I’ve been computerin’ professionally now for over 10 years, and in that time I’ve had the pleasure to meet many an unfortunately chosen acronym. Without further ado, let me regale you with the tale:
- HIV. We had a database field in one of our tables called HIV -- for “Hi Value”.
- EFM was the name of one of our products, Expert Foundation Manager. I was in QA at that job, and whenever it became clear that development was just not going to fix any particularly bad bug before release, we in QA would look at each other, think of our beloved customers and pronounce EFM -- F ‘em.
- One of the internal systems where my wife works is called the AAS system…
- Getting away from the computer field, the new Chevy SSR. The Chevy Soviet Socialist Republic?? It is a pretty cool looking car/truck/thing though...
- Last, here’s a good one I heard recently. Generalized Anxiety Disorder - GAD!!