<BGSOUND SRC="/vk0ld/userfiles:/user/QSLVK0MM.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
The QSL manager for VKØMM, 9VØA & 9V1DX is :

Alan Roocroft, VK4AAR.

                                            PO Box 421
                                            QLD 4343

Alan is a well known & respected QSL manager and assures a turnaround of 24 - 48 hours. Please include a Self Addressed Envelope & US$2 to cover return postage.

Kindly note that due to the strong Australian Dollar,  US$1  is now no longer sufficient to cover Australian postage to most overseas destinations.

PLEASE: No International Reply Coupons, since they are very time consuming indeed to redeem and many that get sent are several years old. Australia Post will not even look at IRCs older than 12

                                   NO BURO CARDS                          

The logs are very carefully checked prior to forwarding to VK4AAR, however if you receive "Not In Log" and you are
certain that you had a valid contact,  then please email me with full details.  I will then check the original log in case of a typo or other mistake and will advise accordingly.

Note: VK4AAR does not handle cards for VKØLD or VP8PJ

My general operating policy is to give everyone a fair go, however those stations that cause persistent & deliberate interference will be:  a) Given a report in order to shut them up. b) Not recorded in the log.

73, Alan