Pilko - 12/24/00 20:01:25
My Email:pilki@wolf-web.com
How did you find this page?: exite search
Did you like it?: good
Hello er. I'm a comic artis and and drafting a comic about american astronauts trying to save their space staion by alot of russian terrorist cosmonauts. In my story they are using the old gear because it looks better. The russians are using the Kretchit suit and MOL suit for there launch/entry suit and the Americans are using their apollo launch/entry suit with their basic EVA suit the use today. Well...
I'm after some more images of the Mol suit and maybe some close-ups if you have any...and do you possibly have the kretchit DM suit while in use either in a Neutral bouyancy lab or something Thanks....Love the site and like the old pressure suit..
say.. do you have that one that was scrapt because it went rigid when pressurized? nasty.
well thanks again
PS. could you send any aditional pictures to my E-mail address I know its more work for you but you would be helping me alot.. Tar pal
ron - 12/11/00 16:49:47
My Email:ronmcg9@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: by link
Did you like it?: great
Keep up your good work.
michael - 12/01/00 15:29:45
My Email:michaelfarranlee@yahoo.com
I'm really into collecting and wearing high altitude pressure suits and helmets. I own several, and really enjoy being enclosed by the tight suits and helmets when pressurised.
The Rememberful Heresiarch of Uqbar - 11/09/00 14:05:37
My Email:heresiarch_of_uqbar@uole.com
Did you like it?: A further comment
The old '40s suit is the B.F.Goodrich XH-5 designed by Russell Cooley during WWWII - a milestone in pressure suit concept, featuring the "tomatoworm" convolute joints. Both suits are the same model - made in different sizes to fit to all members of a B-17
crew (tailgunners used to be "voluntarized" among the smaller available recruits).
The Rememberful Heresiarch of Uqbar - 11/09/00 13:58:31
My Email:heresiarch_of_uqbar@uole.com
How did you find this page?: searching for "spaces." and "pressure s."
Did you like it?: A lot
Great site and stuff - Would you like to visit a Yahoo Club - "Women Wearing Spacesuits" -? We should like you'd become a member. And there are lots of pic and info to share.
ANDREW WHITTLE - 10/25/00 19:35:09
How did you find this page?: BY FREESERVE SEARCH
Did you like it?: YES
Jennifer - 10/10/00 14:08:54
My Email:galaxyxplorer@aol.com
How did you find this page?: metacrawler.com
i'm signing your guest book since you asked nicely!!
aimee - 09/24/00 05:28:02
My URL:http://imahrmmmnevermind.com
My Email:crayon_au@hotmail.com
Did you like it?: err its ok
go the site lol
yeah its ok
LeatherGryphon - 08/28/00 01:08:54
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va/leathergryphon
My Email:Lgryphon@erols.com
How did you find this page?: browsing
Did you like it?: yes
Dean Sproull - 08/05/00 04:29:27
My Email:deansproull@netscape.net
How did you find this page?: Webring
Did you like it?: Yep
- 07/30/00 21:13:01
My Email:glhbooks@cs.com
How did you find this page?: by chance
Did you like it?: not very complete/has mistakes
I have a book that is soon to be published (this year I hope) by the American Astronautical Society (univelt Publishers) on the engineering of Advanced EVA Space Suits. The title of the book is: "The Origins and Technology of the Advanced Extravehicular s
ace suit." It is the result of 11 years of research, and my own engineering research while working with an Aerospace firm. The book has eight chapters; two of which cover Russian EVA technology. It is the first book in the West to cover the engineering a
pect of Russian EVA equipment. After seeing the shallow, misinformation about space suits on the Web, and in libraries, there is an obvious need for the publication.
mark plas - 07/16/00 21:20:36
My Email:m.plas@wxs.nl
How did you find this page?: search'apollo-spacesuit'
Did you like it?: yeah
nice site,
I read somewere that the apollo eva gloves where put over the black pressure gloves is this true i think not
Gloria Cook - 07/15/00 15:44:13
My Email:gjcook@pagosa.net
How did you find this page?: search on "space suit"
Did you like it?: Yes
Rubbermaskman - 06/11/00 10:57:41
My Email:chwheeldon@yahoo.co.uk
How did you find this page?: I was searching for it
Did you like it?: Yes
This is a fab area of interest
steve - 06/04/00 13:41:32
My Email:sstepak@excite.com
How did you find this page?: search on "spacesuits"
Did you like it?: sure
its true...the internet has a homepage on anything!
well....good for you!
Tammy I. - 05/20/00 23:53:02
How did you find this page?: Excite.com
Did you like it?: Yes, very helpful
Jason Berger is a fag - 05/02/00 02:59:40
My URL:faget.com
Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag,Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag,Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag,Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag, Jason
Berger is a fag,Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag,Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag,Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag,Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger
is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag,Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag,Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag,Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag,Jason Berger is a f
g, Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag,Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag,Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag,Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag,Jas
n Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag,Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag, Jason Berger is a fag,
Andrew - 04/29/00 15:20:34
How did you find this page?: Through Alta Vista
Did you like it?: Yeh
I think this is a really interesting material.Great work
Bengt Andersson - 04/01/00 15:11:02
My Email:bengtandersson@telia.com
How did you find this page?: by seeking the net
Did you like it?: yes I do
Don - 03/30/00 03:27:12
My Email:NJDBD@aol.Com
How did you find this page?: from a link from the lure
Did you like it?: yes
alacona - 03/28/00 18:37:59
My Email:alacona@infinity.net
How did you find this page?: Yahoo
Did you like it?: yes
aimee - 03/28/00 08:09:35
How did you find this page?: excite search engine
Did you like it?: yeah
this page is interesting and tells alot of cool stuff about spacesuits
Im not telling you - 03/27/00 02:19:08
My URL:http://urnuts.com
My Email:loonybin@Graylands.com
How did you find this page?: Im a astronaut!!!!!!!
Did you like it?: i start fires
im a botle of juice and if you knock me all my juice will spill
aaron - 03/27/00 01:54:09
How did you find this page?: looking for gay sites.
your gay. i rooted your mother
kodie - 03/27/00 01:51:24
How did you find this page?: fluke
Did you like it?: no
it's very poor and you suc. bye , your gay.
Subai - 03/27/00 01:39:13
My URL:http://www.YouSuck.com
My Email:youwould@really.like.toknow
How did you find this page?: I don't Know
Did you like it?: Of course not, it was absolutely at the bottom rungs of the 'spacesuit' search, mainly because it is NEW
Capt Quirk - 03/19/00 03:07:45
How did you find this page?: Metacrawler search
Did you like it?: dunno just started
Mark Sanderson - 03/11/00 21:08:14
My Email:ms130767@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Alta Vista.
Did you like it?: Yes.
Being interested in the US space program, this page was a welcome find.
Mark Sanderson - 03/11/00 21:06:49
My Email:ms130767@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Alta Vista.
rachael jones - 03/10/00 21:35:53
Moe - 03/10/00 07:57:18
My Email:mam@uci.edu
How did you find this page?: Dunno followed a link from a link from a link...
Did you like it?: YEAH!
Oops forgot to type message. This page is awsome. Even though I was looking for info on positive pressure suits(the ones for pathogen/disease research).
amber - 03/07/00 22:47:53
My Email:misanthropite@coldmail.com
How did you find this page?: researching
Did you like it?: yeah
i am trying to do an argumentation paper about whether NASA actually had men on the moon or if it was all a hoax and some issues about spacesuits caem up so *typetypetype* whamo there this page was.
Bowie Fan - 03/05/00 16:49:40
My Email:Wouldn't you like to know
How did you find this page?: I used my search engine
Did you like it?: Yup
The sign my guest book scared me, but your site has helped me with my project, so I'm happy. Now there's more sights on space suits...
mark - 03/05/00 09:03:20
My Email:dkn@belgacom.net
How did you find this page?: good!
Did you like it?: yes!
FRANCES STRINGER - 02/27/00 17:18:18
My Email:fran_stringer@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: yahoo search engines
Did you like it?: yes
some very good visuals.
Leo - 02/25/00 10:13:01
Did you like it?: yes
P.S. how about a bibliography?
slutpuppy69 - 02/25/00 03:09:33
How did you find this page?: altavista
Did you like it?: yes
i'm doing aproject about spacesuits and this really helped me.
Joe Lawson - 02/19/00 16:36:44
My Email:jlawson@ix.netcom.com
How did you find this page?: Browsing the net looking for"spacesuit"
Did you like it?: excellent
My interests are also spacesuits. I'm looking for more info about the newer EMUs such as the Ames Research AX-5 and the "M-Suit" ('M' for moon and Mars). Also,I'm researching an older suit design named the RX-5. Litton Corporation made it in 1968.
Jason Benson - 02/17/00 08:24:42
How did you find this page?: looked for "pressure suit" on hotbot
Did you like it?: I'm on page one, and I already like your style.
Hey, I'm a scifi fan, a space program fan, an astro physics fan, I dig space suits. I came here looking for valuable data on suits to use in a roleplaying game I'm running. When it comes to gear I'm a stickler for details, besides you never know what kind
shit your players will pull so you have to know the capabilities of all their gear. Disregard the above if you have no interest in roleplaying.
besides that I just love knowledge, especially the useless sort. Now I feel their's nothing useless about suits but I'm not an astronaut and the data won't even do me good on jepordy (mabey "Win Ben Stein's Money") So all that said, premo site dude.
Vincent Y.K.Yeo - 02/16/00 20:57:32
My Email:vyeov@netscape.net
How did you find this page?: thru links
Did you like it?: fantastic
Yes, thank you for the fantastic page you've put up.I have been surfing the net for a while now for such pics and notes, but not able to find one that was satisfying until now.Great work there!
Well for years I thought I was mentally insane that I had a weird desire to be in a suit of some kind, now I understand, thanks to those brave people who took the time and effort to set up a page like this.
Anyway all this would just be a dream for me, none of these space or undersea suits are anywhere near where I'm staying, which is Malaysia.
Once again, great work, compliments to you.
Best of luck on more goodies!
Lonnie Burns - 02/09/00 17:00:58
My Email:lburns41@bellsouth.net
How did you find this page?: excite
Volker - 02/04/00 21:52:28
My Email:wetbiker@gmx.de
How did you find this page?: by a friend
Did you like it?: a lot
Would like to get into contact with a likeminded guy
Nic Birse - 02/02/00 16:16:03
My Email:zah95b2nicholas@arbroathhigh.angus.sch.uk
How did you find this page?: Yahoo "Spacesuits"
Did you like it?: Yeah
I am really interested in Pressure suits, particuarly those used by the sr-71a pilots
Where could i buy one the same or anything similair ?
Your help would really be appreciated
Nic Birse - 02/02/00 16:14:48
My Email:zah95b2nicholas@arbroathhigh.angus.sch.uk
How did you find this page?: Yahoo "Spacesuits"
Nic Birse - 02/02/00 16:09:33
My Email:zah95b2nicholas@arbroathhigh.angus.sch.uk
How did you find this page?: yahoo
Did you like it?: Yes
Brilliant !!
Dan - 02/01/00 12:20:43
My Email:reeffish@catskill.net
How did you find this page?: surfing
Did you like it?: yes
I am lookin to purchase an Aquala dry suit the older style new or used.
phil macnutt - 01/28/00 05:19:21
My Email:macnutt@texas.net
How did you find this page?: alta vista search on "pressure suit"
Did you like it?: still looking...
I have a soviet partial pressure suit, known to them as a "karka" or "skeleton". I believe it is similar to usa mc3. I do high altitude balloning.
do you have a picture of the karka? if not, I can send you one.
ashley - 01/18/00 22:06:18
My Email:wildncrazy_15@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: doing a school project
Did you like it?: sure
Gary - 01/18/00 19:18:14
My Email:websurfer07@webtv.net
How did you find this page?: link from encapsul8
Pressure suits fascinate me. Would like to get in to a pressure suit for a few hours . Even a heavy dive suit would be great to try on even if only above the water .
Doug Hopkins - 01/08/00 07:26:09
My Email:www.doug@rimshotfeatures.com
How did you find this page?: was browsing for info on vintage pressure suits
Did you like it?: yes!
I share your fascination with the incredible feeling of being in any type of pressurized apparel. The idea of being engulfed in your own personally controlled atmosphere is a wonderful thing.
cave - 01/04/00 18:00:19
My Email:cave@telekabel.nl
david - 01/04/00 06:03:43
My Email:jcorbin@toast.net
How did you find this page?: altavista
Did you like it?: yes
Iam interested in rebreathers and diving as well as spacesuits since they both support life under inimical conditions.Iam particularly interested in the life support systems,both the backpack and the on board life support as wellas the ring seals used at
he wrist and neck of the suits.
Bloody Viking - 12/27/99 03:07:52
My URL:http://www.wwa.com/~nospam/
My Email:nospam@ripco.com
How did you find this page?: With a search engine
Did you like it?: Yes
I found this page amusing. I always had an
interest in space stuff. A possible improvement
to this page would be to feature Russian space
suits. Information about these will likely be
hard to find though.
shelby - 12/17/99 23:45:53
How did you find this page?: Yahoo
Did you like it?: Yeah
Dennis Nishida - 12/13/99 01:11:45
My Email:dnishida@uswest.net
How did you find this page?: browsing
Did you like it?: haven't seen it yet
- 12/03/99 21:42:27
O. Lautner - 11/28/99 18:56:08
My Email:ottoLautner@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: Link
Did you like it?: Yes!
I didn't know that anyone was interested in this
particular type of suit as I am
spacecaddett - 11/12/99 22:07:56
My Email:ourhous1@digital.net
How did you find this page?: brousing
Did you like it?: I LOVE IT
I love this web site. If anyone is interested in Russian spacesuits and pressuresuits check out a book called "The Soviet Manned Space Program" by Phillip Clark. Its great!
spacecaddett - 11/12/99 22:01:41
My Email:ourhous1@digital.net
How did you find this page?: brousing
Did you like it?: loved it
This is a great website. If anyone wants a book
geo chaddick - 11/11/99 20:43:35
My Email:ourhous1@digital.net
How did you find this page?: just by browsing
Did you like it?: are you kidding i love it
yahoo and i thought i was the only one who was facinated...no enthrold by spacesuits and pressure suits!I LOVE IT ANDWILL VISIT OFTEN1
su-hyun Kim - 11/10/99 06:59:59
My Email:perdita@hanmail.net
How did you find this page?: through the yahoo..
Did you like it?: i'd like say "yes" but i'm afraid i can't ..
your home page is very useful to me^^*
i'm preparing my report now^^*
thanx a lot ^^*
Hai Trinh - 11/09/99 23:46:45
My Email:haitrinh@hotmail.com
Ed - 11/03/99 21:31:31
My Email:eddy@aulis.freeserve.co.uk
How did you find this page?: ncapsul8
Did you like it?: Yes - v.good
I always wanted to be a pilot but had to wear glasses. I've been fascinated by all high-altitude flying kit since I was a teenager and have owned assorted helmets and suits over the years. Currently have a russian VKK-6M partial pressure suit with a compl
te GSh-4AA helmet set, and a regular flight helmet with a couple of O2 masks. Great wearing the stuff from time to time. Sources of gear: Aerojumbles, contacts, and I'm told Flea markets in Moscow/St Petersburg often have lots of assorted russian kit at a
azing prices if you can get the stuff home from Russia! I like your site - at last a place where we can see some comments from other interested guys and maybe make a contact or two.
Glenn Penn - 11/02/99 20:54:03
My Email:penng@avsales.com
How did you find this page?: scanning
Did you like it?: yes
I was interested if you knew anyone that might have one of the hard suits. I ahve always been integued with them.
- 11/01/99 19:57:28
My Email:mikep@xiotech.com
How did you find this page?: yahoo
Did you like it?: ...
I'm trying to find what the partial pressure a space shuttle EVA suit runs at....
bruce chambers - 10/28/99 01:45:53
How did you find this page?: link from ssuitmeup's site
Did you like it?: interesting
into gear stuff-had tought about pressure suits, but no resources to track them down-nice to there's one.
Richard Cook - 10/22/99 19:23:22
Now that I've read most of your Gemini info I'll say that there are a few mistakes. I helped design and develope the Gemini suits in October of 1962
Richard Cook - 10/22/99 19:23:08
Now that I've read most of your Gemini info I'll say that there are a few mistakes. I helped design and develope the Gemini suits in October of 1962
Jesse Sloan - 10/16/99 02:36:09
My Email:jes-bren@prodigy.net
How did you find this page?: searching for info on newtsuits
Did you like it?: I'll have to take a look first
e-mail me with any info on newtsuits, otherwise known as hardsuits, you refer to them as "drager"
I am particularily interested in the design of the joints in this suits
- 10/15/99 15:39:42
Mike Eckardt - 10/05/99 19:40:02
My URL:/ResearchTriangle/Forum/6825/index.html
My Email:meckardt@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: Surfing CapeCanaveral Web Ring
Did you like it?: Looks interesting
As you said, this isn't a topic that is discussed a lot. Definitely some needed information here!
Randy - 10/03/99 23:01:04
My Email:VaLthrMan@aol,com
Bret W Treat - 09/28/99 16:21:58
My Email:Breed@angelfire.com
How did you find this page?: altavista search
Did you like it?: Yes
I'm into astromony and cosmology, but enjoy anything about space.
Michael P. Delaney - 09/25/99 15:42:44
My Email:MPD1958@Webtv.net
How did you find this page?: Yahoo! search
Did you like it?: YES!!
I've been interested in space and spacesuits since I was 10, and read Heinlin's Have Space-Suit, Will Travel. I'm now 40, and a lawyer, but still love space-related things. Great job on your page!
Mike McDonnell - 09/25/99 04:39:22
My Email:Mike2boot@aol.com
How did you find this page?: ncapsul8 link
Did you like it?: Yes
Philip - 09/24/99 03:48:24
My Email:maxmag@sdcoe.k12.ca.us
How did you find this page?: looking fo suits
Did you like it?: yes
Where would a civilian go to get a space suit for
a resurch project? can you borrow them since they
belong to the tax payers? or can they be bought, purchased,leased? this is very important,for that
I dont know who else to turn to.not a whole lot of money here......
David Mather - 09/21/99 20:47:41
My Email:david@citycom.co.uk
How did you find this page?: from a collector friend
Did you like it?: Not bad!
Some nice new pix of the A7L that I hadn't seen before - refreshing after the same old shots you see in every book. I collect Apollo space suit bits - currently only have pressure helmet and one moon boot,and a Russian SOKOL space suit but working on it!
ever seen any really good info on the visor assembly - did you know it is made from bright orange plastic? Keep up the good work and if you ever come across any bits you don't want, think of me! All the best David.
John Telek - 09/19/99 09:41:40
My URL:http://www.cybertech.net.au
My Email:johnt@cybertech.net.au
How did you find this page?: Search altavista
Did you like it?: yep
blake wetdream - 09/15/99 17:30:34
My Email:wetblake@nettv.net
CLARISSA LYNN - 09/12/99 22:24:27
How did you find this page?: BROWSING
Did you like it?: YES
Cargo Bay Emblems - 09/11/99 02:01:46
My URL:http://www.cargobayemblems.com
My Email:cargobayem@aol.com
How did you find this page?: searching space info
Did you like it?: VERY MUCH
And I thought I carried everything in the space collecting department. Who'd have thought? A space suit. I like it!
Doug - 08/10/99 05:28:41
My Email:using a friends
How did you find this page?: by accident
Did you like it?: loved it
I found this an excellent site. I collect Flight suits/helmets, NBC gear/masks, diving gear/ff masks, helmets etc. Although I havn't got any pressure suits I'd love to get some. You provide excellent information. Keep up the good work.
Tim Berger - 07/15/99 03:44:56
My URL:http://www.f-tech.net/~berger
My Email:berger@f-tech.net
How did you find this page?: AltaVista search
Did you like it?: Yeah, it was okay.
Nifty idea. Looking for a real cheap full pressure suit. Doesn't matter what kind or anything - just has to be airtight and movable.
diverboy - 06/24/99 19:52:38
My Email:diverboy@online.be
How did you find this page?: just loking
Did you like it?: yes
I also like spacesuits but i'm living in belgium so it is difficult to find these suits.
GRaham Tickle - 06/20/99 17:58:01
My Email:graham@bert61.freeserve.co.uk
How did you find this page?: Using a search engine
Did you like it?: excellent
Looking for pressure suits as in radiation protection, I work in the nuclear industry.
kip - 06/20/99 12:27:18
My Email:kip636@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: altavista
Did you like it?: lots
In search of fabrics used in spacesuit construction, wonder if you might have any relevant information. Thanks for a well structured look at (out of this) world of garments, look forwards to hearing from you!
Mike - 06/20/99 03:33:24
My Email:Mike2boot@aol.com
How did you find this page?: ncapsul8 link
diverboy - 06/12/99 18:58:21
My URL:http://mitglied.tripod.de/HGC/index.html
My Email:dimitrios27@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: ncapsul8
Did you like it?: :-)))
Excellent page... some information or pics on
Russian spacesuits would also be nice
ray duvall - 06/11/99 20:49:13
My Email:purplemasked
How did you find this page?: suitme up site
Did you like it?: yes
hot thats all I can say !!!
Ron Noteborn - 06/09/99 10:36:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Cockpit/1556/space.html
Sorry! Made a mistake in my URL!
Ron Noteborn - 06/09/99 10:31:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Cockpit/space.html
My Email:rnoteborn@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: Cape Canaveral Webring
Did you like it?: Sure I did!
Cool this page about spacesuits! Did they really submerge a person for 36 hours hours in a water tank!? Check out my page about Apollo Guidance and Control!
Gavin Street - 06/06/99 13:35:07
My Email:gavin.street@tate.org.uk
How did you find this page?: Alta Vista
Did you like it?: Yes
Underwater Stuntman - 06/02/99 00:40:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pipeline/5578
My Email:pepina@netc.net
How did you find this page?: coincidence
Did you like it?: Indeed
Thanks for sharing your knowledge of pressure suits. I do a fair bit of scuba diving so I am not unfamiliar with the environments.
Des Price - 05/10/99 01:12:37
My Email:desp@clear.net.nz
How did you find this page?: Great
Did you like it?: yes
Am very interested inpressurised flight suits, helmet and bootswith parachute harness.
Would like to experience this.
- 05/07/99 11:55:16
How did you find this page?: surfin', dude
Did you like it?: :-)
Jon Nash - 05/07/99 01:35:58
My Email:jnash5@juno.com
How did you find this page?: self search
Did you like it?: very informative
I am looking for detailed info on the various spacesuits and pressure suits used in our programs. I am going to attempt to make replicas to fit 12" action figures.
Marko Helin - 05/06/99 10:28:47
My URL:/CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/9023
My Email:markohelin@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: Just surfin
Did you like it?: yes, nice..
Check out my homepage and send some comments, please:)!!
Marko Helin - 05/06/99 10:28:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/9023
My Email:markohelin@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: Just surfin
Did you like it?: yes, nice..
Check out my homepage and send some comments, please:)!!
Marko Helin - 05/06/99 10:27:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/9023
My Email:markohelin@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: Just surfin
Did you like it?: yes, nice..
Check out my homepage and send some comments, please:)!!
steve - 05/02/99 12:48:41
How did you find this page?: looking specifically
thank you for website. I was looking to purchase a pressure suit for an idea i've got.Would it be possible for you to give a price estimation on a later update of your website. Thank you
Steve C - 04/28/99 22:52:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Zone/9331/
My Email:steve--c@geocities.com
How did you find this page?: AltaVista: +"spacesuits" You're #1!
Did you like it?: Bien sur!
Adding some temperature/pressure information (what I searched for, first) might help. I have several links under the "Hard Science" Section on my page (and I'd like to add yours).
For those interested in RPG (Roleplaying Game) aspects of suits, my site might be fun (and you can own your own suit, in the _2300 AD_ universe)!
I found your site while researching information for making new suits for this harder-science RPG. "suitshop.htm" should be up in May, 1999, with seven different types (for the game).
For those more interested in "real life", "nasasuit.htm" lists some info on the shuttle's EMU suit, which was all garnered from more official, modern-day sources. It answers a lot of questions on that particular suit.
For those wanting a (non-working) suit of their own, check out this site, for $5,600 - $7,200! http://www.globaleffects.com/
All are invvited to my site for RPG suits, as well!
Jamie Gordon - 04/28/99 22:36:00
My Email:riverlilly@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: chance
Did you like it?: yes
brad - 04/27/99 03:42:50
My Email:btp.megsinet.net
How did you find this page?: surfing
Did you like it?: yes
Tony Basaranowicz - 04/25/99 10:13:06
My URL:http://www.universallogic.com.au
My Email:tb@universallogic.com.au
How did you find this page?: Alta-Vista
Did you like it?: You bet!
Some comprehensive descriptions and great photos (I've got some of the Apollo suit images from JSC). I'm in the process of building my own replica of the A7L and could use any advice on how I can build (or obtain) the intravehicular helmet. Blowing the
ubble from plastic is not an easy process! If you've got any information that might be useful, I'd appreciate it.
Thanks and nice job on the web pages!
Tony Basaranowicz
John Kittelsrud - 04/20/99 05:10:22
My URL:http://www.primenet.com/~johnkit
My Email:johnkit@bigfoot.com
How did you find this page?: Altavista search , "spacesuit +photo"
Did you like it?: Yes, very much.
I found your site while looking for research material on space suits. I amd building a costume prop for a local TV show that I work for. You page has been most helpful. Do you have any close ups of the helmet and wrist locks?
Craig Littler - 03/23/99 04:03:01
My Email:crlittler@aol.com
How did you find this page?: www.gearfetish.com
Did you like it?: Very much
I can't believe this is out there! Where did you
get those suits? Wish to find out as much as possible. Finally, I'm not alone!!
rubcad - 03/21/99 22:22:02
My Email:rubcad58@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: links on encapsl8
Did you like it?: yes!
Ted - 03/19/99 06:00:46
My Email:tmjr@frontiernet.net
How did you find this page?: Link from encapsul8's site
Did you like it?: Extremely!
We share an interest in pressure and diving suits. Do you own any pressure suits?
I've been fascinated with "space suits" since I was a kid (not sure why) but immobilization and protection against extremes might have something to do with it.
Keep in touch and let's compare notes.
Wm.Smith - 03/11/99 16:52:38
My Email:Poleclimber1994@Yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: Informative
Did you like it?: Yes
- 03/07/99 07:37:08
Hayley M. Forshaw. - 03/06/99 22:12:42
My URL:http://www.goecities.com/cgi-bin/homestead/ans_entry
My Email:hayley@phoenix.net
How did you find this page?: I looked for it on the Internet.
Did you like it?: Yes, I did.
Why don't you send me a few of your spacesuits for spacewalks and planetary exploration, why I'd like one.
Greg - 03/02/99 23:54:21
My Email:gplatt@wizdum.com
How did you find this page?: searching geocities
Very interesting. I've been collecting books (only have two now) on spacesuits, and have been interested in life support technology for a long time.
Christopher Gilman - 02/27/99 23:22:45
My URL:http://www.globaleffects.com
My Email:chris@globaleffects.com
How did you find this page?: search
Did you like it?: YES Keep it up!
Its nice to see someone interested enough to put together a page like this. You might like to go to www.globaleffects.com/nasasuit.html
it has photos of a prototype mockup suit we designed for the EVA office at JSC. I contacted the EVA office in Dec/98 when I became aware of their need for an improved suit concept. We produced a suit to better fit the 5th percentile size range. Our suit d
sign also gives the astronaut a better feild of view. (175 degrees vertical) A better scye bearing arrangement and still using the current LTA, DCM, and PLSS. We built this mockup in only 4 weeks!
king ku - 02/26/99 02:39:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Bunker/1547
My Email:kinkyklub@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: I new it existed all along
Did you like it?: YES , of course , this one's a winner
I have got a few questions , why do the trainees' spacesuits in the water immersion facility have extra cords attached to them ? just see the pictures , there are 2 cables I am interested in , one big one attached to the backpack and one smaller one attac
ed to the front that is too short for the wearer to remove his spacesuit easily . I need to know what those 2 cables do . For the pictures , follow the links if they don't appear .
A verry nice site i like space-suits a lot
afcource in Belgium you can not find suits
Robin - 02/01/99 20:32:03
My Email:shortst102@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Geocites search
Did you like it?: yes
I am trying to find out info. for a little boys school project and can't seem to find exactly what he needs, which is: at what temperature will space suits protect the astronauts? thanks!Robin
SPACE SUITS ONLINE - 01/31/99 16:54:45
My URL:http://www.farhills.org/s/lees
Nice web page.
David Sander - 01/27/99 10:05:32
My Email:david_sander@beyond.com.au
How did you find this page?: newsgroup
Did you like it?: Awesome!
It's excellent seeing someone do a page such as this. I was in the process of putting together something similar myself, but I am unsure as to how detailed to go.
I have a replica A7L-B (Ap 15, 16, 17, SL-2, 3, 4) which is too much fun. Yes, the suits are heavy, cumbersome, stiff and unwieldly, but man, when you're in it, well... how do you put it into words? Awesome!
I have been buidling mine over the last three years, and it has cost me a small fortune. Making one is certainly cheaper than buying one from NASA (who don't sell them, even if you offer the correct price of about US$10million), but a viable alternative f
r yourself might be to give Global Effects a call. They're in Hollywood, CA., and made the suits for HBO's "Earth to the Moon". They rent suits out, and the detail is quite excellent. They made the neck-ring, wrist connector rings, Lunar Boot soles and PG
Helmet for my suit, and the quality and workmanship is superb. They have a website at www.golabeleffects.com, which has everything, including some neat pics.
I've also had help from Air-Lock Inc, the company who actually made all the real suit connectors. They kindly supplied me with some drawings of the gas connectors.
For myself, I'm still trying to find pics on the OPS Actuating lever. This one is a real doozy to find any info on. It was made by Hamilton Standard, who made the PLSS/OPS (backpack) and the RCU, and connected to the OPS via a cable starting from the righ
side of the RCU. I only have one not so good photo (this is one really complicated bit of hardware!) from the Lunar Surface Journal website. Any closeup photos or dimensioned schematics would be greatly appreciated!
Aside from niggly details like that, please drop me a line for anything you feel you might need. I have molds for the PLSS casing, and the LEVVA (A7L-B version), a small supply of Beta-cloth, molds for the PGA gloves (made for my hands), the drawings from
Air-Lock Inc. and a sufficiency of photos of suits during missions from all sorts of angles.
Once again, excellent site!
Safuan - 01/22/99 09:55:14
My Email:safuan_msnky@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: Surfing
Did you like it?: Yes
Safuan - 01/22/99 09:54:29
My Email:safuan_msnky@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: Surfing
Did you like it?: Yes
Heather Madgwick - 01/20/99 20:53:33
How did you find this page?: metacrawler
Did you like it?: yep
Fons Oerlemans - 01/20/99 10:37:24
My Email:fons.oerlemans@skynet.be
How did you find this page?: Looking for information because I need a pressure suit!
Did you like it?: Excelent
See you later!!
Prof. Dr. Ulli Lotzmann - 12/30/98 20:40:30
My Email:: lotzmann@post.med.uni-marburg.de
Did you like it?: Great and helpful
Hello !
Do you have an idea, where I could purchase 1 or
2 m2 of Beta cloth for private use ?
Thanks a lot
Ulli Lotzmann
brock - 12/29/98 17:17:12
My Email:Bfrede@email.msn.com
How did you find this page?: Aquala boy
Did you like it?: wonderful
more pics of early pressure suits. some can be found through the Air and Space museum. More info on day to day life in a space suit. otherwise, keep up the good work
Samuel Rabitskin - 12/25/98 20:13:53
My Email:rabitskin@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: very fine
Did you like it?: yes
Do you know where it's possible to wear a space suit. I stay in canada
Aaron Brown - 12/17/98 03:30:33
My Email:abrown@interplay.com
How did you find this page?: Luck
Did you like it?: yes
Probably one of the best pages I've ever visited;
I've been into pressure suits since I was 3--
in particular the apollo moon suits.
It's great to find some rare development photos!
Where do you find your information?
Kid Kaboom - 12/15/98 22:17:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kidkaboom
My Email:kidkaboom@geocities
How did you find this page?: surfing
Did you like it?: yes
I like it!! wait, I LOVE IT... its soooo original...
- 12/10/98 10:35:12
Forrest Ulibarri - 12/03/98 10:55:21
My Email:forrestu@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: search
Did you like it?: yes
How can I obtain a spacesuit (new or used)?
charles palmer - 12/01/98 13:43:04
My Email:c.j.palmer2"student.derby.ac.uk
How did you find this page?: research
Did you like it?: yes
I am producing a spacesuit web page of my own, although it will tackle the info in a broader manner, rather than specific information on models of spacesuits.
Anyway, exelent sit, keep up the good work
dan cooney - 11/19/98 22:44:19
My URL:http://www.scaled.com
My Email:cooney@scaled.com
How did you find this page?: alta vista "pressure suits"
Did you like it?: yes -- helpful
we might use pressure suits to test our new Proteus aircraft to 55,000+ ft.
John A. - 11/18/98 09:36:55
My Email:draftwiz@bellsouth.net
How did you find this page?: Link from Ncapsul8
Did you like it?: Great Site!
Really interesting! I was a kid growing up in Florida in the 1960's. A MAJOR space cadet. Had (and have) a big-time thing for space suits. Those photos in National Geographic of Alan Shepard suiting-up really got me going! As did the guy you showed float
ng in the two-week emersion test.
What an incredible sensation that must be!!!
Hank Black - 11/16/98 02:17:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Heights/4406/
My Email:hank_b@pacbell.net
How did you find this page?: good question!
Did you like it?: liked it
Parts of your site look kinda familiar, but it's good stuff! Did you know there are some great public domain spacesuit pictures at NASA?
keep flyin!
Roger Chan - 11/15/98 14:22:25
My Email:scuba@hongkong.com
How did you find this page?: Spacesuit
Did you like it?: YES VERY MUCH
Roger Chan - 11/15/98 14:21:52
My Email:scuba@hongkong.com
How did you find this page?: Spacesuit
Did you like it?: YES VERY MUCH
- 11/07/98 06:05:38
My Email:drysuiter@aol.com
How did you find this page?: friend
Did you like it?: yes
I am very interested in any kind of partial pressure suits, total containment situations with breathing apparatus. As a professional diver, I have always dreamed of being an astronaut. Thanks for the education on dry suits, it was informational to so m
ny who don't understand the principles. Always looking for new photos too.
Corneille - 11/06/98 18:15:28
How did you find this page?: This is the fourth time I'm here!
Did you like it?: Yes !
Great site, keep up th effort and try to include some recent shuttle launch & entry suit pictures!
Vittorio - 11/04/98 00:50:17
My Email:vittorio_p@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: Link
Did you like it?: Yes, very mutch.
This page is wanderfull. You know alot of stuff on space and pressurized suits. I would like to dress one of this sut as you did.
Let me asck you something. where did you find the two swits that you own?
Compliments again, wanderfull site!
Nigel Gee - 11/01/98 18:50:06
My Email:n.gee@easynet.co.uk
How did you find this page?: link from NCAPSUL8
Did you like it?: yep.
good to see page devoted just to these suits, my particular interest is high altitude flight gear, breathing apparatus, military air/sea rescue suits and diving dry suits. Dont own any high altitude gear but am desperate too, as well as trying it out. Do
wn RAF rescue suits and several dry suits, Avon and Viking.
Tactilesns - 11/01/98 02:12:25
My Email:Tactilesns@aol.com
Decided to drop another note after reading some of the other entries. I agree that This great site could be even better if you let a little more of your personality shine through. For example, what experiences have you had in suits, when and how did you
realize that this was important to you?
I'm a "generalist" which is to say, I enjoy just about every aspect of "superskins": leather, rubber, restricted movement and so on. I would like to hear from others who like to look at the world from the inside. Thanks for a great site. Keep up the g
od work.
tactilsns - 11/01/98 01:53:26
How did you find this page?: link from ncpsul8
Did you like it?: yes
great stuff. Who wouldn't want to be on the inside looking out? Do you own any suits? If so, you should showcase them. One of the few failings of Star Trek was that they could bypass all that gearing up by using the transporter! No need to apologize
or the diving suits. After all, undersea is "inner space." And the early pressure suits were direct descendants of the underwater suits.
- 11/01/98 01:29:39
Greg P - 10/24/98 06:24:48
My Email:FootballEV@AOL.com
How did you find this page?: www.gearfetish.com
Did you like it?: YES
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
I very much enjoyed your page. I've been fascinated with pressure suits and flight suits ever since Mercury, when the school day would stop and we'd be allowed to watch TV and see John Glenn get strapped into that tiny capsule while wearing that strange,
hiny, tight, self-contained suit. I want to tell you that I'd be right behind you in line to volunteer for those long-term [2 week!] experiments testing the effects of wearing these suits. Great pix. Thanks very much. I just picked up Lillian Kozloski's "
.S Space Gear; Outfitting the Astronaut" [Smithsonian Press]. I'm sure you know it, but it's great reading and viewing. Glad to meet you. It's a wonderful page.
Co-Pilot Mike - 10/23/98 17:04:42
My Email:RBRFTBL69@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Ssuitmeup
Did you like it?: HOT
great site guy~!! would give ya almost anything to suit me up in one of your suits...anybody else out there into suiting up in flightgear, get hold of me~!! 2 WOOFS up!
Northwind - 10/19/98 09:16:58
My Email:nrthwnd@rocketmail.com
How did you find this page?: Interesting
Did you like it?: Of a sort...
i 'browsed' thru your site via NCAPSUL8's listings. honestly, i am more into RUBBER and
diving suits than pressure suits and the like. and i enjoy a RUBBERLOOK - hey, that's what gets me off! but there IS a need, i know, for what YOU want...so power to ya!
Meaghan Eby - 10/18/98 22:46:04
My Email:meby@ryerson.ca
How did you find this page?: wicked info and pictures
Did you like it?: for sure.
I'm using this for my fashion design course. It
really helped me with the project.
Scott - 10/17/98 13:24:18
My Email:PBoxCar@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Lees
Did you like it?: yes
klxdude - 10/17/98 04:12:54
My Email:bulin1@sprintmail.com
How did you find this page?: ncapsul8
Did you like it?: i loved it
Erick Villafuerte Jaramillo - 10/17/98 03:18:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Trailer/3511/
My Email:erickdanilo@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: In Geocities, por casualidad
Did you like it?: Play soccer and games
It's your page
Sigue así
Visit me please
And sign my guestbook
john richardson - 10/16/98 01:18:33
My Email:johnrich@iamit.com
How did you find this page?: by accident
Did you like it?: yes !
My iterest is simply from a fetish point of view.
I find the various suits, well -- interesting! Hopeing one day to buy a g uit if I can find one small enough for me-67" tall and 133lbs, Anyway thanks for having a page that I can enjoy. take care - JOHN
Norge - 10/14/98 21:40:34
My Email:norge@inetworld.net
How did you find this page?: link througha gear site
Did you like it?: like, TOTALLY!
A fantastic page! If I could have done it, and had thought to do it, I would have. I remember staring at the suits I had seen at JPL. I've had an interest in such things since I was little. I have no idea why. I've taken an interest in other things since
was a kid and can't explain why. If you wanna know what, just ask.
Gail Raning - 10/11/98 16:16:49
How did you find this page?: Net Search
Did you like it?: Yes!!!!
I liked your site
Gail Raning - 10/11/98 16:10:13
How did you find this page?: Net Search
Did you like it?: Yes!!!!
I liked your site were did you get the pitchures
Ian Nunn - 10/10/98 06:09:23
My Email:inunn@ozemail.com.au
How did you find this page?: through ncapsul8's site
Did you like it?: yes,yes,yes!!!!!
Do you own any of this sort of gear?, if so how about sending a photo?
Bob - 10/06/98 03:47:25
My Email:FrogmanBob@aol.com
How did you find this page?: linked from NCapsul8
Did you like it?: Oh yeah!
Pro diver here, in lower Alabama. I spend a lot of time in drysuits, and I like your inclusion of them in your site.
Chiarman Wang - 10/06/98 00:46:44
My Email:ChiarmanWang@fast.net
How did you find this page?: Search
Did you like it?: not bad
Like the pictures. should have more info on evolution of the spacesuits
Dave MacFarland - 10/04/98 22:57:20
My Email:dmac309@ksu.edu
How did you find this page?: I can't remember now
Did you like it?: Yes!
You're right, somebody needed to do a page like this. I look for information about pressure suits and space suits because I began collecting them over a decade ago. I own a Navy MK IV full pressure suit and helmet, and an Air Force MC-4 partial pressure
suit and hood (but not the outer helmet). I may have some pictures of pressure suits that you haven't seen. One of the best collections in the country (and it's well-displayed) is at the Kansas Cosmosphere in Huthinson, Kansas, about 2 hours from where
Wisit - 10/03/98 13:21:36
My Email:WisitR@EK-CHOR.th.com
How did you find this page?: Link from ncapsul8
Did you like it?: Let me see first.
amanda smith - 10/01/98 13:12:50
My Email:usmgr@aol.com
How did you find this page?: search engine
Did you like it?: yes
John Richardson - 10/01/98 08:20:01
My Email:johnrich@iamit.com
How did you find this page?: linked from 'Rubber fetish page
Did you like it?: You bet !!
Great page - I was hoping to find some info on G-suits. The lace up ones with the tubes that inflate. I did have a G helmet once - Somehow it just got 'lost' Would love to find a small sized G suit - could be worn over rubber I reckon. Thanks for making a
interesting few pages, Take care - JOHN
Tom - 10/01/98 00:29:35
My Email:dctom@moon.jic.com
How did you find this page?: Alta Vista
Did you like it?: Yes- Very much
I take that back- I did a more extensive search and found plenty of very good detailed pics. Ever seen the book "Suiting up For Space?"
Keep up the good work.
JBoydDIVER - 09/27/98 23:47:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/yosemite/rapids/3435
My Email:JBoydDIVER@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Tom from DC
Did you like it?: Yup
Nice site -- and thanks for the link to my dive club page. If your viewers want to try out diving suits, we have "working equipment rallies" Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends in Pennsylvania. I'll swap you a MkV dive for a spacesuit suit-up! :)
Tom - 09/27/98 23:16:30
My Email:dctom@moon.jic.com
How did you find this page?: AltaVista
Did you like it?: Yes
Interesting site- needs more pics, though.
Steve Brittain - 09/26/98 09:57:17
My URL:http://www.stevebrittain.clara.net
My Email:stevebrittain@clara.net
How did you find this page?: Yahoo
Did you like it?: Yes
How about info on other pressure/partial pressure suits from other countries (or is that being worked on?)
Brian C. Paznadi - 09/25/98 03:08:16
How did you find this page?: Via Altavista
Did you like it?: Very much! A rare find!
How about some details on the Portable Life
Support System? How exactly were the spacesuits
cooled? The very thin atmosphere of the moon
would be a poor dissipator of heat generated
inside the suits. That heat has to go somewhere
or else the suit would turn into a sauna.
How long could you work in the lunar
environment wearing these suits?
John - 09/17/98 16:15:40
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~jmarshal/spstatn.htm
How did you find this page?: from alta vista
Did you like it?: yes
For some unusual space suits, check out the URL
Arnaud - 09/11/98 19:45:18
My Email:unbernet@club-internet.fr
How did you find this page?: I was looking for "space suits" on alta vista
Did you like it?: yes
Perhaps your page would be more interesting if it was a bit more personal. Who are you? Do you collect space suits or just info? Are you a student? What started your passion? etc...
Thanks for the page.
kootex - 09/09/98 13:20:58
My Email:kinkyklub@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: by rummaging through all the avenues
Did you like it?: yes
your page is a bit too bland .
also , what do the spacemen do if they need to go to the loo while they are out there .
also , are why are there no space wear that is attached by an umbilical cable to a planet roving buggy ? ( like in superman 2 ) ???
Darren Erickson - 09/04/98 17:41:57
My Email:erick152@tc.umn.edu
How did you find this page?: web search
Did you like it?: great!
Very nice stuff. Some good minor details such as how to don a Gemini suit. Look forward to seeing the site grow.
Tom Dodd - 08/27/98 16:18:43
My Email:twdodd@dallas.net
How did you find this page?: HotBot
Did you like it?: Yes
Nice series of pages. There is another site (whose URL escapes me) called Space Suites Online. It has links to various suit manufacturers and effects houses (i.e., Global Effects - did suits for "Apollo 11")
Dmitriy - 08/26/98 10:35:46
My URL:http://video.uni.udm.ru/users/dema
My Email:dema@uni.udm.ru
How did you find this page?: very interesting page
Did you like it?: Yes
What do you know about russian pressure suit?
- 08/23/98 03:33:44
Kara's Dynamic Sex - 08/14/98 04:13:32
My URL:http://www.dynamicsex.com/
I showed up here from somewhere, I am not quite sure. Interesting page! There is an area on my web page that might be able to get you more visitors. Goto http://www.dynamicsex.com sometime and tell me what you think!
Dennis Smith - 08/14/98 03:59:11
My Email:dennisjsmith@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: Tour of Geocities
Did you like it?: So far so good
corneille - 08/12/98 19:40:52
My Email:ph.corneille@skynet.be
How did you find this page?: alta vista
Did you like it?: yes
I'm searching some books specialized on spacesuits, for now I only have kozloski US Space gear do You know of some others ? Regards from Belgium...