Hunter Serial Numbers
Version 1.0
Created 26 October 1998
XE560/G 43 Sq Leuchars 19-SEPT-59
XF434/C 43 Sq Leuchars 19-SEPT-59
XF439/B 43 Sq Leuchars 19-SEPT-59
XF440/W 43 Sq Leuchars 19-SEPT-59
XF451/S 43 Sq Leuchars 19-SEPT-59
XF456/A 43 Sq Leuchars 19-SEPT-59
XF561/D 43 Sq Leuchars 19-SEPT-59
XE556/W NO.2 SQN Gutersloh 27-MAY-67
XE625/I NO.2 SQN Gutersloh 27-MAY-67
XF438/E NO.4 SQN Gutersloh 27-MAY-67
XF457/T NO.2 SQN Gutersloh 27-MAY-67
XF458/J NO.2 SQN Gutersloh 27-MAY-67
XJ714/B NO.4 SQN Gutersloh 27-MAY-67
XL568/ZF (T.7B) 12 Sqn NSFL Lossiemouth 12-JULY-86
XL573/WC 237OCU NSFL Lossiemouth 12-JULY-86
XL591/VC 237OCU NSFL Lossiemouth 12-JULY-86
XL611 43 Sq Leuchars 19-SEPT-59
XL613/UC 208 Sqn NSFL Lossiemouth 12-JULY-86
XL614/YC (T.7B) 237OCU NSFL Lossiemouth 12-JULY-86
XL616/YS 208 Sqn Lossiemouth 12-JULY-86
WV322/ZC (T.8B) 237OCU NSFL Lossiemouth 12-JULY-86
XF967/XC (T.8C) 237OCU Lossiemouth 12-JULY-86
XF995/XF (T.8B) 237OCU NSFL Lossiemouth 12-JULY-86
Update Information:
Andy Walker
John Bennett
Andy Appleton
Iain Gibson
Willy Metze
Lorence R Fizia
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