US Military Aircraft Callsigns
US Military Aircraft Callsigns
Version 1.7
Created 1 March 1998
Last Updated 9 January 1999
Callsign Unit Type Aircraft
Able 81st FS A-10
Ablo 55th Wing RC-135
Acton 55th Wing RC-135
Airgun Hill AFB F-16
Amber 492nd FS F-15E
Amour Transport a/c; unkwn type
Angel 1st ACCS E-4B
Anvil 130th AS WV ANG C-130H
Argos 28th BW B-1B
Argus 1st MiBN RC-12K
Ashley P-3C
Argus 1st MIB RC-12K
Arter 552nd AW&CW E-3B/C
Auris 55th Wing RC-135
Austin 48th FW F-15E
Avalon 11th ALS C-9A
Badger 494th FS F-15E
Baine 512th FS F-16C/D
Bama 55th RW RC-135
Bandsaw 552nd AW&CW E-3B/C
Banshee VMAQ-1 EA-6B
Barrel 100th ARW KC-135R
Basic F-16
Bash 31st FW F-16
Bass 722nd ARW KC-10A
Beefstake VS-21 S-3B
Belly 9th RW U-2S
Bite 48th FW F-15E
Black Eagle E-2C
Bobby Tanker
Bone 28th BW B-1B
Bookshelf EC-130E ABCCC
Borrow 19th ARW KC-135R
Bosox 494th FS F-15E
Bowler 492nd FS F-15E
Brew 95th ALS C-130H
Bubba 81st FS A-10
Buck 494th FS F-15E
Bull 22nd FS F-16
50th AS C-130H3
Bullet 8th FW F-16C
Burn Vermont ANG F-16
Buzzard 81st FS A-10
Cacti 305th AMW KC-10
Caddy 81st FS A-10
Caesar 145th ARS KC-135R
Cagey Little Rock AFB C-130
Cajun 2nd BW B-52H
Capon 9th RW U-2S
Carp 62nd AW C-141B
Cart 492nd FS F-15E
Casey 01 KC-135E 57-2589
Cash 31st FW F-16C/D
Casino 145th ARS KC-135R
Cat VMA-311 AV-8B
Catbird CinCAFSE VP-3A
Cave 512th FS F-16C/D
Century 552nd AW&CW E-3B/C
Champagne Andrews? C-130
Checker Ops ?????????????????????
China KC-135
Chippy VFA-195 FA-18C
Claw 53rd FS F-15C/D
Clue USEUCOM C-12A/C-21A
Cobra 55th Wing OC-135W
Edwards F-15
Coder 108th ARS KC-135E
Combat VMFA(AW)-121 FA-18D
Conic Pope C-130E
Copper 494th FS F-15E
Couch 81st FS A-10A
Cougar 494th FS F-15E
Crank 22nd FS F-16C/D
81st FS A-10
Crown HC-130
Cunard 48th FW F-15E
Cyborg 81st FS A-10
Cylon 493rd FS F-15C/D
Danic Mountain Home F-15
Dark B-1B?
Darkstar 552nd AW&CW E-3B/C
Dart 22nd FS F-16C/D
Debby 1st ACCS E-4B
Decoy WV ANG C-130
Deevy 81st FS A-10
Demo Lakenheath F-15??
Demon 23rd FS F-16C/D
Derby C-130
Dillon Buckley T-43
Dipper 492nd FS F-15E
Dock 23rd FS F-16C/D
Dog VMAQ-3 EA-6B
Donar 9th RW U-2S
Doom 2nd BW B-52H
Draco 81st FS A-10
Dragon 81st FS A-10
512th FS F-16C/D
VFA-192 FA-18C
Dragnet 552nd AW&CW E-3B/C
Drako 99th SRS U-2S
Drum 19th ARW KC-135R
Duke C-12
Eagle 53rd FS F-15C/D
493rd FS F-15C/D
Earl 92nd ARW KC-135T
Easy VMAQ-2 EA-6B
Elco 9th RW U-2S
Electric 1st ACCS E-4B
Elvis 42nd ACCS EC-130E
Eskan 319th ARW KC-135R
Esso 191st ARS KC-135E
Ethel 93rd ARS KC-135R
Expo 116th ARS KC-135E
Falcon 22nd FS F-16C/D
Falls 43rd ARS KC-135R
Faro 9th RW U-2S
Fast Syracuse F-16
Fiero 46th ARS KC-135
Firth 9th RW U-2S
Fred 31st FW F-16C/D
Frisco C-141B
Fury 23rd FS F-16C/D
Fuzzy 136th ARS KC-135R
Gamble 23rd FS F-16C/D
Game F-15
Garbo 1st ACCS E-4B
Gator 22nd FS F-16
Geld Aircraft based at Eglin, possibly trnspt type
Genus 9th RW U-2S
Gomer 512th FS F-16C/D
Gopher 934th AG C-130
Gordo 1st ACCS E-4B Front-end c/s
Grayhawk E-2C
Grit 6th AvnDet C-12C
Grizzly 23rd FS F-16
163rd ARW KC-135R
Grow 9th RW U-2S
Gundog 512th FS F-16C/D
Gunhog 81st FS A-10
Gunman 23rd FS F-16C/D
Group 9th RW U-2S
Grouse 492nd FS F-15E
Gypsy 492nd FS F-15E
Haiti 9th RW U-2S
Hang 512th FS F-16C/D
Hang 95th RS RC-135
Happy 108th ARS KC-135E
Havoc 2nd BW B-52H
Hawk B-1B
81st FS A-10
Hawkeye Des Moines F-16
Head 512th FS F-16C/D
Herky 37th ALS C-130E
Hitman Pope C-130E
Hobby 815th ALS C-130E
Hobo 22nd FS F-16C/D
81st FS A-10
Hoist 305th AMW KC-10
Hook 86th AW C-21A
Hops Boise C-130
Hoss 81st FS A-10
Huck 2nd BW B-52H
Hunt C-141B
Hunter VFA-201 F-14
Husker 173rd ARS KC-135R
Indy 7th ARS KC-135R
Inlay 108th ARS KC-135E
Irma 9th RW U-2S
Ironcrow VAQ-136 EA-6B
Jazz 122nd FS F-15A/B
Jedda 31st FW F-16C/D
Jesse 180th AS C-130H
Joint Stars E-8
Jumbo 56th ALS C-5A
337th ALS C-5A
King 71st RQS HC-130
102nd RQS HC-130
129th RQS HC-130
Kippa 494th FS F-15E
Kiska 28th BW B-1B
Knife 22nd FS F-16C/D
Knight 31st FW F-16C/D
VMFA-314 FA-18
VF-154 F-14A
Kong 512th FS F-16C/D
Kovak 9th RW U-2S
Krokus 494th FS F-15E
Lancer 23rd FS F-16C/D
VMFA-212 FA-18C
Lark 55th Wing RC-135
Liberty VAW-115 E-2C
Live 68th ALS C-5A
Lobo 53rd FS F-15C/D
Look 55th Wing EC/RC-135
Lord US Army C-12/U-21
Lynx 494th FS F-15E
McDuff 494th FS F-15E
McKay 9th RW U-2S
Mace VFA-27 FA-18C
Macho 81st FS A-10
Maitai F-15
Mako F-16
Marcha 9th RW U-2S
Mark 76th ALS C-20A/C-21
Marlin 23rd FS F-16C/D
USN C-12
Mash 19th ARW KC-135R
Misty 193rd SOS EC-130E
VX-9 FA-18
Mogas 71st ARS KC-135Q
Mongo 512th FS F-16C/D
Mot 76th ALS C-20/C-21
Music Nashville C-130
Muskey 37th BS B-1B
Nancy 9th RW U-2S
62nd AW C-141B
Natro 9th RW U-2S
Network 355th Wg EC-130H
Norse 46th BS B-1B
Old 435th AW C-130E
Olive 7th ARS KC-135R
55th Wing RC-135
Omar VFC-12 FA-18C
Opec KC-10
Open Skies 55th Wing OC-135W
Otis VMGR-252 KC-130F/R
Otto 63rd ARS KC-135E
Pacaf Usually C-135E
Pack 133rd ARS KC-135R
Packer 22nd FS F-16C/D
Panama 512th FS F-16C/D
494th FS F-15E
81st FS A/OA-10
Pass 9th RW U-2S
Password VRC-50 C-2A
Pasta 81st FS A-10
Pecos 81st FS A-10
Pine 28th ARS KC-135R
42nd ARS KC-135R
Pinion 9th RW U-2S
Pistol T-34
Pit 108th ARS KC-135E
Poker 28th ARS KC-135R
Popa 81st FS A-10
Pyrex Phoenix F-16
Radar 492nd FS F-15E
Raid 46th BS B-1B
319th ARW KC-135R
Raider VMGR-352 KC-130R
Rake Laughlin AFB T-1A
Rally 22nd FS F-16
Rambo 31st FW F-16C/D
Ramet 72nd ARS KC-135E
Ramit 63rd ARS KC-135R
Ramrod 22nd FS F-16C/D
Raney 55th Wing RC-135
Rats 492nd FS F-15E
Razor E-8C (Former EC-135K c/s)
Red 492nd FS F-15E
Red Lion HS-15 HH/SH-60
Reheat 492nd FS F-15E
Reno 494th FS F-15E
Rex 492nd FS F-15E
Rhet 19th ARW KC-135R/EC-137D
Rick NKC-135 Hrd 2-OCT-98 11175khz w/Orion? Control
Rider 81st FS F-16C/D
Riley 62nd AW C-141B
Ringo 22nd FS F-16
Rival F-16
River VFA-204 FA-18
Robus 512th FS F-16C/D
Rocket 81st FS F-16C/D
Rod C-5?
Roman FA-18
Rook 9th RW U-2S
Ruler C-141B
Rumble 492nd FS F-15E
Sabre B-1B??
Satan 23rd FS F-16C/D
Sentry 552nd AW&CW E-3B/C
Shadow 22nd FS F-16C/D
Shark 492nd FS F-15E
Shaw 4th Wing F-15E
Shell 319th ARW KC-135R
Shep Sheppard AFB T-37B
Shifty 494th FS F-15E
Shogun 18th Wing F-15C
Shooter VMAT-101 FA-18D
Shut 108th ARS KC-135E
Sijan 22nd FS F-16C/D
Silky 97th AMW KC-135R
Simka VQ-4 E-6A/B
Sing 552nd ACW E-3B/C
Skate 492nd FS F-15E
Skid 23rd FS F-16C/D
Skier HC-130
Slam 81st FS A-10
Sled 46th ARS KC-135A
Sleet 9th RW U-2S
Sleevy 81st FS A-10
Smoke VMFA-134 FA-18A
Snake VMFA-323 FA-18C
Sniper 81st FS A-10
Snoop 55th Wing RC-135U/V/W
Sock 23rd FS F-16C/D
Soda 81st FS A-10A
Sooner 185th AS C-130H
Spad F-16
Spatz 97th AMW KC-135R
Spectre Ops Hurlburt??
Spike 512th FS F-16C/D
Spurt Mildenhall SOG C-130
Stack 4th Wing F-15E/T-38A
Stake 48th FW F-15E
Stealth F-117
Steely 81st FS F-16C/D
Stump C-130
Summit Peterson C-130H
Super 71st ARS KC-135Q
Sutra 22nd OG KC-10A
Swam 62nd AW C-141B
Swine 81st FS A-10A
Swirl 171st AS C-130E
Tallon 9th RW U-2S
Tank 81st FS A-10
Tazz 166th ARS KC-135R
Teacup 39th AS/317 AG C-130H
Teak 4th Wing F-15E
Teal 53rd WRS WC-130H
Team 305th AMW KC-10 On tanker missions
Tempo 117th ARS KC-135E
Terse 9th RW U-2S
Tiger 53rd FS F-15C/D
28th BW B-1B
Tiger Tail VAW-125 E-2C
Tincup Ramstein?? C-130
Tired 108th ARS KC-135E
Titan Cherry Point KC-130
Tone Vermont ANG F-16
Tooky 132nd ARS KC-135E
Torch 23rd FS F-16C/D
Tray 9th SOS MC-130P
Trek 48th FW F-15E
Troll 512th FS F-16C/D
Trout C-135 Test Aircraft
Tucker 492nd FS F-15E
Tuna 23rd FS F-16C/D
Tune 75th ALS C-9A
Turbo 22nd ARW KC-135R
Utah 22nd FS F-16C/D
191st ARS KC-135E
Vandy Vance AFB T-1A
Vapor 31st FW F-16C/D
Vega 31st FW F-16C/D
Venus 89th AW VIP flights
Vespa 6514th TS C-130
Victory VF-103 F-14B
Vulture 99th SRS U-2S
Warhog 81st FS A/OA-10A
Wayne 9th RW U-2S
Weasel 81st FS A-10
Wendy 108th ARS KC-135E
Whiskey 53rd FS F-15C/D
Willy 81st FS A-10A
Window 193rd SOS EC-130E
XRAY 9th RW U-2S
Yankee Andrews? C-130
Zapper VAQ-130 EA-6B
Zomby 319th ARW KC-135R
Zoom Edwards F-16
Zoomy Possible USAF Academy a/c
Update Information:
Allan Lonsdale
Nick Broome
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