Rick Bright's Set of Astrophotography
Links- Rick Bright's set of links to amateur pages
with astro photos. You must check this one out!
University of Wisconsin Space Place- Interesting set of articles relating to astronomy, astronomical equipment and space education from the University of Wisconsin Space Place web page.
Spastrostuff Online-Nathan Prindle, files manager for the MSN Astronomy and Space Forum, has put together an interesting page of articles relating to astronomy for beginners, photos, and games. You'll stay a while in this one as you interactively watch galaxies collide, planets in orbit around imaginary suns and build hypothetical solar systems. Also included are links to CH2 Space Shuttle missions where live images and radio conversations with the shuttle can be monitored.
Dave Kodama's Webpage-Dave's page includes some very nice widefield photos of the North American Nebula and the Double Cluster. Dave says he is a beginner and I say he is a fast learner. Take a look
Keith's Astro Page-Keith Cooley has a very entertaining page with astrophotos and various space and astronomy related applets. I really liked this one!
The MSN Astronomy and Space Forum-This site is loaded with astronomy and space related information along with links to many sites dealing with all areas of astronomy and space exploration.