Hi I'm rabond.
I signed up on 07/11/98 and am just moving in.
I'm beginning to learn about creating home pages so it may take me a while to dress up this page. I teach mathematics (and earth science) and have been discouraged in the past because, although my students learn the "text book math" that I present, they seem to lack the creative problem solving ability that I am looking for. I have started to introduce other activities to supplement my standard curriculum. I call them problems of the week (real creative huh!). I have found that I really enjoy creating them and I hope to share some of them with anyone who is interested. Anyway, that's my plan. Please feel free to contact me if you are of like mind at jbondbtn@pop.k12.vt.us
My wife and I are both teachers. We are also interested in genealogy, but that's another story.
Please come back soon and visit me.
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