SRDTIMI - Scientific Research, Design and Technological Institute of Musical Industry.
M. - Moscow
L. - Leningrad
Galembo, A. (1987) The quality of piano tones (Legkaya Industria Press, Moscow), 165 pp.
Otiugova, T., Gurkov, I, Galembo A. (1987). Birth of an orchestra (Musica Press, Leningrad, 1987).
Galembo, A. Piano - Technical History (in preparation).
Аугусто Кюри (2005) Десять законов счастья. Способы заставить жизнь влюбиться в тебя / Пер. с англ. Галембо А.С.. ("Ten laws for happiness: Tools to make you fall in love with life" by Augusto Jorge Cury, translated by A. Galembo): Издательство: София, 128 стр. ISBN 5-9550-0694-X Тираж: 5000 экз. Формат: 60x84/32
Аугусто Кюри (2005) Вы незаменимы. Эта книга рассказывает твою биографию./ Пер. с англ. Галембо А. С. ("You are irreplaceable. This book reveals your own biography" by Augusto Jorge Cury, translated by A. Galembo) Издательство: София, 112 стр. ISBN 5-9550-0695-8 Тираж: 5000 экз. Формат: 60x84/32
Аугусто Кюри (2005) Тренировка эмоций: Как быть счастливым / Пер. с англ. Галембо А. С. ("Training your emotion to be happy" by Augusto Jorge Cury, translated by A. Galembo). Издательство: София, 288 стр. ISBN 5-9550-0697-4 Тираж: 5000 экз. Формат: 60x84/32
Чарлз Тейлор (1976) "Физика музыкальных звуков" / пер. с англ. Галембо А. С. ("The physics of musical sounds" by Charles Taylor. - The English Universities Press, 1965). - Изд. "Легкая индустрия", Москва, 1976. - 184 с.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A. (2006). "Perception and Control of Piano Tone: Part 1, Single Tones". Piano Technicians Journal, v. 49. No. 8, 16-21
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A.(2006). "Perception and Control of Piano Tone: Part 2, Sequence of Tones". Piano Technicians Journal, v. 49. No. 12, 24-26
Galembo, A.S., Askenfelt. A. (2006). "Overlapping of Sounds in Piano Passages", Acoustical Physics 52(2), 144-150.
Галембо, А. С. & Аскенфелт, А. (2006). «О перекрывании звуков в фортепианных пассажах,» Акустический Журнал 52(2), 179-186
Goebl, W., Bresin, R., & Galembo, A. (2005). "Touch and temporal behavior of grand piano actions," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118(2), 1154-1165)
Goebl, W., Bresin, R, and Galembo, A. (2004). "Once again: The perception of piano touch and tone. Can touch audibly change piano sound independently of intensity?", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (ISMA2004), March 31-April 3, 2004 Nara, Japan.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A., Cuddy, L.L. and, Russo, F. (2004). "Perceptual significance of inharmonicity and spectral envelope in the piano bass range," Acta Acustica united with Acustica, Vol 90, pp. 528-536.
Goebl, W., Bresin, R., and Galembo, A. (2003). "The piano action as the performer's interface: Timing properties, dynamic behavior and the performer's possibilities," in Proc. of Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference SMAC03), Stockholm, August 6 -9, 2003.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A. (2003). "Quality assessment of musical instruments - effects of multimodality," 5th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM5), Hannover, September 8-13, 2003.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A. (2003). "Phase randomisation in piano bass tones," in Proc. of Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference (SMAC03), Stockholm, August 6 -9, 2003.
Galembo, A. (2003). "Quality of treble piano tones," in Proc. of Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference (SMAC03), Stockholm, August 6 -9, 2003.
Galembo, A. (2001). "Perception of Musical Instrument by Performer and Listener (with application to the piano)" - invited lecture, in Proc. of international workshop "Human Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music", Kassel, Germany, 21-24 Sept. 2001, 257-266.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A., Cuddy, L. L., Russo, F. A.(2001). "Effects of relative phases on pitch and timbre in the piano bass range," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 110(3), 1649-1666.
Galembo, A. (2000). "On multisensory origin of the musical instrument quality (in Russian)," in Proc. of "4th International conference on instrumentology "Blagodatov's sessions", St. Petersburg, 4-7 Dec. 2000.
Galembo, A. (2000). "On assessment of musical instrument quality in industry," in Proc. of XXVII International congress of Psychology, Stockholm, July 23-28, 2000.
Russo, F.A., Galembo, A., & Cuddy, L.L. (2000). "Variability in Musical Pitch Perception Across the Tessitura of the Piano," Society for Music Perception and Cognition Conference: SMPC2000, November 1-5, 2000, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A. (2000). "Study of the Spectral Inharmonicity of Musical Sound by the Algorithms of Pitch Extraction," Acoustical Physics (ISSN 1063-7710), V. 46, No. 2, 121.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A. (2000). "Use of pitch extraction algorithms for investigation of spectral inharmonicity in musical tone (in Russian)," Akustitcheskii Zhurnal, No. 2, 157-169.
Galembo, A. (2000). "Several demonstrations with piano tones," in Proc. of the conference "Physics of Musical Instruments 2", Brighton, Great Britain, 27 - 30 March 2000.
Galembo, A. (1999). "Musical instrument quality: historical, natural-scientific and psychological approach (in Russian)," in Proc. of the conference "Traditional Musical Instruments in Modern Culture", Sankt Petersburg, Russia, 29 Nov. - 1 Dec. 1999.
Galembo, A. (1999). "Musical instrument quality evaluation in industry," Making Good Musical Instruments: Can Acoustics Help? - Technical Research Forum, Edinburgh University, 11-12 July 1999.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A. (1999). "Representation of signals and estimation of spectral parameters by inharmonic comb filters with application to the piano," IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 7 (2), p. 197-203.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A., Cuddy, L. L. (1999). "On the role of phase relationships in pitch and timbre of multicomponent bass tones," Report to the ASA/FORUM ACUSTICUM '99, Berlin, 14-19 March 1999.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A., Cuddy, L. L. (1998). "Observations on the effects of phase on pitch and timbre in the piano bass range," Speech Transmission Laboratory Quarterly Progress and Status Report, Dept. of Speech Communication and Music Acoustics, Royal Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 700 14, S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden, TMH-QPSR 4/1998, p. 61-83.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A., Cuddy, L. L. (1998). "Some characteristic feaures of piano bass tones," Report to the 4th International Acoustical Colloquium ACOUSTICS Zvolen - Santicka '98, Zvolen, Slovakia, 15-16 Oct. 1998.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A., Cuddy, L. L. (1998). "Inharmonicity and quality of piano tones," in Proc. of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (ISMA'98), Leavenworth WA, June 26 - July 1, 1998, p. 241-246.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A. & Cuddy, L. L. (1998). "On the acoustics and psychology of piano touch and tone," Invited report to the XVI International Acoustical Congress/135 Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, June 1998, Seattle, Washington; Proc. of 16th ICA, v. 2, pp. 1109-1110.
Russo, F.A., Galembo, A., & Cuddy, L.L. (1998). "Perception of tonality across the tessitura of an instrument," Report to the conference Musical Cognition and Behavior Relevance for Music Composing conference, La Sapienza, Rome, Italy, May 28-30, 1998.
Galembo, A., Cuddy, L.L. (1997). "Large grand vs. small upright pianos: factors of timbral difference," (click here for the lay language shorted version) Invited report to the 134 Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, Dec. 1997, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 102(5), Pt. 2, 3107.
Russo, F.A., Galembo, A., & Cuddy, L.L. (1997). "Evaluation of perceived tonality across the musical pitch range," Canadian Acoustics, 25(3), 35.
Russo, F.A., Galembo, A., & Cuddy, L.L. (1997). "Evaluation of perceived tonality across the musical pitch range,"
Acoustics Week in Canada, Windsor.
Galembo, A. , Cuddy, L. L. (1997). "String inharmonicity and the timbral quality of piano bass tones: Fletcher, Blackham, and Stratton (1962) revisited," report to the 3rd US conference on Music Perception and Cognition, MIT, Cambridge, July-August, 1997, 3.
Galembo, A. (1996). "Russian (Soviet) contribution to musical acoustics," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 98 (6), 3071-3079.
Galembo, A. (1996). "Visualization and measuring of spectral inharmonicity in piano tones," report to the Forum Akustikum, Antwerp, 1996, Acustica - Acta Acustica 82, S108.
Galembo, A. (1995). "Sounds overlapping in melody played on a piano," in Proc. of the XV International Congress on Acoustics, Trondheim, (Norway), June 1995, vol. 3, 435-438.
Galembo, A. (1995). "Musical pitchiness evaluation through pitch extraction," report 5aMU3 to the 129 Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 97 (5), Pt. 2, 3390.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A. (1995). "A note on the overlap of piano tones," Speech Transmission Laboratory Quarterly Progress and Status Report, Dept. of Speech Communication and Music Acoustics, Royal Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 700 14, S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden, STL-QPSR 1/95, 23-28.
Galembo, A. (1995). "Development of the methods for evaluation of a pitch strength in musical (piano) sounds," (in Russian), doctoral dissertation, 207 p., Sankt Petersburg Institute of Cinema and Television, Feb. 1995. Abstract in J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 101 (4), 2397; ACUSTICA-Acta Acustica 83, 166.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A. (1994). "Investigation of a signal by inharmonic comb filters," (in Russian), Technicheskaia Akustika 3, No. 3-4, 64-72.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A. (1994). "Investigation of spectral inharmonicity by pitch extraction," (in Russian), Technicheskaia Akustika 3, No. 3-4, 53-64.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A. (1994). "Signal representation and estimation of spectral parameters by inharmonic comb filters," Speech Transmission Laboratory Quarterly Progress and Status Report, Dept. of Speech Communication and Music Acoustics, Royal Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 700 14, S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden, STL-QPSR 4/94, 85 - 93.
Galembo, A. (1994). "Musical acoustics in Russia," Speech Transmission Laboratory Quarterly Progress and Status Report, Dept. of Speech Communication and Music Acoustics, Royal Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 700 14, S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden, STL-QPSR 3-4/94, 1 - 42.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A. (1994). "Measuring of inharmonicity through pitch extraction," Speech Transmission Laboratory Quarterly Progress and Status Report, Dept. of Speech Communication and Music Acoustics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, STL-QPSR 1/94, 135-143.
Galembo, A., Askenfelt, A. (1993). "Measuring of inharmonicity through pitch extraction," in Proc. of Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference (SMAC93) , Royal Swedish Academy of Music, Stockholm, 302-308.
Galembo, A., Kravtchun, P., Shliapnikov, V. (1991). "On the influence of the piano una corda pedal on tone quality and dynamics (in Russian)," Proc. of the 11th USSR Acoustical Conference, Moscow, 17-20.
Galembo, A. (1989). "Subjective evaluation of the tonal quality of musical instruments - psychological aspects (in Russian)," in Proc. of the 28th Acoustical Conference on Physiological Acoustics, Psychoacoustics, Acoustics of Music and Speech, Strbske Pleso, Visoky Tatry, Czechoslovakia, 1989, 83-86.
Galembo, A. (1988). "Making high quality piano hammers (in Russian)," CBSTI of LIM RSFSR, Moscow, ser. 3, No. 7, 1-18.
Galembo, A. (1986). "Psychological aspects of quality estimation of musical instruments (in Russian)," in Measurement of psychical characteristics of human operators (Saratov University Press, Saratov), 113-118.
Galembo, A. (1985). "Quality of piano hammers and methods for control (in Russian)," CBSTI of LIM RSFSR, Moscow, Ser. 3, N1, 1-8.
Galembo, A., Uvarov, M. (1984). The stand for a control of parameters of the low frequencies power amplifiers (in Russian)," Technical Information Center of Leningrad, No. 961-84 , 1-2.
Galembo, A., Uvarov, M. (1983). "Stand for measurement of parameters of electromagnetic pickups for a guitar (in Russian)," CBSTI of LIM RSFSR, Moscow, Ser. 3, No. 3, 1-4.
Galembo, A., Uvarov, M. (1983). "The stand for measurement of the frequency characteristic of electromagnetic adapter (in Russian)," Technical Information Center of Leningrad, No. 1257-83, 1-3.
Galembo, A. (1983). "The problem of separate estimations of tonal and playing qualities of musical instruments (in Russian)," in Proc. of the 10th USSR Acoustical Conference, Moscow, 17-20.
Osadchaia, T., Markitcheva, Z., Galembo, A. (1982). "A method for improving the hammer felt in musical instrument production (in Russian)," in Perfection of the industry of non-woven textile materials - problems of increasing quality and economical efficiency, Moscow, 36-42.
Galembo, A. (1982). "Quality evaluation of musical instruments (in Russian)," Technical Aesthetics, No. 5, 16-17.
Galembo, A. (1981). "Crossmodal interference in the expertise of complex quality (in Russian)," in Theses of the 1st USSR Meeting on Statistic and Discrete Analysis of Non-quantitative Information, Expert Estimation and Discrete Optimization, Moscow-Alma Ata, 24.
Galembo, A. (1981). "Some data on the tonal structure of pianos (in Russian)," in Proc. of the 4th USSR Scientific Technological Conference on Electrical Musical Instruments (Moscow), part 1, 49-55.
Galembo, A. (1981). "Device for evaluation of musical instrument quality," Invention certificate No. 828215, Cl. G 10 1/02, 1981. Bulletin for discoveries, inventions, trade marks and industrial designs (USSR), No. 17, 215, 1981.
Galembo, A. (1980). "Special aids for measurement for piano technology (in Russian)," CBSTI of LIM RSFSR, Moscow, Ser. 3, No. 3, 1-16.
Galembo, A. (1980). "Piano hammers - technology and quality (in Russian)," in Methods for increasing the quality of musical instruments and their structural parts (Moscow: SRDTMI), 30-42.
Galembo, A. (1979). "A method for objective evaluation of the timbre in the piano treble (in Russian)," in Proc. of the 18th Acoustical Conference of Czechoslovakia (Cesky Krumlov, 1979), 45-48.
Shapotchkin, A., Galembo, A. (1978). "Felt for musical instruments (in Russian)," CBSTI of LIM RSFSR (Moscow), issue 9, 1-8.
Galembo, A. (1978). "Cupola measurement in vertical pianos (in Russian)," CBSTI of LIM RSFSR (Moscow), Ser. 3, No. 7, 1-7.
Galembo, A. (1978). "A device for cupola measurement in soundboards (in Russian)," Technical Center of Leningrad, issue N126-78, 1-4.
Galembo, A. (1978). "Devices for measuring of down bearing in piano string (in Russian)," CBSTI of LIM RSFSR (Moscow), Ser. 3, No. 2, p. 1-9.
Galembo, A., Ivanovskaia, L. (1977). "Spectral time structure and noise sources in the high treble of the piano (in Russian)," in Proc. of the 9th USSR Acoustical Conference (Moscow), 37-40.
Galembo, A. (1973). "New data related to the acoustical significance of piano touch (in Russian)," in Theses of the 8th USSR Acoustical Conference (Moscow), 97.
Galembo, A. (1971). "Impregnation of the nonimpacting part of the piano hammer - aid for improvement (in Russian)," CBSTI of LIM RSFSR (Moscow), Ser. 1, No. 3, 9-12.
Galembo, A. (1971). "Dependence of the quality of piano hammers on felt technology (in Russian)," CBSTI of LIM RSFSR (Moscow), Ser. 1, No. 3, 12-19.
Galembo, A. (1971). "Acoustical investigation of hammer felt for piano (in Russian)," in Theses of the 7th USSR Acoustical Conference (Leningrad), 3.
Galembo A. (1974). Novelties in grand piano hammers technology (in Russian). In.: Acoustical Laboratory Report, Red October piano factory, 40 p. (L.).
Osadchaia, T., Markitcheva, Z., Beliakova, V., Motorina, N,. Galembo, A. (1979) "Working out the recommendations for improving hammer felt by optimization of the tecnological process of making wool with including special chemical fibres (in Russian)," Report of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Wool, 26 p. (M.).
Galembo, A. (with Vershilova, I.). (1979). Analysis of non-standard parameters of elasticity in felts and industrial testing of experimantal and etalone "musical" felts (in Russian)" - Acoustical Laboratory Report, Red October piano factory, 33 p. (L.).
Osadchaia, T., Markitcheva, Z., Galembo, A. (1980)"Working out method of laying felt with linear increasing of both thickness and mass per volume (in Russian)," Report of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Wool, 36 p. (M.).
Osadchaia, T., Markitcheva, Z., Bezrukova, N. (1980) - Optimal regimes of hammer felt technology with using "vipolan" protein fibres (in Russian)," Report of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Wool, 13 p. (M.).
Galembo, A., Ivanovskaia, L. (1984) "Measurement of spectral-time parameters of tones of traditional keyboard instruments and of its electronic imitators (in Russian)," Acoustical Laboratory Report, Red October piano factory, 66 p. (L.).
Galembo, A. (1978) Section "General information" (p. 4-13) in: " Research of deformation in grand piano soundboard, and investigation of the influence of loading of sound board on the acoustical properties of the instrument (in Russian)," Acoustical Laboratory Report, Red October piano factory, 81 p. (L.).
Galembo, A., Ivanovskaia, L. (1978) "Attack of piano sound - searching for a criteria of the sound quality impression (in Russian)," Acoust. Lab. Report, Red Oktober Piano Factory, 158 p. (L.).
Galembo, A., Ivanovskaia, L., Fedorova, T. (1976) "Comparative evaluation of pianos with cast iron and aluminium frames (in Russian)," - Acoustical Laboratory Report, Red October piano factory, 66 p. (L.).
Gurina, B., Makarieva, T., Galembo, A. (1975) Investigation and industrial control of selected elements of vertical pianos (in Russian)," Acoustical Laboratory Report, Red October piano factory, 39 p. (L.).
Gurina, B., Makarieva, T., Galembo, A., Buneev V. (1973) "Research of design elements of a concert grand piano directed to improvement of its acoustical properties (in Russian)," Acoustical Laboratory Report, Red October piano factory, 98 p. (L.).
Gurina, B., Makarieva, T., Galembo, A., Buneev V. (1971) "Investigation of technological opportunities of improving of piano tone (in Russian),"- Acoustical Laboratory Report, Red October piano factory, 103 p. (L.).
Gurina B., Makarieva, T., Galembo, A., Razumov, V. (1967) "Development of methods for objective quality control of most significant units of a concert grand piano (in Russian)," Acoustical Laboratory Report, Red October piano factory, Part II, 156 p., (L.).
Gurina, B., Buneev, V., Borodin, V., Galembo, A. (1967) "Acoustical research of the "Steinway" concert grand piano (in Russian)," - Acoustical Laboratory Report, Red October piano factory, 86 p. (L.).
Gurina B., Makarieva, T., Galembo, A., Fedorova, A. (1965) "Development of methods for objective quality control of principal elements of a concert grand piano (in Russian)," Acoustical Laboratory Report, Red October piano factory, Part I, 102 p. (L.);
Galembo, A. (1965) Research of a string excitation in a piano (in Russian)", Magister diploma work, Physics Dept, the Leningrad State University, 89 p. (L.).