The Fourth Freedom
"The fourth (freedom) is freedom from fear, which translated into world terms means a world-wide reduction of armaments, to such a point and in such thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor, anywhere in the world."
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Message to Congress, January 1941.
"Let there be an end to games that have become too dangerous to be played, that destroy more than they save."
"Keeping peace by peaceful means" - Sir Robert Peel
Military and Defense Information:
Nuclear Weapons:
Chemical weapons:
see also my emergency preparedness page
Biological weapons:
see my emergency preparedness page
Here's a NEW BOOK that people with an interest in arms control will want to take a look at: NUCLEAR SHADOWBOXING by Alex De Volpi, Vladimir Minkov, V. A. Simonenko, and George Stanford. Check out the new website for NUCLEAR SHADOWBOXING for more information.
In the beginning, arms control was about trying to find answers to questions that nobody wanted to ask, but subsequently it has been largely coopted by the military and intelligence establishments.
This page updated 3 December 2004.
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