Note: Several links on this page contain a main link (the heading) in addition to links within the site description. The main links connect to the most general information or the home page for that site. For those interested in particular subject areas, links within the site description provide a direct connection to more specific topics.
Artificial Cranial Deformation
An examination of artificial cranial deformation and evidence for the antiquity of its practice. Claims of artificial deformation at Shanidar are questioned. Good quality photos are provided for the specimens examined.
Birth Simulation
A downloadable computer simulated model of a baby passing through the pelvis. A wire frame represents the removal volume of the baby's head. This animated visualization uses techniques initially developed for mechanical design. Requires "Sparkle" for viewing.
Bone: Cornell University Medical College
Lecture notes illustrated with color photos. Major topics include normal bone formation, resorption, mineralization, and development in addition to notes on many types of skeletal pathology.
Bone and Cartilage Histology
A few light and electron micrographs of bone and cartilage sections for study of histology. Most are monkey, a few are human. Interesting reference for comparison of human tissue with that of other primates.
Bone and Joint Pathology Index
Many images of normal and diseased bone in gross, microscopic, and radiographic views. Explanatory text accompanies each image.
Bone and Joint Pathology: Supplemental Image Database
Images of endochandral and membranous bone formation and many bone and joint pathologies. Includes x-rays, hemisections, and gross and microscopic sections accompanied by text descriptions.
Bone Histology Slides
Access to histology laboratory slides of cartilage, joints, bone, and ossification. Includes high, medium, and low power views. Good aid in understanding bone and joint histology.
Bones Tables
Information on bones arranged in table format. Includes name, structures, and descriptions of each bone. An excellent study reference!
Caramate Self-Study Series: Osteology
Excellent labelled color slides of bone microstructure, developing bone, long bone & metacarpal anatomy, and fetal bone development. part of the laboratory portion of a Human Anatomy and Physiology course taught at Yavapai College.
CT Skull Fly-Through
A downloadable file that shows the results of a 3-D visualization of CT data. The animation path examines the sinuses. Requires "Sparkle" for viewing.
The Digital Anatomist: On-Line Interactive Atlases
Two- and three-dimensional views of images taken from cadavers, MRI scans, and computer reconstruction. Allows self-testing and labelling of various anatomical landmarks. The skeletal structure of the knee (distal FEM, patella, and proximal TIB) is the only osteological section currently available.
The Etymology of Anatomy
For all those curious souls who have ever wanted to know the roots of the word "acetabulum" or wondered how the coccyx got its name....
Head Anatomy
Yale University School of Medicine's anatomical illustrations and radiographic images of the head. Features detailed, labelled images of the skull and associated structures.
Geistlich Biomaterials
Scientific information and references on a system for natural bone regeneration. Mainly used in dental surgery and implants.
Gross Anatomy Radiology Review
Radiographic images of head, neck, chest, pelvis, thigh, and knee.
The Human Dentition
High quality black & white photographs of individual permanent and deciduous teeth. Allows user to rotate each tooth a full 360 degrees and view occlusal surfaces. An excellent reference!
Introductory Anatomy: Bones and Joints
Notes from an introductory anatomy course taught through the Centre for Human Biology on bones and joints. Basic, but provides a good review. The notes on bones offer a particularly good explanation of bony landmark classification terminology.
JayDoc HistoWeb
Slides with accompanying textual descriptions of connective tissue,
cartilage (hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage) and bone (developing skull, epiphysial plate, developing long bone, haversian canals, and decalcified bone). Some of these images cannot be found elsewhere on-line, so this site is worth checking out.
Joints Tables
Information on joints arranged in table format. Includes name and type of joint, associated connective tissues, and significance of each. Great reference!
LUMEN Histology Slides
Notes on Human Osteology
Outline of general concepts in osteology, from bone classification to factors affecting bone growth and repair. Sections on bone growth and microscopic structure are especially informative. Lecture outline from a course taught at Northern Arizona University.
Osteo Interactive
Good overview of the basics of osteology, histology, paleopathology, and forensics. Excellent photographs of skeletal elements and pathologies.
Osteology of the Tibia and Fibula
Detailed textual descriptions of the osteology and anatomical landmarks of the tibia and fibula. Maintained by the Department of Orthopaedics at the University of Queensland.
Osteology of the Wrist and Hand
Tables on the osteology and muscular anatomy of the hand and wrist. Includes descriptions of bones and articulations, in addition to muscle origins, insertions, functions, and innervations. A great study tool!
Pelvis and Perineum
Part of the University of Iowa School of Medicine's multimedia textbook series. Deals with various aspects of pelvic structure and function. Includes illustrated chapters on osseous and ligamentous anatomy, musculature, and other topics.
The Rotating Foot / Ankle
A rotating view of the skeletal structure of the foot / ankle (from distal TIB / FIB to proximal MTs).
Skeletal System Development
Lecture notes covering the development of bone and cartilage, joints, the vertebral column, the skull, and the appendicular skeleton within the developing embryo. Discussion mostly pertaining to cellular level development. Some links embedded within the text to helpful illustrations.
The Skull Module
Features five different views of the skull with individual bones color-coded. Allows the user to click on a bone for a view of it disarticulated in addition to a list of the bones with which it articulates. Includes a short description of the skull as part of the axial skeleton and a glossary. Presented by the Anthropology Department at CSU Chico.
Wheeless's Textbook of Orthopaedics
An on-line text containing a wealth of information on fractures, joints, bone growth and repair, and numerous other topics. Includes photos and radiographic images.
3-D Ultrasound Images of the Fetal Skull and Spine