Manny's Airport
Scenery Area.Hello and Welcome. Here are my first detailed sceneries of Ecuador. They were desined back in the 90's for FS95/98. Since FS 2000 and above improved their sceneries I do not recomend using these files with those programs. Alas since the newer sims allready have very good default sceneries I am no longer producing any new scenery.
Here is a picture of my first scenery,(Another can be seen as the background of my homepage) it pictures Quito facing to the Southeast. To download it click on the picture. It includes scenery for the general Quito area along with the area of Ibarra.
Here is a picture of my second scenery. It features a Saeta 727 landing at Guayaquil. The picture iiself is facing to the Northeast. You can see the main city area along with with major land marks. Follow the instructiones included precisely in order to avoid conflicts between the default scenry..
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