for the successful landing of Pathfinder on Mars
on Independence day, 1997
for a new era of space exploration.
Click here for a magnificent "Presidential Panorama"
of the Sagan Memorial Station landing site.
This is the view of Mars' surface as seen from the Mars Pathfinder
on Saturday, July 5, 1997.
Twin peaks are in the background.
Does it look like some place you have been before?
This is a morning sky view on Mars.
This rock is named Yogi.
What's this rock? It's Flattop, of course!
Here Sojourner visits the rock Barnacle Bill.
A birdseye view of all the rocks in the garden.
Here is a wide view.
Sunset on Mars, cool!
Here is an ordinary Mars weather report.
This rock in the foreground is called Mini Matterhorn.
A work horse on Mars -- the Rover.