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University of Arizona
Univ of AZ has an excellent site for finding out some basic bioconcepts including biochemistry, cell biology, chemicals & human health, developmental biology, human biology, immunology, mendelian genetics, and molecular biology.

Genetics/Recombinant DNA

The Virtual Fly Lab is a great learning tool for genetics--you get to make up crosses yourself and see what happens!

Genetics of the Domestic Cat is an interactive tutorial of cat genetics that helps you understand the principles behind inheritance of fur color, etc. of your favorite housepet. (requires Shockwave)

Designer Genes is a truly impressive site made by middle & high school students. Learn about genetics and recombinant DNA techniques.


The Big Picture Book of Viruses--See actual images of viruses.


BioComputing Hypertext Coursebook--a bioinformatics course aimed at those with a moderate math/computing/biology background.

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