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the General Info Room
of the Haar's Personal Cyber Sciplace

A diversified site for science and democracy!

(Isaiah 40:26) Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these: He leads out their army and numbers them, calling them all by name. By his great might and the strength of his power not one of them is missing!

"The same creator who names the stars also knows the names of the seven souls we mourn today. The crew of the shuttle Columbia did not return safely to earth but we can pray they are safely home." -- President Georgw W. Bush on February 1, 2003

Here's the picture that U.S. network news media never report:

Here's President George W. Bush's response to the world wide anti-war marches:

"Two points; One is that democracy is a beautiful thing and that people are allowed to express their opinion. I welcome people's right to say what they believe. "Secondly, evidently some of the world don't view Saddam Hussein as a risk to peace. I respectfully disagree. Saddam Hussein has gassed his own people. Saddam Hussein has got weapons of mass destruction. Saddam Hussein has defied the United Nations. Saddam Hussein is providing links to terrorists. Saddam Hussein is a threat to America. And we will deal with him. I owe it to the American people to secure this country. I will do so."

Have you forgetton?

(By Country singer Darryl Worley)

Ten Days in September:

Tuesday, 9/11/2001 America's Chaotic Road to War
Wednesday, 9/12/2001 'We Will Rally the World'
Thursday, 9/13/2001 Afghan Campaign's Blueprint Emerges
Friday, 9/14/2001 A Day to Speak Anger and Grief
Saturday, 9/15/2001 At Camp David, Advise and Dissent
Monday, 9/17/2001 Combating Terrorism:'It Starts Today'
Tuesday, 9/18/2001 A Presidency Defined in One Speech
Last of Series Bush Awaits History's Judgement

A Letter From America: What We Are Fighting For?

Here's a brilliant comment made by Andrew Sullivan on January 7, 2003:

. . .I don't believe negotiating in good faith with murderous thugs is an option. . . .We've already waited too long - and thugs like Kim jong Il and Yasser Arafat have taken advantage of the lull. We cannot afford to wait much longer.

United Nations, R.I.P!

The United Nations is on the verge of demonstrating finally and fatally
its moral bankruptcy and its strategic irrelevance: moral bankruptcy,
because it will have made a mockery of the very resolution on whose sanctity it insists; . . .

General News and Commentary of Interest to Someone:

( The following is an ever growing list with new items being added almost daily!
----- Don't like the choices? Shout it out . )

States Donks 2004

The Idiot's Guide to Chinagate
Imagine There's No United States
Reality of Our Times -- The straw men rustle in the wind
Reality of Our Times -- Blacks should feel insulted
Reality of Our Times -- No diversity for Asian Americans
Reality of Our Times
Stop bleating about WMD and listen to how Nasir's mother was executed in a pit -- Don't you care?
What Now? A letter from Kuwait City by Michael Kelly, R.I.P.
The liberation of Iraq started on July 4, 1776.
Thank you, President Bush. America, at least, and Iraq are grateful.

The Mao statue in Communist China wont be far behind!

A Statue Fell.
Baghdad: a battle that did not happen.
Iraqis Dance on Toppled Saddam Statue in Baghdad.
Saddam's end means liberation.
Saddam’s Barbarity Proves Our Case.
American First, Journalist Second.
Ata boy Neil!
Perspective on day 8 war.
War scene on day 8.
Moderation in war is imbecility.
War American-Style.
Was This War Necessary? Not if America had been tougher in the past.
More than 50 countries have joined forces against Saddam
-- and the U.S. moron politicians still call it unilaterial.

Profile of brilliance -- Blair speech to the house of Commons.
Bush stands tall at a time when many stand back.
Romania's Example.
See men shredded, then say you don't back war.
They don't speak for me -- they have never spoken for the people of Iraq.
An Open Letter to President Bush By Vladimir Bukovsky and Elena Bonner
...this action is long overdue, and that Iraqi people were left
to suffer from the evil regime of Saddam Hussein for too long.

Charles Krauthammer: A Costly Charade At the U.N.
Andrew Sullivan: A Just War -- The Morality of Ousting Saddam.
Washington Post Editorial: Long-term peace will be better served by strength than by concessions.
An Iraqi's Questions for the Anti-War Protesters.
Saddam Hussein has been appeased to the point of madness .
Prime Minister Tony Blair -- A profile of true bravery, courage, and conviction.
History remembered: We have statespeople in the past,
now we got nothing but pity, vulgar, self-serving, little idiots.

Future Bright: A new generation of campus activists support American ideals.

Freedom: there are those who are willing to protect it, and there are those who take it for granted.
If it is peace on the terms of brutal dictators, secured by allowing them to build up
whatever weapons arsenals they wish, then that is not peace. It is suicide.

(Andrew Sullivan, 2/18/2003 U.S. policy should now be a new deadline with clear guidelines as to what constitutes Saddam's cooperation - destruction of the al Samoud missiles for a start. Then we need to focus entirely on the war itself - minimizing casualties while trying to make it as speedy as possible, above all, ensuring a democratic structure post-Saddam. Nothing else will undermine the current Franco-German position as effectively - both within Europe and with respect to the wider world. Then we have to cut France out of post-war Iraqi reconstruction.)

Poor Jacques Chirac, without class, lost the argument and his temper too.
Not one cent for tribute -- The current Korea mess is still a Hurry Truman legacy!
The shame, disgrace, and atrocity of the U.S. two-party system!
NASA's decision in 1997 of switching from a proven safe product
to the "Environmental Friendly" product [sic] might have caused the Shuttle Columbia disaster!

A history lesson: Disarmament ditherers
Funny that this should come from an econmist -- our so-called "historians" don't seem to remember.
Europian Leaders: Europe and America must stand united!
Race-based Quota IS Racial Discrimination, plain and clear!
Clinton has no standing to criticize!
Liberal racism!

Here's an item found in the article of John McCaslin in http://www.washtimes.com/national/inbeltway.htm Aug. 7, 2002: Amen. God isn't totally shunned in this 21st-century version of a school prayer for America. The author is unknown, but it was forwarded by Mary Jo Garreis:
Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.
If Scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a federal matter now.
We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.
They've outlawed guns, but first the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
We can elect a pregnant senior queen,
And the unwed daddy our senior king.
We get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.
It's scary here, I must confess;
When chaos reigns, the schools a mess.
So Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot, my soul please take.
Racial preference is not civil liberty -- Ivory tower is mugged by misguided diversity!
Why not leave rich folks alone?!
Great Idea for the Taxpayer/Voter of America!
The 1994 Cross Burning Case: What Really Happened?
The Coverup of the Year -- The Story Time Magazine failed to tell.
Not justice for all -- News you wont hear from the Peter, Dan, and Tom Axis.
Offhand remark not worth demand for his head
But all the spine-less apologies have become obscene
Democrats/Dixecrats/Comiecrats: Let History Clears Matter A Lott
They are melting!
Outreaching? -- Al Gore's Stealth Trip to Communist China
Saddam's American Propaganda Team
One wacky zeitgeist!
Alleluia, Algore now discovered a new zeitgeist!

How Much Does Race Matter to Rice?
No record, no vision: Why should anyone vote Democratic?
On the Left: Hysteria and Name-Calling.
Out of touch and out of mind -- The Fantasy Life of American Liberals .
Ta(4) Chih(4) Ruo(4) Yu(1) -- Misunderestimated.
Hillarycare on Steroids.
Real Message of 2002 Election.
Mind you the Nation in 2002 is NOT 50-50, it's 53-47!
What Happened to the 50-50 Nation!
Ain't This America!

Profile of True Courage -- President Bush's Septembet 12, 2002 UN Speech: Full Text
Britain Reveals Iraqi Bioweapons, Nuclear Program
A divided UN is a greater danger than any gang of desperate fanatics.
Safire: In Material Breach.

WeaselClinton Legacy: A World of Crises.
The Impeached,Dis-barred,Documented-liar-under-oath & sex-pervert Bill Clinton's legacy?
--- One gigantic TOTAL SHAME....
Nobel Shame: Jimmy Carter won Nobel Peace Prize for brokering an agreement that actually increased the threat of nuclear war.

Ever wonder why that our world seems to be such a hopelessly peace-less place to be?
It is because these useless idiots hijacked peace for their own hit!
Smiling idiots -- At whose expense?

Sen. Paul Wellstone, R.I.P.
With Clinton and Friends all around,
The wrecked plane still on the ground,
They ranted and raved,
Daddy's not in the grave,
They partied in his memorial service,
-- with the archaic candidate they found.
(modified from John L., Houston, Texas in WashTimes, Insidebeltway, 103102)
American shame: Sickening laughing clowns at Wellstone's memorial circus.
[And this and also this one too.]

American shame: The throwback kid.
Ten reasons to be glad Algore isn't President, God bless America!
Truth and Consequences
Journalistic hypocrisy -- American Tragedy as Spin
Bin Laden no longer exists: Here is why
Stupid Blame Game gone haywire. The truth is: Bill Klinton Blew it!
Leftest MediaRats Dan, Katie, et al. never ask: What Klinton knew?
Pointing fingers!

How The Left Undermined America’s Security!
Carter & Castro -- Pitiful little people the World would be better off without them!

Algore, the Shameless Liar!
9 Out of 10 Caribou Would Love ANWR Drilling.
The Flight from Knowing: Intuition and Brutality in Academic Life.
The Real McCarthy Record -- The balance of a long-term smear campaign.
Common Sense and Sensibility!
One Moore Stupid one!
Decent Left Lost!
Three Words Land a Blow for Freedom.
Axis of Evil: As good as Doctrine Gets.
Crazier Than Thou is Right On.
Reminding Campaign 2000: Hillary and Hamas.
A story of Bill Clinton's fecklessness in the face of terrorism.
Memo to Clinton: No, you can’t buy me a drink!
Yes, They are Evil!
Time's Come to Apply Term Limits to Jesse!
I Have a Nightmare -- What Dr.King Might Say Today!
The Jackals are Wrong!
Humane societies CANNOT AFFORD to treat agents of terror as regular, uniformed soldiers!
Whining, whining, whining -- the curse from short-memory, self-hating elites!
Ultimate stem cell discovered -- no need for the murderous embryonic stem cell any more!
Enrongate and the pious Professor's goody good bullshit.
You can fool some of the people some of the time ...
Definitive Enron Scandal: Influence for $$$$$ -- still more Clinton's shining (or smelling) legacy!
Imperial Clothing at Harvard!

The last 8 Years was TOO much!

Onset of Enron Scandal-- more Clinton's shining (or smelling) legacy!
Clinton-Gore and Enron -- more Clinton's shining (or smelling) legacy!
WHY CLINTON SLEPT -- another Clinton's shining (or smelling) legacy!
How Not to Fight a War on Terror-- Clinton's shining (or smelling) legacy!
Weasel Clinton's true distraction

Worthy Reading -- Text of Mayor Giuliani's Farewell Address
The pathetic shame of a weasel once named Gerald
Global warming -- really? Where?
Where lightning stricks twice.
Sound science tells us that the Kyoto Protocol will not significantly slow the theorized global warming of the climate simulations, and is a climatically empty gesture.!
Read "Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable Surprises (2001)" online!
Clinton's defenders don't have the credibility to talk about the rule of law!
Clinton legacy addendum!
When climate doesn't do what has been predicted
– that being most likely outcome –
where then will be 'scientific' credibility?!

Thank God CNN wasn't around in 1942!
Mrs. Laura Bush: The Foundation of America.
We happy herd of swine.
Affinity for Afghans.
Heros have peeve too!
Beware of the Leftwing Extremists.
An interesting and uplifting story of the time.
Phony Pacifists.
American journalism's true colors.
Justice, and Loving Our Enemies.
Pacifists' evil trap!
Whitewashing Terror
Steven J. Gould: A Time of Gifts
Thinking Time by Peggy Noonan
Thinking Ethnicity by Daniel Patrick Moynihan
The truth about the environment!
IBM is Roaring again!
Clinton lingers on a hollow presidency!
Simple ways to get rich? Read it here.
Fighting cancer.
Whitewater may be not Watergate, but
What's the president got to hide?
President Clinton is going
to see Jiang Zeming!
Who the hack is Jiang Zeming?
The fact that did not seem to concern President Clinton,
and what you really should know is that
Jiang Zeming is a killer and liar.
Yep, the absolute truth is that he is really a killer and liar.
Read about it in the New York Times.
(If you don't believe me!)
Who's really responsible for the global climate change?
It is the sun.
The what? You heared it right, the sun!
Lyric of "Candle in the wind" and the song.
Al Gore meets the enemy -- himself ?!
Watch out, El Nino is coming!
Here is another New York Times editorial gives reasonably good advice
to President Clinton, is he listening?
You may have read Jimmy Carter's frivolous article in New York Times
shamelessly lobbying for the Communist regime in China.
Now read the facts from this commentary of that article by A. M. Rosenthal,
and this letter from a group of readers. Jimmy, shame on you!
Your freedom of choice, Microsoft snatched it away!
Is Washington relevant ?
Read this New York Times editorial about President Clinton's
"sick at heart" and "leadership".
Re: Washington Budget Agreement: If politicians are happy, take shelter.
When scientific data clash with political interests.
"Butt Out, Hillary", a comentary.
If you think you missed this story, it is probably
because the media did not wish you to know!
Read the latest about earthquake prediction, it may surpise you.
If you have ever think George Bush was a Kowtow President, read this
Washington Post article to see "President Gore" in action.
Editorial of the day: This one from the New York Times July 16, 1997.
If you have time to read only one article, you must read this one by
Mr. Rosenthal of New York Times. (And add this one also.)


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Last updated April 25, 2003.
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