This page contains links to
all of the BSA's most important documents; all except for the BSA
charter, that is, which was destroyed in the great battle with
Slimal (pronounced slime-al). We all miss it, but we cannot draft
another version, as will be clearly explained later on in the
"Declaration of Defiance," or so we tell you (bwa-ha-ha). Now on to bigger and better things. One word of
warning before we go on: "The Last Will and Testament of
Hemobloatkin the Algae Wizard" and both conversations
contain extremely explicit language. Younger BSA members are
strongly advised not to read them.
Conversation 1
Conversation 2
BSA Advertistment
Last Will and Testament
BSA Pamphlet
Tuesday Time
Declaration of Defiance
(Conversation 1 is between The Know-Nothinger and The Head
(Conversation 2 is between The Arch Whino, The
Head Brigadoon, and Pyro Potato"e" about the beginnings of this site)