ANTI-GRAVITY FIELDS Einstein's Unified Field Theory first published (completed 1925-27) then withdrew. There are interrelationships among 3 basic universal forces: Electromagnetic, Gravitational, and Nuclear. J or psi particles suggest a 4th "weak" universal force which could be related to gravity in the same way electricity is related to magnetism. This would have to incorporate Light, Radio waves, Pure magnetism, X-rays, and even matter itself into it's final equations. Einstein complained he did not have enough mathematics to complete the task. (but may have done so later) Maybe Gravity is not a force, but an observable property of "space-time" itself. What we know as substance or "matter" is in reality only a local phenomenon exhibited by areas of extreme field-energy concentration. Einstein chose to view matter as a product of energy rather than the reverse. Since it is demonstratable that electricity can be readily obtained from a magnetic field (generator) and that magnetic fields can be easily derived from electrical ones (electromagnet) then it logically follows that if gravity is related to these, it should be possible to obtain (or nullify) a gravitational field through some sort of interaction with either one, or both, of the other two. Two years before his death (death was 1955) Einstein announced highly convincing results in his quest to find a mathematical proof to the connection between forces of electromagnetism and gravity. A pure gravitational field can exist without an electromagnetic field, but a pure electromagnetic field cannot exist without an accompanying gravitational field. A highly charged electrical condenser exhibits motion toward it's positive pole! Dielectric (absorbs without passing to neighboring materials) fed slowly and at low potential. Fly under it's own power (emitting hum and bluish glow) 50 Kilovolts/ 50 watts-- 17ft per second, 12 miles per hour. (Several hundred MPH with 100 - 200 Kilovolts) With 100 Kilovolts, gain or lose about 1% of it's weight, depending on polarity. Einstein Worked for the U.S. Government & Navy. Worked with government on the Philadelphia Experiment. Einstein pursued trying to obtain order from chaos. Top secret study to generate "gravitational rays" using laser technology-- use rays to transmit intelligence from one point to another.