Accurate Information, Support, Guidance
THE NEW LETTING LAWS - Did your Community tell YOU what's going on?
TAXES - It not much, so pay it - Don't let the big fines add up.
COMMUNITY FEES - Do you think you are paying too much.
PRICE WATCH - Current Holiday and Long Let prices.
The New Letting Laws
They were a disaster in mainland Spain, they have been
rejected by Gran Canaria.
You DO NOT HAVE TO vote for an Exploiter for your complex!
Apartment owners have been told by various parties with vested
interests 'You cannot rent your apartment privately after July 1st
1997'. 'To rent your apartment, you must rent it through me' etc, etc.
THIS IS RUBBISH, examples of mis-information designed to coerce
owners into voting for a particular 'Sole Exploiter'.
ACCORDING TO THE EEC Exploiters are for 'Retailing' your property.
In a letter answering an Owner's request for clear information, the
Spanish Representative to the EEC, Sr Manuel Medina Ortega says
Non-exploited complexes will be 'deemed residential' and as such
'there is no room for the Authorities to intervene'. Owners 'may
lease' their apartment to 'family and friends' and 'friends of family'
THE NEW LAWS - Why and when they are they needed?
The new laws are designed to stop owners from Retailing their
apartments 'on the open market' (for example by Advertising by paper,
Teletext, of via Tour Operators and Travel Agents). If you are
'Retailing' your apartment, the Laws make sense. As a retailed
holiday product, your apartment must meet internationally agreed
standards for Safety, Quality and Consumer Protection.
THE NEW LAWS - How will they work?
Well, once it's in place, the tourist authorities will have
exactly what all beaurocratic organisations seek - effective control
and a simple mechanism to excercise it with. Note that -
a) By allowing only one 'Sole Exploiter' for each complex, the
Tourist Authority (TA) need only communicate it's directives to a
limited number of people.
b) Once established, history and experience tell us that there will
be a constant issue of rules and 'guidelines' to the exploiter.
c) The Taxing and Control of Tourism will certainly follow the
pattern as the rest of Europe - More taxes, More Control.
WHO PAYS for the new 'minimum' standards the Exploiter must provide.
Well, I think we can safely presume that in most instances, the
starting directives will typically involve 'small' items such as
further Fire Extinguishers, Disabled ramps, vast areas requiring
non-slip resurfacing - quickly followed by extra Cleaners and
other staff, and so on. I bet we can also presume that in most
cases, the Exploiter will endeavour to pass these on directly
to the Community, paid for, via increases in Community fees, by
the Owner.
Are we against Exploitation ? - If it exploits the Owner - YES
Exploitation of the Owner
- Excessive noise levels. For some people, 'holiday' means
coming back to the apartment at 4am, as loudly as possible,
stoned, passing on their best swearwords, then passing out, for
14 consecutive nights. Have you ever stayed on a really
'Exploited' complex? I have, and I rent properties to people who
pay high rents, just to get away from it.
- Bad Behaviour. The commonest form of trouble. Yet, it is
one of the most impossible problems to handle, without further
escalation and trouble. Sure, good security helps - bit it costs
and it gets a tad like living in a police state.
- Damage to property. We all suffer this in normal times, but
are you prepared to pay fr the sort of damage that occurs on a
really busy, exploited complex,
NO - I'm going to take a lot of convincing that voting for
exploitation is good for me, the owner. All I can see is massive
increases in running costs. Erosion of my properties value.
By the time the modernised tax system sifts the Exploiters
accounts and allocates your tax liability - I suspect that many
will not believe how poor their return is on their £50K-£100K
property investment.
There seems to be a host of good long term reasons why you should
resist allowing your complex to become exploited. There seem to
be very few good reasons for wanting a Exploitation company,
making it's own profits at the expense Owners, who are simply
subsidising many of their commercial operating costs.
Taxes for NON-RESIDENT and NON--LETTING Property Owners
You will need to pay your annual Income Tax & Wealth Tax on
Form 214.
For Income tax, you need to know -
- Municipality Rates Update: Which Municipality is your
property in, (eg, Adeje, San Miquel etc) and has the Rateable
Value been updated (eg, San Miguel updated theirs in 1994)
- Property Value: as written in the Escritura - For our example 6,000,000 ptas
- Rateable Value: - for our example, an Updated value of 5,000,000 ptas
- Tax Rate: This is currently 25%
- Taxable Fraction: of Rateable Value: Currently 2% or 1.1%
(If your Rates were recently updated, then 1.2% else use 2%)
The Calculation is
(Rateable Value) x (Taxable Fraction) x (Tax Rate)
Example where your Rates have been Updated (use the the 1.1% fraction)
5,000,000 x 0.011 x 0.25 = 13,750 ptas
Example your Rates have Not been updated, (using the 2% fraction)
5,000,000 x 0.02 x 0.25 = 25,000 ptas
Taxes for NON-RESIDENT and LETTING Property Owners
You need to pay Income Tax & Wealth Tax on Form 210
This page is still Under Construction.
Taxes for RESIDENT, NON LETTING Property Owners
Under Construction
Taxes for RESIDENT and LETTING Property Owners
Under Construction
Community Fees
Are your community fees excessive ? Tell me. eMail me with
what vital information you would like to see. We would be pleased to
here from YOU.
Just a few current 'self-catering' prices to keep you
informed, obviously a price range is given, as prices vary
considerably with quality and location of apartment
Holiday Lets
- Studio - Lo season £165 to £185 - Hi Season £185 to £235 (Based on 2 people)
- 1 Bed - Lo season £220 to £280 - Hi season £265 to £350 (Based on 4 people)
- 2 Bed - Lo season £300 to £390 - Hi season £385 to £450 (Based on 6 people)
Long Lets (Typically 6 month or 1yr Contract, Ptas per Month)
- Studio - 60,000 to 75,000 Plus Elec, Water, Community Fees
- 1 Bed - 70,000 to 80,000 Plus Elec, Water, Community Fees
- 2 Bed - 90,000 to 110,000 Plus Elec, Water, Community Fees
- 3 Bed - 140,000 to 160,000 Plus Elec, Water, Community Fees
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