Charlie's Blog #19: Several Miscellaneous Short Opinions
Several Miscellaneous Short Opinions
Bacon is nature's most perfect food. Forget eggs – it’s the bacon!
Pickles are Evil.
Great video games make really bad movies and great movies make really bad video games.
With shoes, you get what you pay for.
The most surprising thing about having a baby is also the one everyone knows beforehand -- they can’t talk!! Duh! And of course I knew this. But I knew it in my head, not intimately, deep down, meaning I had not realized the implications of this kind of barrier to communication until I experienced them, probably like every new parent. Especially in the beginning I really, really wished I could just ask my baby girl why she was crying. Often these days when she’s sleeping in my arms, I look at her and it really seems like she should be able to talk, and say deep, intelligent things. But so far, the most meaningful thing she’s said is to bark at the dog…
As far as jobs around the house go, you'd think that fixing windchimes would be pretty peaceful and soothing. Actually it's really, really annoying.
It's a sad commentary that the one word in Spanish that most Americans know is 'Basura'.
It's not such a sad commentary that the other word in Spanish that most Americans know is 'Agua'.
There's nothing like beating your head against an intractable problem for days only to realize in the end that it is not really even a problem at all.
I'm a "card carrying" geek but home automation does not excite me in the least. Even though it involves a computer, I think it's more the home improvement types that are interested in this.
CNN "Hotwired" correspondent Daniel Seaberg is a dufus and an idiot. His enthusiasm for technology cannot make up for his lack of understanding of it. He’s not any kind of technical “expert” at all -- he’s just a gadget freak.
I'm a patriot and I object to people using my name for America's enemies! I.e., the Viet Cong, aka “Charlie”, “Five O’Clock Charlie” the Iraqi apparently responsible for a daily missile, presumably around 5:00, launched towards the U.S. HQ in Kuwait in the recent war. I guess I don’t need to explain the nature of my objection to this 'naming convention'…
I have abandoned my unreasoned Yankee distain for all things southern in order to incorporate the word “Y’all” into my speech. It is an incredibly useful and much needed contraction, imho. I don’t say “all y’all” though. That just seems redundant.
People from the south should not be ashamed or embarrassed about the way they talk! I like the sound of the way southerners talk. Many try to change this when they move north -- I fervently believe they should not do this!! If they do, they’re contributing to the genericization of America, which is something I oppose! Southerners should be no more ashamed of the way they talk than New Yorkers are! I am a Midwesterner. I talk like a Midwesterner. And I ain’t gonna change.
ills I’m particularly sympathetic to:
The mentally ill homeless
Alzheimer's disease
The thing that annoys me about self help books is that if I'm reading it, I've already decided to read it! They don’t need to spend half the book telling me why this is a book I should read and convincing me to do it! I already am for cripes sake!! “Who Moved My Cheese” is a perfect example. Great book -- the second half of it that is, the actual meat of the book. It’s not about people who freak out if anything in their highly, neurotically organized lives is out of place, as the title might suggest, it’s about how to get yourself into the right mental attitude to cope with having been laid off or downsized, and how to deal with the reality of it and start looking for another job. I highly recommend reading it, especially in today’s world where few of us can realistically expect to retire from the same company we’re working for at the moment… And it’s a short book -- you can read it in an afternoon. Less than that if you skip all the ‘convincing to read it’ crap in the front and jump right to the actual story!
I heard recently that ‘the artist formerly known as Prince’ now wants to be known again as ‘Prince’. Got tired of being called ‘the artist formerly known as Prince’ I heard. What did he expect I wonder when he changed his name to an unpronounceable symbol? I mean, doing that seems more like an effort to sabotage your celebrity than anything else… So, from now on I will refer to him as ‘the artist again known as Prince’. Not that I have that many opportunities to refer to him though…
It might really annoy those who like leet to point out that what they’re really doing is a form of shorthand. Shorthand being so uncool. And leet is so much slower too.