Welcome to the Petroleum Mass Spectrometry Site
As petroleum mass spectrometrists, we have been involved in the research
of upstream (exploration/production), downstream (refining),
petrochemicals (solvents, chemical intermediates, polymers, etc.) and
environmental areas. This site is created for enhanced
communications among our colleagues and those who are interested in
Petroleum Mass Spectrometry.
Messages from the ASMS (American Society for Mass Spectrometry "Hydrocarbon and Chemical Processes" Interest Group (in reverse chronical order)
2001 "Hydrocarbon and Chemical Processes" Interest Group Meeting
June 5, 2001 Edition
The "Hydrocarbon and Chemical Processes" interest group meeting was held on Thursday, May 31st, between
the two oral sessions of "Future Challenges" and "Analyzing Hydrocarbon Materials: New Approaches
to Old Problems". About 20 people attended. Sam Hsu of ExxonMobil led discussions. He re-emphasized
that the group welcomes members from other interest groups who are interested in hydrocarbon and chemical
research issues. In fact, those people can play important roles to foster interaction and information
exchange between our group and others.
Next year, we plan to keep the same format as this year's with two oral sessions. However, there were
concerns about receiving enough papers from a very limited number of research groups that are still remaining
in the petroleum industry. Sam took the opportunity to acknowledge Professor Patrick Limbach of Louisiana
State University (will move to the University of Cincinnati next semester) who spent some time calling
potential contributors for the papers. Pat chaired this year's "New Approaches to Old Problems" session.
Several topics were suggested by the attendees, including hydrocarbon compound type analysis and overview
of analytical issues in the hydrocarbon and chemical research. For hydrocarbon type analysis,
Ron Grigsby of TRW agreed to prepare a presentation for next year's ASMS conference. Gil Jones of
Amoco has also been asked to prepare a presentation relating to petrochemicals. Sam also
suggested Micromass attendees to consider topics relating to instrumental issues of hydrocarbon analysis.
There was no new business to be discussed at this meeting.
Hydrocarbon and Chemical Processes Group at Chicago ASMS
May 13, 2001
Dear Members:
1. ASMS has recently moved the interest group discussion sites from Listserver to ASMS website at
http://www.asms.org. You probably can sign in to our group discussion site, Hydrocarbon and Chemical
Processes, using your e-mail address and password as the ones you registered last year in our Listserver.
However, some of you might need to re-register again to get into our group discussion site in the ASMS web.
2. We will have two oral sessions at the Chicago ASMS Conference: "Future Challenges" and "New Approaches
to Old Problems". Please note that the final program has these two sessions switched if you have read the
preliminary program. Professor Pat Limbach of Louisiana State University will chair the "Future Challenge"
session in the morning, and I will chair the other session in the afternoon.
3. Our interest group meeting will be on Thursday, May 31st between 12:15 PM and 1:30 PM at Columbus
Room I/J of Hyatt Regency Hotel. Please send me a note (chang.s.hsu@exxonmobil.com)
for the topics that you would like to discuss at the meeting.
4. A fund has been set up for our former member, Ms. Yanping Wang. Yanping has lost all four limbs due to
a severe illness during her pregnancy. Please visit
http://www.geocities.com/chang_samuel_hsu/yanping.html for details.
Hope to see you at Chicago.
Best regards,
(If you would like to be added onto the list, please e-mail me with your updated information)
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Site is created and maintained
Samuel Hsu
ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company
P.O.Box 2226
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-2226
Tel: (225) 977-7776
FAX: (225) 977-8037
E-mail: chang.s.hsu@exxonmobil.com
June, 2001