These are some photographs of the total solar eclipse on August 11, 1999, taken near Rastatt, Germany. Unfortunately the weather was very cloudy, especially the 2 minutes at totality.
The following are photographs of projected images of the partially eclipsed sun from a 2.5-inch (6-cm) refractor telescope.
The telescope set-up. The image of the sun is projected on a plate below the telescope. This meant that several people could take pictures, even with simple cameras. The size of the image is much larger than directly through the camera lens. Here the projected solar image is being videoed. Using this method, there is absolutely no danger of eye injuries. |
The sun before the eclipse. . |
Just after first contact. 11:21 Central European Summertime |
The sun at 11:44 Central European Summertime |
The sun at 11:55 Central European Summertime |
The sun at 12:18 Central European Summertime |
We were completely clouded in at totality. We could not see the Earth's shadow but it became as dark as a very dark night. Students measured a drop in light of a factor of 1000. The temperature dropped 7°C. |
The sun at 12:43 Central European Summertime |
The sun at 12:55 Central European Summertime |
The sun at 12:57 Central European Summertime |
The sun at 13:21 Central European Summertime |
Here are some pictures of the group we went with. They are from Emil-Fischer-Gymnasium, Euskirchen, Germany where our son Rory is in Grade 13. A math teacher, Herr Simon Oswald, made all the arrangements and planned the various experiments with the students.
Waiting for the bus at the busstop in Euskirchen. . |
In the bus on the way to Rastatt on August 10. The trip there took about 4 hours - only 1 small traffic jam. |
This is what the sky looked like before the eclipse, but we hoped it would improve. |
This is where we were staying. . |
The groups preparing for the eclipse indoors. |
Last minute reading up on solar eclipses. |
Indoor preparations of equipment to measure changes in temperature and light during the eclipse. |
Making temperature and light measurements outdoors before the eclipse. |
Calculating the area of the sun covered by the moon at a partial phase of the eclipse. |
Seeing how Stonehenge in Southern England can be used to predict solar and lunar eclipses. |
Equipment set up outside |
Last-minute preparations |
Most of the group fitted out with special eclipse sunglasses and waiting for holes in the clouds. . |
The preparations, experiments and eclipse were recorded on video for a local TV station and for the participants. |
On the way home. The trip took 10 hours! It seemed to be one long traffic jam. Over 10 million people travelled to Southern Germany to see the eclipse. |
Here are two photographs of totality taken by Ingo Schaar, a lucky friend of ours who was not that far away from where we were but saw totality through a hole in the clouds.
The total eclipse. There are big prominences at the top right and at the bottom. |
Totality. The solar corona. . |
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