SuperVision3D library
What it is?
- SuperVision3D is compilation of many powerfull functions, that brigs
you better and faster game developping
under dos environment using RenderWare(tm) library from Criterion
- improved object manipulation (loading, scaling, moving, exploding...)
- hierarchical models animation support (load, save, edit)
- sprite functions (animated mouse cursors...)
- bitmap render to camera viewport
- flc/fli support (synchronization with music)
- palette support (fading - linear, non-linear)
- 'guns' support (firing lasers, 'smart' missiles, rockets)
- explosion support
- rearview camera
- font functions
- cd-player
- improved spline functions (loading, scaling, moving...)
- direct support for .3ds scenes (lights, cameras, keyframing...)
- landscape renderer
- two 'input modes' - flying, walking
- background music
- sound FX
Planned features
- mirror effects
- under water effects
- smoke effects
- bump textures
- voxel techique for terrains combinated with scan-line renderer in RenderWare(tm)
for objects
- fractal editor for landscapes
- .asc, .lwo, .cob support
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