Links & Related Sites
Air Training Corps Information
Are you interested in joining the ATC ? want to know where your local Squadron is ? Or do you just want some more information. The ATC has it's own information site which will provide you with an address and phone number of your local Wing Headquarters, they can provide the information you need. Your local RAF Careers Information Office, the numbers in the book, can also advise you.
Links to Other
ATC Squadrons
If your interested in the ATC then you must be interested in Aircraft and aviation. Do you know the names of all the aircraft the Royal Air Force has in it's inventory ? Do you know what life is like in the RAF ? or do you just want to look at some great pictures ? Click the Roundel and your on your way.
The complete details of the Team, who they are and where to see them, are included on this site. There is a photo gallery, and a latest news feature that is updated regularly.
Bulletin Board
Whether it's how to 'bull' your shoes, or discussing 'Camp' or just saying 'HI' to other Cadets, have your say on the Cadet Bulletin Board Courtesy of 2178 (Holywood) Sqn and Flt Lt Andy Whalley