our goal: 2 Corinthians 10:5
"we demolish arguments and every pretension (the
evolution theory) that set itself up against the knowledge of God,
and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ"
our confidence in Christ: 1 Corinthians 1:25
"the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom
(science and technology)"
our hope in God's righteous judgement in the future: Isaiah
"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence
of the intelligent will vanish"
cavemen were hunters, thus meat eaters (Genesis
9:3). Thus, they were descendents of Noah (3036-2086 BC). See generation
list: THE
Their cultural standard was deteriorating due to the severe weather conditions
(the "ice age"), caused by the global climatic cooling during and after
the 1-year global flood (2437-36 BC) including atmosphere destruction,
underground soil destruction, earth split-up into continents and continental
The destruction of the water atmosphere (which guaranteed a human life
span on earth of more than 800 years by means of solar ray protection)
resulted in the building of today's cloud atmosphere, causing rain to fall
which was unknown to the generations before the flood. Global cooling (likewise
global warming is occuring today) happened after the world's first destruction
(first judgement of God), which happened during the global flood and thereafter,
resulting in the development of gigantic ice masses in mountainous regions
as well as the polar zones, to be known as "ice ages" occuring in 2400
BC and thereafter. The human life span was promised to be cut down to 120
years (Genesis 6:3)
dinosaurs were destroyed in great numbers through the
global flood like all other land animals and humans (living before the
flood, before 2437 BC). However, each kind of them survived through the
world's first zoo: Noah's ark. The severe climatic change after the flood
limited their population. They were known as dreadful beings (the dragon
sagas) and they were killed and extinguished by men throughout time until
the middle ages (ca. 1500 AD).
fossils and fuel are products caused by severe pressure
and covering of land masses and sediments due to God's jugment of this
planet, destroying every living thing, men and mice.
racism caused by the thinking that man has been improving
in his genetical information throughout time, thus coming to existance
and sustaining himself by means of biological and genetical competiton.
atheism caused by the thinking that man came to being
through "coincidental" forces, man determined as a descendant from animal,
qualifying man as a "kind" of animal.
Jupiter a corrupted form of the name of Japheth, son of
Noah, (a human) deified (made into a God) by his descendants, the
Roman and Greek people.