Charlie's Blog #35: More Miscellaneous Short Opinions, and (Bonus!) Pet Peeves too!!
More Miscellaneous Short Opinions, and (Bonus!) Pet Peeves too!!
(I'm sooo opinionated... )
If you read a really good book ten or more years ago, it's definitely time to read it again!
The Cruller is the world's most perfect donut.
Canadians are such nice people. I like Canadians. Hard working, yet so laid back, eh? More Americans should aspire to be like Canadians.
My grand delusion: That in this blog I'm capturing myself -- my opinions, in a way that might someday be used to simulate my personality, for eternal "life" on the internet. I mean hey, if you're going to delude yourself, you might as well go big time.
What is the point of decaffinated coffee? Who wants to drink a hot, bitter beverage that does nothing else but be hot and bitter?? That's like non-alcoholic beer. Never saw the point of that either. I mean, if I don't want the alcohol, I'll just have a Coke.
I hate sunblock! I hate smearing that grease all over me. Smear this grease all over your face and then go out in the hot sun. What?!? You want to be even hotter?!?! If you were to ask if I'd rather be sunburned, I'd have to say it's a real toss-up...
These long shorts that are cool these days. In my day we called them "floods"! That is after I got off the dinosaur I'd ridden to school that day, wearing pants like these...
When all else fails there's still The Blues. Jimi Hendrix (Red House), Led Zeppelin (Travelling Riverside Blues), and Stevie Ray Vaughan (Little Wing (Hendrix), Chitlins Con Carne, and Boot Hill). We would be so, so much worse off without The Blues...
Pet Peeves:
What kind of arrogant ass does it take to assume someone has misspelled their own name?!?
Progress bars that lie. It's at 12% for 3 hours, then the whole thing finishes up in 20 seconds.
The impossible to get into seals on DVDs and CDs. Agh!! Do they really have to put them on all three sides now?!?
Saying something is "all but" something, when actually that's exactly what it is. That just doesn't makes any sense.
Change or keys jingling in my pocket. Bugs me. People can hear me coming from a mile away. Yes, the sound of coin in the pocket, which once must have been a sound that reassured people that they had means or were well to do, just annoys me. And to think, I used to be something of a coin collector...
Office supplies, such as post it notes, "walking away" from my desk, so that I end up not having them when I need them.
People who chew on my pens! I don't care if they chew on their own pens. I don't have to touch their pens...