I will discuss two methods for extracting the small-signal AC model from the non-linear SSA equations:
Recall Bellow's SSA switch model equations:
vcp = d*vap
ia = d*ic
Note that these equations are non-linear because of the product between two variables that appears on the right hand side of each. In the linearized small-signal equations, each variable can only be multiplied by a constant - not another variable. The following sections show how to apply each method.
Outline of Steps:
vcp = Vcp + Dvcp
vap = Vap + Dvap
d = D + Dd
ia = Ia + Dia
ic = Ic + Dic
Note: The DC component is represented by capitol letters and the AC component by the variable preceded by a D (delta). It is common to represent the AC by putting a "hat" over the variable, but I use the delta because it is easier to type and it ties into calculus notation.
Step 2. Substitute both DC and AC components into the non-linear equation:
(Vcp + Dvcp)
= (D + Dd)*(Vap + Dvap)
(Ia + Dia)
= (D + Dd)*(Ic + Dic)
Step 3. Eliminate all pure DC and cross-products of AC components:
Dvcp = Vap*Dd
+ D*Dvap
Dia = Ic*Dd
+ D*Dic
And this is our linearized small-signal model. Each AC signal is multiplied by a constant "gain" coefficient which is generally one of the DC operating point values. Thus, we will need to know the DC operating point before doing the AC analysis. The DC operating point is found simply by solving the equations at DC. Further simplifications are often made such as ignoring the D*Dvap term if applicable.
Outline of Steps:
Bellow's SSA switch model equations become:
Vcp = D*Vap
Ia = D*Ic
Step 2. Take partial derivatives with respect to each variable. These become the constant gain coefficients:
= Vap
= D
= Ic
= D
Step 3. Apply the chain rule. (Multiply each AC variable by it's gain coefficient and sum.)
Dvcp = (dVcp/dD)*Dd
+ (dVcp/dVap)*Dvap
Dia = (dIa/dD)*Dd
+ (dIa/dIc)*Dic
Substituting, we get:
Dvcp = Vap*Dd
+ D*Dvap
Dia = Ic*Dd
+ D*Dic
And again, this is our linearized small-signal model. It is the same thing we got using the Perturbed Equation Method. The Partial Derivative / Chain Rule Method even works in some cases where the Perturbed Equation Method fails, such as when we have a transcendental expression.
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