Interested in Joining the Royal Canadian Air Cadets?
FAQs about Air Cadets
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If you're interested in joining Air Cadets and you still have more questions, please contact 707 Etobicoke Squadron and we'll help you out anyway we can.
How old must I be to join the Air Cadets? You are eligible to join a squadron if you have reached your 12th but not your 19th birthday.
What are the requirements of membership? All potential cadets must be of good character, interested in the program and prepared to attend parades regularly. Parent's permission is also required.
What about medical exams? You must produce evidence of physical fitness before being accepted as an Air Cadet. Air Cadets must also be examined by a doctor before going to camp, undertaking flying training or other special assignments.
Will I have to pay dues? No-but you may be asked to join in fund raising activities such as Tag Days, special parades, etc...
Must I buy my own uniform? No. Complete uniforms are loaned to cadets by the Canadian Forces. You are,, of course, expected to keep the uniform looking clean and neat.
Will Air Cadet training detract from my school work? Not likely. Air cadet squadrons usually meet only one night a week and the instruction is designed to supplement you school studies.
Do Air Cadets receive pay? Only when attending certain full-time summer courses. All cadets, however, receive valuable educational benefits, trips to camp, free flying courses and other rewards.
What do the Air Cadets learn? They study flying, navigation, meterology, jet and rocket propulsion, photography and many other subjects designed to assist them in preparing for future careers.
What are my chances of promotion? Promotion in the Air Cadets is based on merit. Promising young cadets are given command positions and encouraged to develop qualities of leadership.
Who sponsors the Air Cadets? Every squadron is supported by a civilian committee made up of business and professional men and women interested in the welfare of Canadas youth.
Who instructs Air Cadets? Air Cadets are instructed by ex-servicemen, school teachers, former Air Cadets, Senior Air Cadets, and other persons willing to devote time to this activity.
Can I go to camp in the summer? Summer camps for more than 8000 Air Cadets each year are held at Canadian Forces Bases spaced across the country. They offer a varied program of outdoor sports in addition to valuable instruction in aeronautics.
Are Air Cadets permitted to fly? Yes. While at summer camp, all Air Cadets are given familiarization flights in powered aircraft and gliders.
Are there any advanced training courses for Air Cadets? Yes. In addition to a special Senior Leaders Course, summer courses are provided in Athletics, Technical Training, Bush Survival, Rifle Coaching and other subjects to prepare cadets for future positions of leadership, either in the Air Cadet movement or in other fields. Cadets are selected for this valuable training on the basis of regular attendance and good service with the Squadron.
What about pilot training? Air Cadets who can pass the required medical and written exams can qualify for aircraft and glider pilot scholarship courses conducted at flying clubs, schools, and special camps across Canada.
Are there travel opportunities? Yes. Air Cadets travel to camps and courses held in different parts of Canada and each year large groups of Air Cadets visit the United States, Britain and Continental Europe under an international "get acquainted" plan.
How are Air Cadets chosen for international visits? Exchange cadets are selected on a merit basis. Each cadet must have an outstanding Air Cadet and school record, as well as a good reputation in his or her home community.
Can Air Cadets obtain summer employment? Yes. Senior cadets who are properly qualified can obtain employment at summer camps and special courses - a chance to "earn while you learn".
Will I be expected to join the Canadian Armed Forces? No. Air Cadets make absolutely no commitments regarding future military training. Those who do join the service start out with a big advantage over other applicants.
What is the main purpose of Air Cadet training? While Air Cadet Squadrons are organized along military lines, the primary aim is to produce better Canadian citizens - The kind who understand the responsibilities of citizenship and are prepared to accept them should the need arise.