Augusta, ME
May 2/3/2009 - Maine Mineralogical and Geological Society at the USM gym
10-5 Sat. 10-5 Sun
Portland, ME.
July 11/12/2009 - Oxford County Mineral and Gem Show at the Telstar High School at 284 Walkers Mills Road, Bethel, Maine
Sat. 9AM - 5PM, Sun. 10AM - 4PM
Bethel, ME.
FMI contact Dennis Brown (207)647-2154 or Hugh Chapman(207)836-2987
Aug 1/2/2009 -Water-Oaks Gem and Mineral show at the Mt. Merci school gym
Sat. 10 AM. - 5 PM./ Sun 10 AM.-4 PM.
Waterville, ME
Sept. 5/6/2009 - Kennebec Rocks & Mineral Club at the National Guard Armory, Western Ave.
Augusta, ME.
Penobscot Mineral and Lapidary Club
at Brewer Auditorium, Wilson Street, Brewer, ME.
Sat 10AM.-6PM. Sun. 10AM.-4PM.
Admission price $1.00 childern under 12 free
FmI cantact Donna at 207-947-6200
For more information or questions.