The Branch shall meet on the second Tuesday of each month, except the months
of July, August and December, except that the time of a regular meeting
may be changed when deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.Such
changes will be made on a time-to-time basis and will not affect the date
of following regular meetings.
The President may call a special meeting at any time he deems necessary
and proper, and shall give at least seven (7) days notice to the membership
of such meeting.Only the business
for which such special meeting is called may be transacted.
following are minimum expected requirements to fulfill the duties of each
respective office.Officers are also
responsible for orienting their respective successors at the end of each
A. President
1. Call
and preside at all Branch meetings.
2. Appoint
necessary standing and task committees and encourage them to do their work.
a list of names, addresses, and telephone & fax numbers of all officers
and committee chairs to same and to Section and National.
regular meetings of the officers, committee members and/or directors of
the Branch. Dispose of as much routine business as possible at these Board
Meetings thus freeing the Membership meetings for primary emphasis on the
planned program.
Branch activity of a joint nature with other engineering societies in the
city for activity such as Engineers' Week and other events of general engineering
and interest.
Branch members to participate in the technical groups and their activities
of the Section and the National Society.
B. Vice-President
1. Preside
over meetings in the absence of the President.
2. Chair
the Programs Committee.
C. Secretary
1. Prepare
minutes of monthly Membership Meetings and Board Meetings. Send (abbreviated
version of0 minutes to newsletter editor in time for publication in the
following month’s newsletter. Distribute
full version of Board Meeting minutes for approval at next Board Meeting.
2. Summarize
all the monthly Membership Meeting minutes, including attendance, to be
included in the annual report that is presented to the Texas Section at
the end of the fiscal year.
3. Send
meeting summary sheets, including minutes, to the Texas Section by the
25th of the month.
Section Director with preparation of the annual (end-of-year) report for
the Branch.
D. Treasurer
1. Prepare
a budget for the upcoming fiscal year to be presented at the September
Board Meeting.
2. Check
post office box (No. 3638 at six points) at least monthly.
3. In
mid-February, make annual payment at main post office (H.P. Garcia at 809
Nueces Bay Blvd.) into Permit No. 1344 account for privilege to mail at
bulk rates.
4. Monitor
post office bulk mail account balance/make
payment(s) to account (at main post office) as needed to cover postage.
5. Cut
and deliver checks to cover expenses.
6. Make
deposits (i.e., newsletter ad payments, Branch dues, etc.).
7. Advise
newsletter editor(s) on status of advertisement payments.
8. To
do/take to Membership Meetings:
a) Checkbook
(in case of no sponsor or sponsor would like to reimburse the Branch for
tags and pens
tax exemption form for vendor (restaurant)
listing (for sponsors, if requested - this listing is maintained by Liberty
member packets (for recruiting new members - available from ASCE National)
names/money at the door of the meetings.
meeting headcount (members, spouses, students, guests) to Secretary.
9. Balance
checkbook, compare to bank statement, and prepare monthly Treasurer’s reports
for review at Board Meetings.
10. In
early (May) August, order Past President’s plaque and have
Past President nametag engraved and mount on Board of Past Presidents.
Present both to outgoing President at June Meeting)Annual Meeting
in September.
11. In
early February, attend the Zone III Management Conference.
12. In
late June/early July, attend the Section Leadership Conference.
13. In
late June/early July, prepare annual (end-of-year) Treasurer’s report for
the Branch and submit for audit.
14. Assist
Section Director with annual (end-of-year) Branch report.
15. In
early October, obtain signature cards for checking account
from bank, get officers’ signatures, and return to bank.
Section Director
and participate as policy maker for the Texas Section in accordance with
the Constitution and Bylaws of the Texas Section.
Section Meetings and serve as the direct line of communication between
the Branch and the Section.
preparation of the annual (end-of-year) report for the Branch.
that a copy of the annual report is filed with the History & Heritage
committees of the Corpus Christi Branch shall consist of standing committees
and task committees. All standing committees shall be appointed annually
by the President immediately following installation of officers. Task committees
shall be appointed by the President on an “as needed” basis, and shall
be those committees that are concerned with special tasks, such as hosting
a Section Meeting. Task committees shall be dissolved after the specific
purpose for which the committee was appointed is completed and/or the President
discharges the committee. The standing committees and their duties and
responsibilities are as follows:
A. Nominating
1. The
Branch President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint
a Nominating Committee of three members, preferably Past Presidents of
the Branch. The members of the Nominating Committee shall be members in
good standing.
2. This
committee shall function throughout the entire year and shall have the
responsibility of recognizing the qualities of leadership and devotion
to the aims of the American Society of Civil Engineers in members of the
Corpus Christi Branch and of nominating members possessing these qualities
to office in the Corpus Christi Branch. It shall select a slate of officers
for the local Branch and shall submit nominations to the Texas Section
or to American Society of Civil Engineers when requested by them. Each
nominee for any office must give his consent to serve if elected. The slate
of officers for the local Branch shall be submitted to the Secretary on
the 1st of April of each year.
Vice-President shall chair the Programs Committee.This
committee will select program material in consonance with the objectives
of the Branch.
various manufacturers, distributors, and/or contractors to make technical
presentation at monthly Membership meetings, and prepare appropriate written
correspondence to them.
for an individual(s) to make a presentation during the business portion
of the monthly meetings, and prepare the appropriate correspondence to
them. This includes coordinating with the Texas Section President, who
will install the new officers in (June) September of each
the appropriate arrangements for the monthly meeting location including
the number of reservations, the meal/desserts, the audio/visual requirements,
cocktails, etc.
speaker biographies and introduce speakers at Membership Meetings.
reservations for monthly Membership Meetings, if required, and prepare
meeting sign-in sheet.Give copy
of sign-in sheet to Treasurer before meeting.
and present appreciation gift(s) for the meeting speakers.
thank-you notes to the speakers.
student attendance at Membership Meetings.Make
a financial arrangement, if possible, for reduced prices.Plan
a joint meeting with the students at least once a year.
C. Membership
1. Be
responsible for all matters affecting membership, attendance, retention
and prospective members.
a current list of assigned and subscribing members of the Branch.Coordinate
updates with newsletter mailing list.
a supply of membership application forms, as well as transfer and reinstatement
forms, and see that they are supplied to potential members needing them.
younger members to upgrade their membership classification to Member and
Members to Fellow when appropriate.Encourage
assigned members to become subscribing members.
preparation and publication of 10 monthly newsletters per fiscal year (September
through June).
advertising, receive camera-ready “slicks”, and invoice as needed.
with local printing companies for the printing of the monthly newsletters
in exchange for advertising space.
addition to the President’s message, the announcement for the next Membership
Meeting, and the minutes from previous Membership and Board Meetings, gather
and publish articles in consonance with the objectives of the Branch.
to mail newsletters in time for members to receive them at least 7 days
before the Membership Meeting.
a draft copy of each newsletter to the President for review prior to publication.
E. Public Information
1. Place
before the public all matters relating to the Branch and the civil engineering
profession where appropriate, including submission of articles to local
newspapers and publishers and the general public discussing the achievements
of engineers and/or the projects they design.
2. Correspond
and coordinate, as appropriate, with other technical and professional societies.
F. Honors and Awards
1. Coordinate
matters pertaining to:
a) papers
to be entered in contests authorized by the Branch, Section or National,
b) sponsorship
of the Science Fair, and
c) nominations
of local engineers for appropriate awards.
G. History and Heritage
1. Record,
archive and disseminate historical information on the Branch and civil
engineering in general.
2. Administer
the preparation of biographical information for use in the awarding of
Life Membership Certificates and for reports to headquarters after the
death of a member.
and maintain the Branch webpage as directed by the Board.
I. Auditing
1. Review
all Treasurer’s reports generated during the previous year, including the
end-of-year Treasurer’s report, to ensure that the Branch’s financial activities
are in order.
J. Professional Practice Committee
1. Give
attention to problems confronting engineers in the practice of their profession
with particular regard to ethical, business, legal and administrative matters
not specifically assigned to other committees of the Branch, including
the relationship of such practice to public bodies, other local engineering
groups and individuals.
2. Keep
the Branch and Directors informed of Regulatory, Proposed Legislation,
and State Board requirements that may affect the civil engineering profession.
K. Education Committee
1. Promote
the availability of engineering educational opportunities matching the
needs and desires of members of the Branch.
Student-Member Liaison
the lines of communication between the Student Chapter at Texas A&M
Kingsville and the Branch, keeping in close touch with the A&M Kingsville
Faculty Advisor and Student Contact Member.
with the Faculty Advisor, Contact Member, and Honors & Awards Chair
to develop prizes for student papers, special activities, graduating seniors,
and good scholarship.
to attend a student meeting at the beginning of the school year.
Rules of Operation approved by the Board of Directors of the Corpus Christi
Branch at its duly constituted meeting on June 2000in
Corpus Christi, Texas.