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I thought it might be a good idea to update this again. 4/20/98
My name is Kristin, but on the net i'm commonly known as bella-boop. I started chatting in Yahoo!chat just over a year ago. That's how i became addicted (yes i'm over the denial phase). I don't go in Yahoo! often, but you can reach me through ICQ. My UIN is 1082224.
Someone affectionately named Landon introduced me to the idea of a homepage. I have to admit the first go around my background was bright red *blush*. Through countless hours of therapy I've worked past that.
I have many intrests, some of which aren't interesting enough to mention. My two largest intrests would have to be my computer and running. I try to run at least a couple miles a day.
Now for a physical description. I'm about 5'6.5" and 113lbs(it varies). My hair is long, golden brown, and naturally curly. My eyes are a hard to describe, but we'll call them green. click here for pictures
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