Steve Antosca
- E-mail: steveA@fred.net
- URL: http://www.fred.net/stevea
- Areas of interest: computer music composition
- Some Hardware: t. c. Electronics M5000 for 20 bit D I/O & effects
processing, Kurzweil K2500R
- Other software: Hyperprism, Pro Tools, Csound, Digital Performer
Mark Ballora
- E-mail: ballora@music.mcgill.ca
- URL: http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~ballora
- Areas of interest: auditory display, algorithmic composition, sound
design, multi-media
- Publicly available patches (by request): microtonal sysex downloader
(for Proteus), simultaneous melody tester, harmonic perception patch, another
harmony tester
- Other software: Csound, Director
Sjoerd-W. Bijleveld
- E-mail: s.w.bijleveld@bk.tudelft.nl
- Areas of interests: interactive, automatic music generation.
- "At the moment I'm working on a dance project in which the dancers
can activate musical events"
- Hardware: PAVO's MidiTools
Jan O. Borchers
- Computer science researcher and hobby jazz pianist.
- Area of specialty: designed the "WorldBeat" interactive music
exhibit in the Ars Electronica Center, Linz, Austria.
- http://www.tk.uni-linz.ac.at/research/projects/knowledgenet/worldbeat/
- Hardware: Buchla Lightning II,
- Jan O. Borchers Telecooperation Group
- TNF Tower, Room 955
- Dipl.-Inform. Dpt. of Computer Science
- Phone: +43-732-2468-9888
- University of Linz Fax: +43-732-2468-10
- Research Altenberger Str. 69
- E-mail: jan@tk.uni-linz.ac.at
Jeffrey Burns
- E-mail: jeff@berlin.snafu.de
- URL: http://www.inx.de/~jeff
- Area of interest: Chord recognition, musical analysis
- Publicly availible: Piano of Light DEMO
Charles Cohen
- Areas of interest: live performance, improvisation, cross-disciplinary
- E-mail: ccohen@voicenet.com
- URL: http://www.voicenet.com/~ccohen
- Hardware: assorted digital and analog Buchla Instruments
- Other Software: Megalomania 1.2.3 freeware
Tommy DOG
- Founder of The Brain People, owner of The Boom Boom Room
- Area of interest: random music generators, "I'm also the guy who does THIS thing"
- E-mail: DOGStar@bigfoot.com
- URL: http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/3976/uni.html
- Special Hardware: MIDIvox, Dimesion Beam
- Specialty areas: musical instruments & signal processing
- "I make the best cup of coffee in New York City"
Dr. K@rlheinz Essl
- SAMT - Studio for Advanced Music & Media Technology Bruckner-Konservatorium
Linz / Austria
- URL: http://www.ping.at/users/essl/index.html
- E-mail: essl@ping.at
- http://www.ping.at/users/essl/works/Lexikon-Sonate.html
- http://www.ping.at/users/essl/works/amazing.html
- http://www.ping.at/users/essl/works/rtc.html
Jem Finer
- E-mail: finer@easynet.co.uk
- Composer, Songwriter, Musician
- "operating increasingly on the ever more blurred boundries between
production, engineering and composing"
- Founding member of The Pogues and Monk.
- Areas of interest: algorithmic composition with particular interest
in Artificial Life / Complex Systems
Georg Hajdu
- Hochschule fuer Musik Detmold,
- Abteilung Muenster
- Ludgeriplatz 1
- D-48151 Muenster
- E-mail: hajdu@uni-muenster.de
- URL: http://www.uni-muenster.de/Musikhochschule/
- Areas of interest: neural-network, music composition, microtonality
- Available patches:
- a. publicly available: microtone
- b. available on request: microUtilities, SpeechToMusic, Intermezzo,
Jens Jacobsen
- Electronical engineer, currently working at DIEM, the Danish Intitute
of Electroacoustic Music.
- Areas of interest: Communication with custom-made peripheral interfaces
like the DIEM Digital Dance system, CV to midi converters, light-controlling
interfaces etc.
- Location: Århus, Denmark
- Danish Institute of Electroacoustic Music
- Musikhuset
- Thomas Jensen Alle'
- 8000 Aarhus
- Denmark
- Phone:+45 89 31 81 60
- Fax: +45 89 31 81 66
- E-mail: jacobsen@daimi.aau.dk
- URL: http://www.daimi.aau.dk/~diem/
- Some equipment: The DIEM Digital Dance system, Big Eye, Lightning II,
The DIEM CV-Midi converters.
Otto W. Henry
- Ph.d, Prof. of Music Composition,
- Center for Music Technology, School of Music, East Carolina University,
Greenville, N.C. 27854 USA.
- E-mail: muhenry@eastnet.educ.ecu.edu
- "I supervise Graduate and Undergraduate degrees in Electronic
Music. I teach composition with synthesizers and computers, using MAX,
Vision, Jam Factory, M, Finale et al."
- Specialty: Algorithmic composition for Max and synthesizer.
- Patches on the web, Algorithmic compositions for MAX and synthesizers:
MaxComps 1, 2, 3; OedipusMax.
Stephen Kay
- Songwriter, Composer, Programmer, Keyboardist, Vocalist. Has programmed
many demo sequences for KORG keyboards, including the 01/W, 03R/W, X5DR,
i-Series, and Trinity. Received US and Japanese patents for several features
in the KORG i-Series, which were proto-typed completely in MAX.
- E-mail: sk@compuserve.com
- physical location: Westfield, NJ, USA
- Hardware being used with MAX: i-Cube System, Dimension Beam, Peavey
PC1600, DrumKat, Yamaha C7 Grand Piano w/Piano Disk Midi System, tons of
keyboards and modules.
- Areas of specialty with MAX: real-time algorithmic music generation
with emphasis on human interaction; custom C programming of external MAX
- Author of "The MegaMAX Application Developer's Collection",
a group of currently 30 external objects for making more professional MAX
Ken Mistove
- Composer, electronic guitarist, works out of home studio.
- Area of specialty: Alternative controllers
- Future plans: Environmental control of composition and performance
- Additional hardware: I-Cube System
- Additional Software of Interest: SuperCollider by James McCartney
- E-mail: kmistove@eclipse.net
- URL: http://www.eclipse.net/~kmistove
Gary Lee Nelson
- TIMARA Department
- Conservatory of Music
- Oberlin, OH 44074
- phone: 216-775-8223
- fax: 216-775-8942
- E-mail: Gary.Nelson@oberlin.edu
- URL: http://timara.con.oberlin.edu
Sensor E. Overlobe
- E-mail address: overlobe@ozemail.com.au
- E-mail address: overlobe@ebom.org
- URL: http://www.ozemail.com.au/~overlobe/seosight
- Area(s) of interest: live performance, brain functions, collaborations
- Publicly available patches: working on an 808 style midi interface.
It's in alpha stage now.
- Availibility by request or download: email me
- Hardware used: Akai S2000 sampler, powerbook, Roland MCR-8 midi mixer
- Comments: "I like powerbooks because you can go work in a park."