The September 96 Lunar Eclipse
About the photo:
Taken through an 8" LX200 @ f/10
with Kodak Gold 400 film
exposure = 1/500 sec
Comet Hale-Bopp and a meteor
90mm lens f/2.8 2min
Kodak Gold 400 5:04am 3/9/97
A very bright Leonid meteor in Ursa Major
50mm f/2 3min
Kodak Gold 400 12:50am 11/17/96
The glorious summer milky way
28mm f/2.5 1min 30sec
Kodak Gold 400 11:05pm 7/25/97
A closer look at the summer milky way
50mm f/2 1min
Kodak Gold 400 11:13pm 7/25/97
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