[Detailed Overview of Mathematicians]
Important Mathematicians in History This page contains some data of a selection of important mathematicians and some other scientists that were important for the development of the science and that were important for the development of our current computer science. I have made this list out of interest and because of some research I am doing on old material that I found. The list is not yet complete and I hope to put more information on this page in the future. Also I try to find links to further information on the persons named below. Hilbert Koetsier |
born | died | name | work |
1452 | 1519 | Vinci, Leonardo Da | many inventions, paintings 'Mona Lisa' |
1501 | 1576 | Cardano, Hieronimo | cardan spindle, mathematics basics, 'Ars Magna' (1545) |
1564 | 1642 | Galilei, Galileo | math and physics basics |
1571 | 1630 | Kepler, Johann | . |
1592 | 1635 | Schickard, Wilhelm | first calculators |
1623 | 1662 | Pascal, Blaise | geometry, hydrostatics, calculators |
1629 | 1695 | Huygens, Christiaan | differential calculus, optics, 'Horologium Oscillatorium', 'Kosmotheoros' |
1643 | 1727 | Newton, Isaac, Sir | 'Principia' |
1646 | 1716 | Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm | differential and integral calculus (1673-1676) |
1707 | 1783 | Euler, Leonhard | differential arithmatics, many mathematical notations (e.g. cosinus, sinus, e, i), many other subjects (total 886 publications), 'Institutiones Calculis Integralis' (1774) |
1736 | 1813 | Lagrange, Joseph Louis | metric system, SI, interpolation techniques, 'Mecanique Analytique' (1788) |
1749 | 1827 | Laplace, Pierre Simon | 'Mecanique céleste' (1799-1825), 'Théorie analytique des probabilités' (1812) |
1752 | 1833 | Legendre, Adrien-Marie | Legendre polynomal |
1768 | 1830 | Fourier, Jean-Baptiste Joseph | 'Théorie analytique de la chaleur' (1822) |
1777 | 1855 | Gauss, Carl Friedrich | complex numbers, 'Disquisitiones Arithmeticae' (1801) |
1792 | 1871 | Babbage, Charles | The Analytical Engine, differential machines (1822) |
1804 | 1851 | Jacobi, Carl Gustave | differential equations basics |
1811 | 1832 | Galois, Evariste | matrix-algabra |
1815 | 1864 | Boole, George | 'The Mathematical Analysis of Logic' (1847), 'An Investigation of the Laws of Thought' (1854) |
1826 | 1866 | Riemann, Georg | modern integral calculus, n-dimensional geometry |
1831 | 1879 | Maxwell, James | . |
1862 | 1943 | Hilbert, David | Hilbert's Problems (23 problems)(1900) |
1879 | 1955 | Einstein, Albert | (no mathematician, important though) |
1894 | 1964 | Wiener, Norbert | cybernetics, negative feedback |
1900 | 1973 | Aiken, Howard | Automatic Sequence Controller Calculator (1937) |
1903 | 1957 | Neumann, John Louis von | modern computer architecture, EDVAC, 'First draft of a report on the EDVAC' (1945) |
. | . | more to come... | . |
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