Fighter Design
Fighters as Small Expendable Units in Starship Combat
Basically, this is an Idea that I had to create fighters just like the missile design system I had for another game of mine. I suppose that you could use it for creating SFB fighters if you went to the trouble to balance them with existing designs. This system's purpose is to create Small Units - Fighters, Runabouts, Shuttles, whatever - for some of the games that I've designed.
Pretty simple - pick what you want on the unit, and add up the costs as indicated - then draw a diagram to represent the unit in the game.
Systems and their Cost:
Now, add up all these values, and divide by 5 to get the VALUE of the Fighter.
To figure out how many bay spaces on a carrier this fighter takes up:
Bays Used >>> Tech Level |
1/4 Bay |
1/2 Bay |
1 Bay |
2 Bays |
3 Bays |
4 Bays |
0 |
--- |
1-2 |
3-5 |
6-10 |
11-15 |
16-20 |
1 |
1 |
2-3 |
4-7 |
8-14 |
15-21 |
22-28 |
2 |
1-2 |
3-4 |
5-9 |
10-18 |
19-27 |
28-36 |
3 |
1-2 |
3-5 |
6-11 |
12-22 |
23-33 |
34-44 |
4 |
1-3 |
4-6 |
7-13 |
14-26 |
27-39 |
40-52 |
5 |
1-3 |
4-7 |
8-15 |
16-30 |
31-45 |
46-60 |
6 |
1-4 |
5-8 |
9-17 |
18-34 |
35-51 |
52-68 |