VU Homework - PSP5 Course - Final Exam

Final Exam

Question 1:

On a 100x100 transparent background, SELECT/SQUARE
With foreground colour dark turquoise (red = 5, green = 156, blue = 165) and background colour light turquoise (red = 141, green = 239, blue = 245), flood filled (Match Mode: Normal, RGB, Fill Style: Solid Colour, Tolerance: 200, Opacity = 100).
Reversed foreground and background colours and flood filled with light turquoise (Match Mode: Normal, RGB, Fill Style: Solid Colour, Tolerance: 200, Opacity = 100)
Flood filled (Match Mode: Normal, RGB, Fill Style: Radial Gradiant (Vertical: 50, Horizontal: 50), Tolerance: 200, Opacity = 100)
With Magic Wand, selected background
Saved as q1.jpg, Compression = 40%

Question 2:

On a 200x200 transparent background, SELECT/SQUARE
With foreground colour dark turquoise (red = 5, green = 156, blue = 165) and background colour light turquoise (red = 141, green = 239, blue = 245), flood filled (Match Mode: Normal, RGB, Fill Style: Solid Colour, Tolerance: 200, Opacity = 100).
SELECT/CIRCLE in centre of square >BR>Reversed foreground and background colours and flood filled with light turquoise (same settings as above)
Reversed foreground and background colours and flood filled with dark turquoise (same settings as above)
Reversed foreground and background colours and used Paint Brush, Custom Brush, Snowflake in light turquoise in centre of cirle
With Magic Wand, selected background
Used Select, Circle carefully centred on embossed circle so "shadowing" was included. (The embossed circle came out much nicer using the outer dark turquoise square than simply starting with a circle.)
EDIT/COPY, PASTE as New Layer to new transparent background, IMAGE/CROP, IMAGE/RESIZE to 80x80, LAYERS/MERGE
Saved as q2.jpg, Compression = 40%

Question 3:

Text tool using Flatbrush bold 28; flood filled (Linear Gradient 0°) using above shades of turquoise
Saved as q3.jpg, Compression = 40%

Text tool using Flatbrush bold 50 and dark turquoise from above as foreground colour
Saved as q3.jpg, Compression = 40%

Question 4:

On a 300x200 transparent background
Text Flatbrush bold 72
With Magic Wand, selected background
Flood filled (Blend: Normal, RGB, Fill Style: Pattern, Tolerance: 200, Opacity: 100, Options: New Pattern: "greensea.jpg")
IMAGE/EFFECTS/CUTOUT (Fill Interior with Colour, Interior Colour Foreground (selected with Eyedropper from "greensea.jpg"), Shadow black, Blur 5.7,
Vertical +3, Horizontal +3)
Used Clone Brush to tidy edges
IMAGE/EFFECTS/DROPSHADOW (Colour black, Blur 5.7, Vertical +3, Horizontal +3) to match CUTOUT shadow
Select tool, Rectangle
Saved as q4.jpg, Compression = 40%

Question 5:

Compression = 10%, Size = 30.5KB

Compression = 20%, Size = 22KB

Compression = 30%, Size = 18KB

Compression = 40%, Size = 15KB

Compression = 50%, Size = 13.5KB

Compression = 60%, Size = 11.75KB

Compression = 90%, Size = 4.5KB

I prefer 40% compression - everything still looks crisp and colour definition is good. I would say that 50% compression is still acceptable but the flowers colours are beginning to look a wee bit muddy and I do not think that, at this file size, the 10% saving is worth it. P.S. These gardens are at Vannes, Brittany, France.

Question 6:

Opened text from Question 3: q3a.jpg
With Magic Wand tool, selected background
EDIT COPY and PASTE as New Image with transparent background
Saved as q6.gif

Question 7:

Same method as Question 6, but colours reduced to 16 colours

Same method as Question 6, but colours reduced to 101 colours

Same method as Question 6, but colours reduced to 256 colours

Question 8:

Côte Sauvage, Quiberon, South Coast of Brittany, France Lighthouse, Chania Harbour, Crete, Greece From Lesson 3

Opened quiberon.jpg
Clicked on Layer Palette, double clicked on layer box and renamed layer "background"
Opened chania.jpg
Select tool, Rectangle to select lighthouse
EDIT/COPY; closed chania.jpg
With quiberon.jpg active, EDIT/PASTE as New Layer, double clicked its layer box and renamed layer "lighthouse"
Opened ghost.jpg
Select tool, Rectangle to select helmsman
EDIT/COPY; closed ghost.jpg
With quiberon.jpg active, EDIT/PASTE as New Layer, double clicked its layer box and renamed layer "ghost"
Turned off all layers except ghost and background; clicked ghost to make it active
Clicked Layer Toggle button and set foreground colour black and background white
With Paint Brush tool, painted out around helmsman figure and between spokes of wheel (this was necessary because original helmsman file was erased when husband cleaned up his computer so he had room to go on editing his videos! But he's a dear to do the PSP5 with me on his computer!)
Selected MASKS/DELETE, clicked Layer Group Toggle button, and set Opacity to 40%
Turned off all layers except lighthouse and background; clicked lighthouse to make it active
Clicked Layer Toggle button and foreground colour still black and background white
With Paint Brush tool, painted out around lighthouse
Selected MASKS/DELETE, click Layer Group Toggle button, and set Opacity to 50%
Turned off all except background
With Lasso/Smart Edge tool selected top part of rock
EDIT/COPY and EDIT/PASTE as New Layer, double clicked on layer box and renamed layer "rock"
Moved rock layer up in pile so covers lighthouse
Arranged images as wanted, LAYERS/MERGE
IMAGE/RESIZE to 200x150 to keep size of page, files and telephone bill within reason
Saved as seaghost.jpg, Compression 40% and pray

Question 9:
Wild orchid, Crete, April 1998
This is a super technique - not just for people! But Oh, I wish the wretched Lasso/Smart Edge was working. It took about a thousand tries to outline the orchid. Oops, forgot this is an exam! Haven't written an exam for over 30 years and here I am doing 2 this week. Trauma!

Question 10:
I hereby faithfully promise to go back over the 6-weeks homework, especially Lesson 1 and try to do the last purple and yellow button. But unfortunately not until my Perl cgi-bin (Perl Project) is up and running.
The techniques learned in this course will definitely be used in preparing photos, etc. for web sites both at work and privately.

Many thanks to Linda Nieuwenstein for all her work in presenting this course and evaluating our efforts. She has made this one of the best VU courses.

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May, 2000
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