Augh! Now he's writing software to make the pictures!
It's true. I have ideas that I feel like I could execute more effectively programatically, that
is by writing programs to do them, than doing them by hand in paint. All I have to do is
figure out the internals of bitmaps (.bmp files) first. I'm not there yet, but I am writing
valid bmp files. It's like I've discovered all these new artistic super powers, and like every
young superhero in a comic book, I first have to learn to control them! So, what that means is none
of what follows was done intentionally! ;-) These are all cool lookin' by-products of me trying to
figure out the guts of bitmap files.
I'm writing Ruby scripts to do these. The following Ruby
script creates the small, 320x240 image that follows the listing. Then I took several of the more
cool lookin' ones, imho, copied them in paint, flipped them around, lined them up and then had the
effrontery to call what follows "art." So if you like any of these, it'll probably depend on which
colors and combinations you like, and those were pretty much chosen by accident (except the black one), or you could say by the computer.
# cea, 9/21/05
infile ="orange.bmp", "r")
outfile ="a19.bmp", "w")
base = 0
a = base
a_reset = 105
space = 125
factor = 1
inbyte = infile.getc
if (inbyte == 64) then # 64, 128, 255 is orange
byte2 = infile.getc
byte3 = infile.getc
if (byte2 == 128) && (byte3 == 255) then
if (a > a_reset) then a = base end
inbyte = space + a
byte2 = (space*2) + a
byte3 = (space*3) + a
a += factor
outfile.putc inbyte
outfile.putc byte2
outfile.putc byte3
outfile.putc inbyte
Which produces:
From which I made:
And everything else was made by messing with the code above. I like all the subtle gradations in these.
These last two are kind of busy...