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about pipet Hi! I am a 2nd year graduate student at UC San Diego in the Biomedical Sciences PhD program. In addition to grad school classes and thesis research, I recently got married & moved into a new house, so I update when I can. I am also part of the genetics program at UCSD, and I am in John Kelsoe's lab. We are working on the genetics of bipolar disorder. My project is to go hunting on Chromosome 22. Statistical evidence strongly suggests that somewhere on 22 is a gene involved in bipolar disorder (and probably schizophrenia, too). However, looking for a gene "somewhere" on 22 is truly looking for a needle in a haystack, so I'm trying to gather more information about the DNA so we can narrow down our search a bit. Soon (hopefully), I'll provide some real scientific nitty-gritty on how we search. My grad program required me to do several lab rotations (i.e. work on a mini-project in a lab for a quarter) before choosing a thesis lab. To add a bit to the scientific knowledge presented, I'll tell a little about each of the labs.
Spring 98 Rotation
Winter 98 Rotation
Fall 97 Rotation Until I make a bit more progress on this site, check out my old page. Bye for now!
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