We are in no position to criticize
We (Americans) are in no position to criticize other cultures. True, western civilization has achieved a very high degree of wealth, technology, physical comfort, and convenience… but we are such a conflicted people. So few of us seem to be at peace -- with other people or especially with ourselves. Strife and hang-ups abound. Maybe it's just my generation, maybe it's not. I'm not saying the people of other cultures are all happier than us, I don't know that.
The Buddhists do seem to have a corner on being at peace with themselves and with other people. The extent to which Asian cultures shun their heritage of Buddhist wisdom, is I think the extent to which they follow us in the wrong direction. At least Buddhists start with the understanding that all of life is suffering, and proceed to work on the real problem directly.
Every culture seems to be exceptionally good at something. Ours is exceptionally good at science and technology. But the road to comfort and convenience turns out not to be the road to real happiness. Buddhist cultures seem to be exceptionally good at coping, dealing with, and accepting the way the world and life is. We can learn a lot from the Buddhists.
I'm just saying our talent at technology doesn't really put us in a position to criticize and feel superior to those peoples who are less technological. How arrogant it is of us to call them "backward". We may have a lot of really cool toys, but we are really messed up ourselves…
Yeah, I've been thinking about Buddhism and watching Powaqqatsi again…
Maybe I'm digging at something deeper here... Everything I've said above seems to be consistent and what I wanted to say, but I feel like there is some key piece missing that I can't put my finger on... I remember a time not so long ago when I was much happier. I do have regrets about the course my life has taken, but the cost of making radical changes now is far, far too high. And it certainly has not been all bad -- far from it. Had my life gone a different direction, I certainly would not have had some of the great opportunities I've enjoyed immensely and that have had big influences on shaping the person I am today. I guess you just can't have it all (sigh). There are certain good things down one road, and there are other, different good things down other roads...
Wonder if I'm getting into a mid-life crisis here...