One of the best things
One of the best things to me now is having a whim and suddenly, unexpectedly finding myself with the means and the time to do it. The time a gift to relish the moment. Saturday, coming home from a software testing workshop, it was so warm -- up to 40 today, which seems really warm in February, as winter considers ending. I wanted to be outside, wanted to take a walk. I went inside to ask my wife if she and our daughter would like to go for a walk, but they were out grocery shopping... So away I walked, sans a toddler to manage.
So warm today 40 is warm as winter begins to think it's done enough Looking up at the beautiful clouds... staring, taking time So quiet So peaceful Taking a walk walking slowly, steadily No rush, no hurry Looking at the houses Looking at the sky A bird flying high above Is it a sea gull? Flying along steadily So quiet So peaceful Walking slowly Breathing deeply of the fresh, crisp air Seeing the clouds Breathing the clouds Being the clouds Paused, standing still Eyes closed, sound of wind blowing through a tree, dry leaves never fallen So quiet So peaceful Wondering if deer can hide in this small stand of trees Probably, I thought, not really believing Then a rustle! and a white tail bouncing away! Walking home Breathing the good air Mind relaxed So quiet So peaceful