Advances in Human Behavior and Evolution
An interdisciplinary journal of research, theory, and integrative reviews with open peer commentary. Allows on-line reviewing of target articles and posting of critical reviews and comments.
American Journal of Archaeology
Provides information about the journal, on-line Tables of Contents for recent and forthcoming issues, and a list of books to be reviewed.
Current Anthropology
Information on journal subscriptions, call for papers, access to Tables of Contents for recent issues, and descriptions of forthcoming articles. Features an excellent on-line article, "Anthropology on the Internet" (originally published in V37 N3), containing a list of related sites and discussion of the use of the Internet as a resource in anthropological research.
Ethology and Sociobiology
Allows access to Tables of Contents for recent issues.
Internet Archaeology
Publishes academic papers on-line "utilizing the full potential of electronic publication." Presents the results of archaeological research in a readable manner and allows readers access to the data upon which conclusions are based.
Journal of Human Evolution
Allows access to current Table of Contents, a sample issue, registration information, and a form for electronic submission of articles.
An international weekly journal of science. Free registration provides access to Tables of Contents and article summaries for the past four issues, the Nature archives and index, a collection of full-text articles and web-only material, listings of international job openings, and other valuable resources.
On-Line Archaeology: An Electronic Journal of Archaeological Theory
An electronic journal currently in trial mode. Its creators intend it to become a formal refereed journal with a goal of the "rapid dissemination of speculative ideas about archaeology."
Systematic Biology
The quarterly journal for the Society of Systematic Biologists. Recent issues with abstracts are available on-line.
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