The tectonic travels of the Baja California Peninsula 

Geologic crossection of Baja 

Location of the Peninsula Ranges batholith (PRB) 

The Earth's magnetic field 

The geologic time scale 

Senior thesis abstract 

Conglomerate deposit in northern Vizcaino Peninsula (75K)

Balandra Beach near La Paz  (35K)

Morning after the storm east of San Pedro

Treacherous Highway 1 (86K)

A waterfall in northern Baja California (105K)

Boojum trees and dipping shale beds (69K)

Tres Virgenes Volcano (44K)

Mikes Mountain (57K)

Left point break (90K)

Dog snapper (56K)

Catavina pluton (63K)

Mapping in the snow covered PRB (86K)

Summer field in Baja (84K)

Plutonic intrusion (90K)

Cardon forest near Catavina (50K)

Elephant tree (62K)

Long range fishing off the Baja Peninsula  (84K)

Beatiful Baja sunset (44K)






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