Case Studies
Experimental Archaeology
Flintknapping and Lithic Technology
Experimental Archaeology
Experimental Archaeology
Brief description of experimental archaeology and the work of Kathy Schick and Nick Toth at the Center for Research into Anthropological Foundations of Technology. Includes a nice stop-action photograph of flintknapping linked within document text.
Fire Starting
Includes step-by-step descriptive instructions on how to start a fire using the bow and drill method. A companion page by the same author gives similar information on how to build and use an 18th century "fireworks kit" using flint and steel.
Flintknapping and Lithic Technology
Australian Stone Tools
Allows user to view Australian stone tools and learn more about Australian stone artifacts and lithic technology.
Bear Mountain Stoneworks
Labelled photographic images of many stone tool types produced at Bear Mountain Stoneworks using traditional Native American flintknapping techniques.
Folsom Point Manufacture
An illustrated document that displays the various steps involved in Folsom point manufacture.
The Knapper's Corner
Dedicated to providing information on flintknapping, raw materials, and resources for learning the art of flintknapping. Offers updates on courses and workshops in addition to a listing of books, videos, and posters of interest to flintknappers. Also contains information on ordering "Chips", a quarterly newsletter on flintknapping published by Mound Builder Books.
New Knappers Anonymous
A wealth of information on lithic technology for the beginning or more experienced flintknapper.
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