me with details. So far, it looks very important but I am not able to verify the technology beyond reading the various writeups.
KeelyNet Writeup on Robert Meyers and George Perry Generator Which Purportedly Accesses Free Energy Background of Negative Electrons
You get approximately 3 times the energy out as you put in to rotate the generator plates. So, where do we purchase this device to run at home?? Huh? Or is that too much to ask. Will try to get updates ASAP. Thanx to KeelyNet for nailing this one down to some extent!
Pooh-Poohed No More! Bearden and MEG Receive Full USA Patent Rights
Free energy using "motionless electromagnetic generator." Stick that one in your electric car and Voila! No more oil wars and no more oil pollution and no more fossil fuels and no more Greenhouse Effect. I need update on MEG "yesterday." Jean-Louis Naudin in France is doing some experimental lab work with this device.
Bearden paper, summary background info on his Astounding MEG device
Perpetual motion debunkers humiliated conclusively! Well, it is not perpetual motion per se, you are not getting energy out of a "closed system," just finally using the background zero-point-energy and--Bearden claims--finally recognizing the true physics of the situation! So what the hell, it works don't it!!! (A windmill is not a perpetual motion machine, but once you set it up, it can provide essentially "free" energy because it is not a closed system.)
Portable Evaporative Cooling Units: Cool, Dry Air for $1 per day operating cost
Why not donate one to the InforMagnet team of 1?? Cant think in this heat...
IdeasBank Comes Through with Vacuum Balloon
It's now possible to construct very high-strength, lightweight globes using carbon-fiber tech--so maybe the Vacuum Balloon can finally get off the ground? This would cut the cost of air travel to a fraction of its present cost (by reducing fuel requirements for takeoff and cruising) and also provide easy, inexpensive Vertical Takeoff and Landing for large aircraft.
Also from IdeasBank:
"A patent application for a method of lifting sunken ships by filling them with light flotation devices was refused because a patent examiner (responsible for considering the patent on behalf of the government) had seen a Mickey Mouse cartoon film in which a ship was raised by filling it with table-tennis balls. --quoted from IdeasBank website.
In other words, because the idea was considered "obvious" and generally understood, no patent was allowed for it, and this potentially beneficial method of marine salvage and rescue could not be developed commercially. That's how I understand it--or is the Mickey Mouse Ping-Pong rescue an unworkable idea for some reason? Anyway it is sort of funny to ponder this one!
"The Super FuelMAX is a small device that increases your gas mileage by up to 27.4% and snaps easily over your fuel line - no tools needed. IRD is proud to introduce the new generation of MAX Products -- Super FuelMAX.
"A certified U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) laboratory recently completed tests on the new Super FuelMAX. The results were astounding! Master Service, a subsidiary of Ford Motor Company, also conducted extensive emissions testing and obtained similar, unheard of results. The achievements of the Super FuelMAX is so noteworthy to the environmental community, that Commercial News has featured the Super FuelMAX as their cover story in their June, 2000 edition." --quoted directly from FuelMax website. seeking additional verification
Unitel Aerospace Propulsion Update
Jim Cox: Electromagnetic Propulsion without Ionization (1990 Patent)
Working Antigravity Now: 1960s Dean Drive Revitalized by James E. Cox
Found via Art Bell "Coast to Coast" Radio Show and James E. Cox website. Cox claims he can produce working antigravity backpack devices powered by small engines and simple rotor devices. Human flight achieved without airplanes, wings, helium, or rockets.)
Robert Adams: The Golden Ratio Motor Generator
Infinite free energy? Needs some aggressive investigation.
Roundup of Advanced Technology Being Ignored
What the hell, maybe some of this stuff works!
Remember Los Alamos! Simple, Efficient New CO2-Removing Technology Cleans the Atmosphere
Burn Fossil Fuels All Ya Want!?
Motionless Electromagnetic Generator
New Tom Bearden et al. Patent Is Revolutionary! Any Auto Builders Out There?
Philo T. Farnsworth: First He Invents TV Screen, Then He Patents "Tabletop Fusion" Device in 1968.
Is Inventor Full of Hot Air (bullshit) or Can Hot Air (pressurized air) Prevent Hot Air (greenhouse effect/global warming)? Air Motor vehicle Is Real -- Available Today!
Jules Verne Predicted It, Now Formula One race car designer/builder Guy Negre of France Has Built It. Phenomenal Torque, long-range, penny-per-mile operating cost. 20 percent efficiency, better than gas, oil, or electric engines. Perhaps you didn't get this through your head? Here, read it again: 20 percent efficiency, better than gas, oil, or electric engines. New Quantum Technologies air pressure tanks can hold 10,000 psi (burst-tested to 25,000 psi) so with the new air tanks the Aircar range will be even better. Reserve one today. Pretend you are just filling up your tires...
New EM Space Drive System
Works in atmosphere or in outer space.
Tabletop Fusion Bubbles at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee
Prestigious Science journal will publish. Learn the three known forms of tabletop fusion: Philo T. Farnsworth's patented "Fusor" (Farnsworth is primary inventor of television screen); Pons and Fleischman's patented "Cold Fusion" cell at University of Utah (now disgusted emigres from the USA); and now, ORNL's "Tabletop Fusion." While you're at it, check out the "perpetual motion device" made a few years back by MIT physics contestants.
MIT Plasmatron Makes Combustion Engines Superefficient and Nonpolluting
Similar to Paul Pantone's GEET engine? (plasma)
Most of your electricity is completely and unnecessarily wasted, says Bearden
"The Heaviside component is often 10 trillion times the Poynting component, but is simply wasted in ordinary single-pass energy circuits." --Tom Bearden
The Dipole Is a True Negative Resistor, says Bearden
1988 Paper by Floyd Sweet on His Vacuum Triode or Space Quantum Modulator
Floyd Sweet Vacuum Triode
Originally dubbed the "Space Quantum Modulator" by the inventor. Can it be made to provide dependable power, and can it then be mass produced? Something to keep an eye on. Tom Bearden states that there are many other methods out there to do similar things (e.g., Bearden's MEG device), but to me, the Floyd Sweet device (developed after the work of an earlier inventor) is extremely attractive due to its claimed very high power potential.
You Needed a Perpetual Motion Device
Perpetual Motion for Dummies?
Magnet Motor Breakthrough, 1870s
Howard Johnson's Permanent Magnet Motor
It works. Free energy. Get Used to It. Isn't free energy nice. I am so glad I do not have to pay for free energy. Ahem.
Bedini Shows How Ya Build a Free Energy Generator Using Tesla Early 1900s Breakthrough
Wake up world, 1900 is almost upon us!
Westinghouse Builds Overunity Electronic Device, Then Figures Out a `Workaround' To Neutralize It, Avoid the Free Energy, and Continue Business As Usual
Hard to Believe Really. Are they giving degrees in stupidity or what.
You Live in a Flying House
No more "moving" per se. No more roads. No more parking lots. Zero Pollution. Plenty of space. Less environmental habitat destruction. Frees up wildlife to survive.
You Have Free Energy
French experimenter Jean Louis Naudin has done experiments with Tom Bearden's Motionless Electromagnetic Generator.
You Understand Where the Free Energy Comes From
Tom Bearden explains the functioning of his motionless electromagnetic generator. The energy is not "created" out of nothing; rather it is siphoned out of the infinite energy background of the universe, and used efficiently, and "recycled." This is similar to a windmill or water mill; we don't say that a windmill is a phony "perpetual motion device" creating energy out of nothing, as we can see where the energy comes from and understand it. Same here; there is background universal energy; we use it; we understand where it comes from, and like wind energy it is "free" once we have built the proper generator to tap into the free energy stream. At least this is how I understand Bearden's work so far. Anyway the patent is expected to be granted soon. Tom Bearden claims his MEG is 500% efficient--read his 69 page paper linked here.
Weird crystal device purportedly provides antigravity lift, 1927 USA. Enough details provided to try to replicate the device? Hell, if Beck and Home can float around in their pajamas, why not a hi-tech little crystal antigravity device? Bill Donavan is looking into it more deeply (see above link).
1 Gigawatt Plasma Engine Now Available
French Breakthrough
Nevada's RexResearch Aggressively Obsoletes the Cutting Edge
Do not miss this one! For example: New patented water desalination technique generates electricity while desalinating seawater. Complete plans for 100 gallons per day system.
News-To-You Flash!! New 1964 Technology: New VTOL Aircraft with about 9 Times the Power-to-Weight Ratio of the Fancy New Helicopter!
Seversky does it all with no moving parts. Aircraft may zoom to 60 miles altitude. Highly maneuverable. Immune to small arms fire. Extreme velocity. Silent operation. Power it with microturbines and you are in business. Okay, microturbine has one moving part. PWR is even better with larger models. Can be built as big as a city block. But hey let's start small huh? Replace the Boeing 777 for starters. Dang things.
Electrifying Times Reports Confidential Technologies Superefficient Rotating Transformer
Jasker Power Systems
Scofflaw Irish engineers ruffle the feathers of the Everlasting Know-It-Alls. So who's right?
British Telecom is making a Soul-Catcher computer chip
New Energy
Your Car can run on water using this device without pollution !
Costs: 400 miles = 1 $. ( One US dollar ). Uses water and aluminum wire. That's it. Now, doesn't that make you wanna click this link?? Invented by a guy in UK and found on
Solar Cell Power Doubler
Simple circuit rearrangement nearly doubles the power output from your rooftop solar photovoltaic power cells. Inventor showed this completely verified method to several top solar photovoltaic manufacturers and was COMPLETELY IGNORED. God, dont you just love this stupid country. Big dumb fat and stupid. But thanx to and others, the truth seeps out, a tiny bit at a time.
100% Efficiency with Capstone Self-Powered Boiler
AMI Touts Raymond Lewis's Methanol Fuel Cell
Methanol Fuel Cell Saves the World
Another Genius American Inventor to Ignore (Raymond Lewis). How many times in a row do we have to save the world for people to sit up and take notice, I wonder? "The fuel cell converts more than 34 percent of the theoretical energy in fuel into usable power. This is twice the efficiency of existing gasoline engines, according to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory."
Boron Is a Better Fuel Than Almost Anything--Except Itself
This guy did some homework I'd say!! Check it out. You burn a lump of boronate or whatever it is called, and then, after ya get all done, ya take the ash back to a station and pick up a new lump of boronate. They make the ash back into new fuel. It doesn't suck the oxygen out of the planet so bad as petroleum fuels do. Excuse me I am breathing. Well there's just too many ways to get rid of the ol' firebreathing auto behemoth aint there? Too bad. How about some nonpolluting aircraft and get rid of these godawful roads going everywhere destroying everything and looking like hell.
ECD Ovonics Thin-Film Amorphous Silicon Photovoltaics Beat Out Astropower and others in California Solar Shoot-Out
Finally all these murderous overheated cars and airliners in thousand-acre wasteland parking lots can power themselves.
KeelyNet--Best of the Web for New and Rediscovered Technology
Also great links to other sites exploring new inventions, physics breakthroughs, and astounding technology claims.
Tesla Turbine
Efficiencies of 80-90 percent claimed. Tesla's favorite patented device. Prediction: You'll be seeing more of this fantastically powerful and simple device especially in connection with Capstone Turbine and similar start-up hi tech companies.
New Infrared Space Heater
Superefficient ceramic/infrared/halogen? Might be a good competitor for Pelonis heater.
Tankless Water Heaters, NASA Tech
Save up to 50 percent of your water heating costs.
VTOL Technology, Various Designs
Robert Adams
has designed a free energy machine. This is constructed using simple electromagnets and permanent magnets on a rotor. Astounding claims of up to 690 percent overunity producing electricity. Anyone wanna test and report results here? Positive and/or negative results will be summarized here. I am not convinced one way or the other yet and may test the design myself. I would like to believe it works because it sounds simple and powerful. If it works, why isn't it in wide use? If it doesn't work, let's prove it and move on. Whatever.
James Griggs Hydrosonic Pump Used in New "Hydrodynamics" Technology. Available now for large industrial applications.
Sink your fangs right into this one, it's real.
Breaking News!! Tesla Turbine Stuns World with 1910 Breakthrough!
News Organizations Stun World with Quick Communication of Important News--Takes only about 90 years for brilliant engineers to even notice this thing! Amazing willingness of business and industry to receive new info.
Keep Wasting Money and Energy, or Click Here for Efficient Home Heat
When I hear of something better on the market I will let ya know.
Roundup of Overunity Devices
Embarrassingly, free energy is now available. What will be done about this problem.
Griggs Hydrosonic Pump Available Now
Ignore this please! Move along now... There's a good engineer.
Partial List of Successful Over-Unity and Negative Resistor Devices (Compiled by Tom Bearden)
What is a Primary Energy Beam and Why Should I Care?
Various New Technologies Examined and Defended
Planetary Association for Clean Energy
Superconducting Transistor
Big institutes rip off Fogal transistor?
Project Tesla: Wireless Transmission of Power
"The proposed project would demonstrate a method of energy distribution calculated to be 90-94% efficient. An electrical distribution system, based on this method would eliminate the need for an inefficient, costly, and capital intensive grid of cables, towers, and substations. The system would reduce the cost of electrical energy used by the consumer and rid the landscape of wires, cables, and transmission towers." --Project Tesla
Black Hole Just 1,600 Light Years Away
Bayles on Electrogravitation
Also see paper by Harvey Morgan entitled "Now we can go to the stars," IEEE publication Aerospace and Electronic Systems, January 1998, pages 5-10. Houston do you copy? background links on capacitors
Thanx to Jerry Decker of KeelyNet recent info on capacitors
Thanx to Jerry Decker
Tavrima Supercapacitors
World's "biggest, most powerful" capacitors for efficient electric vehicles
Maxwell Tech "PowerCache" for GM Electric Vehicles
Thanx to
From The Latest on Edwin V. Gray's Superefficient Electric Engine patented in 1975
A mystery wrapped in an enigma...
Is this the "Zetech" which reportedly bought out the Gray device?
John Bedini Demonstrates "Negative Resistance" in Standard Lead-Acid Battery
Detailed explanation by Dr. Tom Bearden
Negative resistance explained by Jim Lesurf at Why worry about "superconductors" if "negative resistance" is just as good? Illustration and Ref.: Thanks to Jim Lesurf (
using TechWriter Pro and HTMLEdit on a StrongARM powered RISCOS machine.
University of St. Andrews, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9SS, Scotland. Reproduced here by permission.
Tesla Bladeless Turbine Is 95% Efficient
No more energy crisis! Eureka!! Convert cars, planes, power plants, what have you.
Dr. Tom Bearden Promotes Dr. Chung's "Negative Resistance"
Dr. Tom Bearden's Roundup of Important New Energy Devices and Discoveries--"Overunity List"
Genius/Charlatan Roundup by Good attempt and much needed.
Sometimes one wonders, is there really any energy anywhere in the universe? Or is the universe just jammed full with a bunch of moronic liars? I prefer to think that yes, there is some energy somewhere out there for us to hook up with. And maybe it's not too damn difficult to harness the stuff. But who knows. One quote I love: "The only way to waste solar energy is to not use it." Look at it this way, if not for free energy, we would be frozen solid right now. That's a good way to start thinking about the whole topic.
Easy Room-Temp Superconductor Pops Up in Croatia
"The Croatian scientists say that current will flow effortlessly through their material, a mixture of lead carbonate and lead and silver oxides, at up to about 30 °C.
"These results are suggestive of a transition to a superconducting state," says Georg Bednorz of the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, who shared the 1987 Nobel physics prize for discovering cuprate superconductors. reveals--Free Electricity and Free Desalination of Seawater in 1969 Patented U.S. Invention
1 Gallon fresh water per day or 100 gallons per day, you decide.
My new MooniversityTM can run on solar power and hydroponic agriculture so let's get started. But first we need the Wallace field propulsion system powered by Randell Mills's BlackLight Power. Compare Dillon-Wagoner "spindizzy" technology chronicled in the late James Blish's SF novel Cities in Flight. It's true, as Dr. Cramer points out, that certain types of physics experiments involving spin, magnetism, etc. will not work for gravitational shielding & control. However, comparing field strengths, it seems likely that gravity may be overcome by some EM or other field manipulations we haven't fully exploited yet. That's what Wallace is claiming in his 1971 invention--he claims to have found a key new approach to aerospace propulsion and has a patent published and filed to back him up. If, as some claim, the Wallace device is unworkable or ineffective, this still does not totally negate the potential for eventual success along these lines.
Technology Insights
Technology consulting
How You Saved California by Changing Your Light Bulb
Soon From Fiat: Smallest Fuel-Cell Auto Carries 4 People
Dump Your SUVs!!
Atomizing Water by Electrolysis
No longer linking to this site, as I have received very convincing negative info about its veracity...
Dr. Deborah Chung Finds Negative Resistor in Fullerene Fiber--Superconducting Filament at Room Temperature
Key paper is probably: Shoukai Wang and D.D.L. Chung, “Apparent Negative Electrical Resistance in Carbon Fiber Composites”, Composites: Part B, 30(6), 579-590 (1999). Dr. Chung and associates have many patents available for licensing. Previously (below) I have linked Bourgoin's patented invention claiming room-temp superconductor in bismuth filaments. Doesn't it strike you as odd that these room temperature superconductor claims are not widely reported? The standard response is that a patent means nothing. So, try and patent your own room-temp superconductor (and report back to me when you've done it). What about reams of advanced scientific publications by Dr. Chung and her associates? Do these also mean nothing? Why is Scientific American (along with most other science journals) ignoring these developments? Is "establishment science" really that stupid?
Increase Gas Engine Torque, MPGs, Engine Life--Rev-Er-Up additive
60 mph, 200 km range, on Pressurized Air.
Back to the Future all over again! Guy Negre of France uses the old air motor idea, perfected with high tech and decades of work experience in automotive industry, Formula One racing, etc. Cleans the air as you drive and use the brakes. Braking repressurizes the air tank. Repressurize at gas station air pump in 2-3 min. for a few pennies. Oh wait, maybe you don't believe it.. Ok then. Keep on polluting till hell freezes over. Maybe this could be improved somehow but the inventor already has plans for a small backup gas engine to repressurize the tank while on the road, thus getting up to 80 or 100 mph. I don't see why this isn't the best thing since sliced silicon. Let's get on it and to hell with fuel cells, hybrid gas/electrics, etc., unless you wanna use em to repressurize this air cleanin car!! How about air cleanin lawnmowers? Lawnmowing is one of the most polluting things people do right now!
KeelyNet touts Lutec 1000 self-running magnetic generator for 1 kw Free Energy Production
By the way, is essential reading--Link to it now! URL:
Liquid Nitrogen Runs Engine Pollution-free, a few pennies per mile operating cost for fuel
Nitrogen is about 87 percent of our atmosphere, it's free, cheap, safe, and nonexplosive. NASA ran Moon Dune Buggy using nitrogen engine, according to
Cold Fusion: Fire from Water (video from Infinite Energy Magazine)
Also get their great book called Excess Heat: Why Cold Fusion Research Prevailed
Permanent Magnet Motor
You can put permanent magnet motors in the wheels, there's your 4WD electric vehicle. Real engineers are looking at this stuff. Right on.
Perpetual Motion Engine
Well it looks nice!! What the hell! According to the inventor/builder, "DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PRINCIPLES:
The Konzen Pulse Motor is a "overunity" (more power out than in) electric DC motor that works on the principle of opposing eletromagnetic coils wired to be repulsing one another in polarity so as to create mechanical power through the spin of the shaft." --quoted from Konzen Pulse Motor website.
Magic Carpet Transport
Yes, a magic carpet is possible and can be woven today! Let's get on the ball here! Why are we zooming around on fossil fuels crapping up the atmosphere for God's sake!
Dean Kamen's home page. "Ginger" aka "IT." As soon as I know more, I'll put info here.
Dr. Jack Sarfatti Theory Paper on Shipov "Vacuum Propellor" (PDF file)
Dr. Ken Shoulders Paper--Free Energy? (PDF file)
Ken Shoulders replicates Hutchison Effect
Nanotechnology Info (found via
Weird Cavitation Effect Engine? Can it work? "Metozor"
Bearden et al. Invent "Free Energy" Device That They Claim Gets 5x Energy Input; Device May Be Upgraded to Get 30x Input Energy or More
This Is a downloadable PDF File found via Coast to Coast AM website at For many decades, Dr. T.E. Bearden has been researching the basis of present-day electromagnetic theory.
Herbal Fuel Source Obsoletes Petroleum Overnight
Now this makes sense. India does it again.
1995 Infinite Energy Editorial on Cold Fusion and Related Tech
Improvements in VMSK for Wireless
This spot will be devoted to the highest-miles-per-gallon vehicle currently available to purchase on the U.S. market as a standard production vehicle.
Space Quanta Research
For the prototyping prospects list?
Hy-StoreTM Battery is superefficient
New Ultrasonic Spark Plug Saves 1/5 of Your Gasoline--Stick This in a Hybrid!
Patented EVGray Engine Needs to Be Developed and Marketed As Soon As Possible
Plans for Bizarre New Technologies
Water Explosion Triggered by Ultrasonics: Ray Gun?
Hole reported blasted through ceiling and roof of lab using simply water and ultrasonic frequency generator (thus verifying Keely's discoveries in the 1800s).
Refrigeration and Heating Using Compressed Air (Hilsch)
"In Hilsch's hands, proper selection of the air fraction f (~ .33) and an input pressure of a few atmospheres gave rise to an amazing output of 200 C at the hot end and -50 C at the cold end[2]. Hilsch, who was the one to coin the term Wirbelrohr, used the tube in place of an ammonia pre-cooling apparatus in a machine to liquefy air." --found on Bill Beatty's Weird Science website.
Affordable Electric Cars: $.015 per mile operating cost
Wallace Kinemassic Drive Improved
Water for Fuel--any way to make this efficient?
Zero Maintenance Thermoacoustic Engine Has No Moving Parts
Ready for development now.
High tech can even make sane electrical resistance heaters!
Moller International Skycar: Now for a New Engine...
Primitive But Hey.. Aircar Tech by Moshier
Advanced Technology For the 21st Century and Beyond
(© Mark Porringa, 1999) "Welcome to my web page on ADVANCED ENERGY AND PROPULSION research. I am gradually posting information regarding the Engineering of the Zero Point Field of Quantum Mechanics which a small but growing number of scientific heretics like myself are discovering underpins every aspect of our material reality and then some. At this site you will find revolutionary, yet simple theories dealing with Nuclear Fusion/Fission, Gravity, Inertia, Matter, Electromagnetics and so forth. Based on my informal research over the past few years, I believe we are on the verge of a quantum leap in science and technology unparalleled in human history, based in a revived theory of the Aether/Ether of classical physics. RELATIVITY with all its crazy constraints and paradoxes is pronounced DEAD."
"Faraday's Final Riddle: Does the Field Rotate with the Magnet?" by A. G. Kelly
The Institution of Engineers of Ireland
Water to Fuel: A Working Car Fuel System Using Electrolysis. Run Your Car on Water Now
Vortex Propulsion: 50% Increase in Fuel Efficiency of Jet Turbines Using Vortex Physics
"Brilliant Mad Scientist" Mark Bean (found via Art Bell website)
Antigravity in the Laboratory
80% gravity reduction claimed, using electrically charged weights in a laboratory. Any labs willing to try replicating these results? Or is this of no importance? Verification/refutation needed ASAP. Please contact me if bona fide test results are achieved independently. Email: Jay Dillon at:
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
BlackLight Power
Randell Mills's Major New Hydrogen Energy to replace all fossil fuels, backed by Ronald Reagan's former energy secretary. Zero pollutants from engine. No greenhouse effect. Technology is based on Mills's major breakthrough physics work entitled "The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Quantum Mechanics."
Energy Device Inventor Dr. Albert de Vree is reported to have committed suicide in 1998. Anyone with information regarding his life and work, and any available details of his invention claims, please write to me at
Byron Wine's Energy Information
200 to 400 MPG possible using combined energy efficient technologies? Energy problem or political problem?
New Supercompact, Efficient Electric Engine Revolutionizes the Electric Motor Industry
David Deak's Ultrasonic Inventions, Theory
MIT-Lemelson Center for Invention
NewsFlash: Dixxonn Corporation (Airmotor Conversions) Reportedly Bought Out by "Hardiman Enterprises Worldwide." Anyone with info on where to buy stock in the new company that will power normal car engines by compressed air?
Weird Construction Projects for Hobbyists, Tinkerers
Faster-Than-Light Scalar Radio Transmitter Claimed
"In contrast to the common Hertzian transverse vector waves, scalar waves travel, or rather materialize at the receiving end, at superluminal velocities. Scalar waves
also quite effectively penetrate through objects, such as a Faraday Shield, which would stop an ordinary electromagnetic (Hertzian type) wave." --Jean Naudin
Basic Caduceus Coil Construction Technique
A German engineer has patented a "Gyroscope Combustion Motor." More info soon.
INE Ratings System for New Fringe Work
John Searl's Free Energy and Antigravity Engine: Is This True or What?
Free Energy Motor, 1979: Johnson Permanent Magnet Motor, U.S. Patent #4151431
Quaternion Physics (Doug Sweetser)
Harold Aspden Writing on Gravitation
Click blackboard to get to Jean Naudin's Antigravity Lab. Photo shows T. Townsend Brown's drawing of a flying saucer design from Adamski, a very early UFO experiencer. Blackboard at Bahnson Laboratory.
David Cowlishaw's Gyroscopic Inertial Thruster
Invention Secrecy in the United States
World Spacedrives Development Organization
Existing Antigravity Patents List
Shirt-Button Turbines Under Development
Goldstein and Associates: Inventors' Consultants
Reactionless Drive Prototype with Theory
Info for Financiers of Reactionless Drive Technology (for Spacecraft propulsion)
Investors Looking for Business Proposals, New Inventions, etc.
Heat Pipe with Mercury: Antigravity Force Field Claimed. Verification needed.
Matter Waves: "Now that you know something about physics, it's time for a curve ball."
Henry William Wallace's Antigravity "Kinemassic" Field Generator
Henry Wallace's Patents: Still Need Link to Full Text
Antigravity News and Space Drive Technology Subscribe!
Does Antimatter Fall Up or Down?
Farrow Antigravity
"Reduction of Weight Using a Hertzian Wave Generator" in 1911
Henry W. Wallace, US Patent 3,626,605 (14 pages). "Method and Apparatus for Generating a Secondary Gravitational Force
Field." Antigravity patent filed Nov. 4, 1968, granted Dec. 14, 1971. Back-engineered from Roswell? Or is this a nonworking "crank" invention? Comments welcome.
"Einstein-synchronisation of Clock-Stations Challenged," by A.G. Kelly
Physicist Jack Sarfatti Comments on Philip Corso's Back Engineered Alien Technology
American Computer Company's Transcapacitor
Further TransCap Development (ACC)
Antigravity News and Space Drive Technology
Finsrud Perpetual Motion Machine Update (via KeelyNet)
Air Motor: A Car That Runs on Compressed Air at 96% Efficiency (via KeelyNet)
Airmotor Conversions by Dixxonn Corporation
Self-Regenerating High-Efficiency Power Supply for Automobiles Claimed
AGD Antigravity Gyroscopic Device (via KeelyNet)
First Discoverer of "Brown's" Gas (1966 Patent) Weighs In
Hal Puthoff Interviews Possible Roswell Crash Witness (1993)
Electrogravitics Technology Is "Antigravity"
World Future Society, Boston Chapter--Great Linx!
World Future Society Muller Magnetic Dynamo Innovative and Simple Magnetic Brake Demonstrates Electromagnetic Principles Water Conversion to Hydrogen and Oxygen with New (Improved) Welding Method Invest in Radical New Technology with Horizon Tech Russian Conference Announcement: Electrostatic Accelerators Croatia-- New Energy Device: Water Power-Ratio Amplifying Engine! Messer - The Israel Idea Promotion Center Scalar EM Beams: Asteroid Stoppers? Spinning Ball of Light Forms Crop Circles Thanx to Jean-Louis Naudin for Publicizing: Gyroscopic Energy Generator Patented (1996) Vortex Energy as Applied to Hydroelectric Generators Conference on Electrostatic Accelerators (Obninsk, Russia) Jean-Louis Naudin Replicates T.Townsend Brown Electrogravitics Device (Fully Illustrated) Jean-Louis Naudin's Investigations into T.Townsend Brown's Electrogravitics Technology Lorentz Force Analyzed New Engine Burns Carbon!?? INE's Critical Review of ZPE, FE, and Over-Unity Experiments and Devices Stefan Marinov Defends Sievers' Becocraft Company Against Charges of Fraud Where Electrical Science Went Wrong (DePalma) Joe Champion Heads Low-Energy Nuclear Transmutation Project McKie's Patent for "PODMOD" Energy Generator Hi-Mileage SuperCarburetors Ready for Production Now! Power from Autoelectronic Emissions Abstracts of Correas' U.S. Patents Harold Aspden Claims One-Watt Overunity for Paulo Correa and Alexandra Correa's Device U.S. Office of Energy Intelligence Recognizes Successful Cold Fusion by Clean Energy Technologies Griggs Hydrosonic Pump Oct. 21 (Reuters): Hybrid Electric BREAKTHROUGH! Newest Hybrid Electric Vehicles Direct Magnetic Energy Conversion
"The Muller Dynamo is virtually lossless, produces very little heat and opposing electromagnetic forces (back emf) which normally increases the required torque (energy) to generate electrical current. It can be fabricated with only 25% of the material of conventional motor/generators at substantially less cost."
Old Low-Tech Made Spankin' New!
Loophole Found in Newtonian Physics for Operation of "Overunity" Devices
Paul Pantone Knocks Your Sox Off!
"After a thoroughgoing critique and examination of his data [Dr. Robert] Kincheloe [Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University] concludes: 'DePalma may have been right in that there is indeed a situation here whereby energy is being obtained from a previously unknown and unexplained source. This is a conclusion that most scientists and engineers would reject out of hand as being a violation of accepted laws of physics, and if true has incredible implications.'"
Excerpts from Correas' Theoretical Work (EDITED EXCERPTS FROM "ADVANCED COMMUNICATION ON A NEW POWER TECHNOLOGY", LABOFEX DEVELOPMENT REPORT S3-001) By P.N.Correa, MSc, PhD, and A.N. Correa, HBA; Labofex Experimental and Applied Plasma Physics, Ontario, Canada
"The Hydrosonic Pump of James Griggs may produce 10% to 50% excess power as steam or hot water-in the kilowatt range, from a metal cylinder rotating in ordinary water in a confined chamber. This is remarkable enough, and has already been confirmed to have reduced the electric heating bills in some US installations. But Dr. Yuri S. Potapov's devices input several
kilowatts of electricity into a centrifugal water pump that feeds the device and gets out reportedly 400% to 1,000% excess power in hot water!" Infinite Energy Magazine Ref.: Dr. Yuri S. Potapov, YUSMAR, 277012 Kishinev, Moldova, Soviet Union. TEL 011-3732-233318; FAX 011-3732-233318.
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