- HTML 2 : Gallery -

This is for HTML2: Web Home Improvement homework

Week 1

3.	Image Map Information: Special Edition Using HTML, 2nd Edition
This is the URL for the Table of Contents. See Chapters 11 and 15 for Image Maps.
4. Frames Information: The Netscape Frames Tutorial by Charlton Rose

Week 2

1.	This website is constructed using 3 frames.
2. This is a client-side image map!

Week 3

The Use of Java/JavaScript in My Web Page
I would certainly use Java or JavaScript in my web site if that is the way to program something that I want to include. But I don't believe in using something just for the sake of using it.
There is a really super Java map of the campus of the University of British Columbia at http://SunSITE.UBC.CA/UBCMap/. I could envisage using something like that.
JavaScript is used in the Heineken Beer web page at http://www.heineken.comto make a scrolling message and a matrix of changing messages. It looks great and is effective without being gaudy.
Animated gifs can also be effective without making you feel you need sunglasses to look at the web page. I am working on a map using an animated gif for my web site for the Web Design: HTML 3 course. The comet in the top right corner of this web site was my first attempt at an animated gif.
I guess I'm just not into web pages that jump off the monitor screen at me. A web site has to have some content for the brain as well as for the eyes. And I'm fed up with my computer crashing because a MIDI add-in finally opens when I'm already several web sites further on. Living in Europe where telephone rates are astronomical, I don't wait around more than a couple of minutes for a web page to open.
So I'm all for cutting-edge techniques. I just like web sites where the web designer is in control, not the technique.
Having said all that, I could imaging using this Java applet called Running authored by Oleg V. Baranovsky from the JavaBoutique

Since my computer at home runs under Windows 3.11, I'm rather wary of trying JavaScript there. At work with WIN NT and Netscape 4.0, it seems to work fine.
HERE should be a PopWindow from JavaScript Corral at

In the meantime, something useful for people making web pages is a JavaScript calculator for churning out hexadecimal numbers for colours from RGB values. Go to Mike Brittain's page at


See our BEER web page opinion poll at for my working form.
For anyone who is a compulsive form filler outer, here are some to fill, but there is no SUBMIT button, only a RESET

Write your name here

Check the virtual U courses you are taking

Introduction to HTML: HTML 1

Web Home Improvement: HTML 2

Web Design: HTML 3

PaintShop Pro 5

Choose your favourite colour of the rainbow

Where do you live?






That's all for now. Hope you had fun.

Week 5

Cascading Style Sheets
The background colour and font family and size for this page are set using an embedded CSS. What a great invention!
I have found the CSS QUICK TURORIAL from the WEB DESIGN GROUP at very helpful.

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May, 2000
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