Clean your ears
We can't help being thirsty
Moving toward the voice of water
Milk drinkers draw close to the mother.
Muslims, Christians, Jews
Buddhists, Hindus, Shamans.
Everyone hears the intelligent sound and moves with thirst
to meet it.
Clean your ears
Don't listen for something you've heard before
Invisible camel bells
Slight footfalls in sand
Almost in sight!
The first word they call out
will be the last word of our last poem.
-- Jalaluddin Rumy
13th century Persiaan Mystic Poet,
as translated by Coleman Barks
Jalaluddin Rumy, 13th century Persian Mystic Poet, who has been called the Muslim Shakespeare, said this, during the Crusades...
Clean your ears indeed. Al Qaeda are not Muslims, as surely as the Branch Davidians were not Christians.