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Michael Grant
4082 acres drive
columbus, ohio 43207
Discipline(s): Computers/Information Systems
Web Design Technology
Employment Type: Full time or long term Contract
Employment Level: TSO,JCL Specialist
An experienced resourceful individual with Highly conceptual,managerial and technical skill seeking a position
with a
company that will build on the knowledge obtained through academic studies and practical work experience.
Summary of Skills:
Windows 98, ME 2000 MVS
CICS Windows NT 4.0
MIS MS Power Point
JCL MS Access
JES2 / JES 3 MS Excel
MS Office XP Job Trac
Corel Word Perfect Suite 8 IBM Control Products
MS Visual C++ IBM OS/390
MS Beta Tester IBM OS/400
Monitoring UNISYS V5 Mainframe
Faxing IBM Stream Weaver
Customer Service Amdahl Mainframe
Hitachi Mainframe Abend Aid
File Aid Omegamon
Visio 5.0 CA Unicenter
IBM Mainframe Netview
SAMM Unix Admin. C Shell
Korn Shell X windows
Unix J series servers Oracle 8
Linix 6.0 HP-UX OS
Borland C++ IBM Winsock Emulator
Bridge32 UNISYS Terminal Emulator Rumba Emulator for Win95/NT
CA 1/11 Novell Admin.
ISPF Workbench SAMM Unix Admin.
Diversified Software Control products for IBM
Sams Vantage DASD storage Utility for OS 390
Obtained a Secret /Top Secret Clearance from the Defense
Information Service Agency (DISA)
North Education Center High School, Clintonville, OH, June 1991
A.S. Computer Information Systems, Columbus State Sep 1994
Computer Studies, The Ohio State University, Jan 1995
Other Training:
Advanced JCL, Defense Mega Center Columbus Training Facilities
Control Products, Defense Mega Center Columbus Training Center
UNIX Operating System, CBT Internet Training Center
UNIX ADMIN. Certified UNIX Administrator HP Training Center
HP-UX Operators Training
MVS/JCL, DPEC Internet Training Center
MSCE for Windows 95 from Defense Mega Center (96)
Borland C++ Defense Mega Center Columbus Training Center
Paradox Defense Mega Center Columbus Training Center
Work Experience:
City of Columbus, Columbus, OH Jul. 1998 to Present
Mainframe Computer Operator City of Columbus. Responsibilities
include monitoring the three Unisys V5 mainframes for job
completion, and starting job flows from a time-sensitive dated
schedule. Report abended jobs to the on-call team leader, take
the system down for nightly backups, JES3 Halt loading for system
stops and troubleshooting customer calls concerning transmission
speeds and other problems. Determine need of adding new
diskpacks, clean diskpacks and submit jobs from active job files
to start nightly tape backups of the databases. Contact various
team leaders and programmers after researching jobs to determine
the need of database back outs. Update tape management to ensure
scratch tapes for the data technicians in the tape library. Using
CA Unicenter Monitor UNIX J series servers for job completion.
Write scripts utilizing CSHELL and command line entries. Reset
Users Password and set up Access for groups File access utilizing
SAMM. Answer the phone as the first line of the Help Desk, which
supports the entire Columbus Metro Area Police and Highway Patrol
Leads and Dispatching System. Reset LAN lines and dump terminals
and answer general to complex questions referred to us by the police.
(Windows 98 and NT help desk.) (Full-time Position)
Management Information Services, Bureau of Human Services
State of Ohio, Columbus, OH Oct. 1998 to Jul 2001
Duties include setting up job tables and verifying JCL on jobs promoted by configuration
Management. Set up in and Out Conditions and PC conditions Work with data management to
schedule daily jobs. Coping jobs from one member to another, creating Procs for common job
steps. Add removing and editing Datasets to ensure proper job completion. Monitor jobs for
completion and check condition codes set by programmers. Monitor the IBM OS/390 and OS/400
systems for abended jobs, and correct the necessary job steps following restart instructions.
Hard code Procs in stream and resubmit jobs utilizing Control M Scheduler. Set up Calendars
for daily, weekly and monthly jobs. Set up Control M Symbol tables and Auto Edit members to
Resolve JCL Symbolic. Set up Job orders with scheduling criteria to force out on correct day
or days. Point jobs to correct job libraries. Take requests from the pit team and programmers
to add, change activate or deactivate jobs. Set up DASD allocations and ensure space for job
processing. Perform job Net reviews and accept or reject JCL and or PROCS to ensure jobs meet
company standards. Set up jobs to Allocate, Deallocate and Verify VSAM datasets. Track DASD
storage and usage for SMS upgrade. Maintain DASD storage and pack availability by spooling GDG
datasets to tape and setting expiration dates. Take on call twice a month for all job scheduling
issues. Conduct videoconference turnover meeting to discuss the daily schedule and special
request jobs added to schedule. Take requests for jobs to run from the 88 counties in Ohio we
service. Update Date Parms to Pay Medicaid bills for our 88 counties. Produce a weekly payment
letter sent over the Intranet to the 88 counties disclosing the total payments made weekly to
the various medical organizations. Serve on the Web design team to maintain our Internet and
Intranet web sites, Take on call 2 weeks a month for all production scheduling,JCL and Control
M condition ABENDS. (Full-time Position, Second Job)
Defense Mega Center, Columbus, OHIO March 1992 to Sep 1998
3/97 to 09/98: Tape Librarian for the Defense Mega Center (DMC)
of Columbus, Ohio. Responsibilities included maintaining the
availability of the StorageTek (STK) Nearline 4483 robotic 18-
track tape silo complex 1, submitting jobs via the Amdahl 5955
mainframe, scheduling jobs to run, and copying jobs to different
media for offsite storage for purpose of mainframe backup.
3/94-3/97 Mainframe Computer Operator for the Defense Mega Center
of Columbus. Responsibilities included monitoring operations of
the Amdahl and Hitachi mainframes. Monitoring jobs to completion,
and tracking/repairing/resubmitting abended jobs utilizing
MVS, JCL, VTAM and CICS through Jobtrac and SAR. Scheduling jobs
using Control M, Control D and Control V in an OS/390
environment. Answered Off Peek Network Help Desk calls witch
included RACF and Network password reset Software upgrades and
network printer and Email Proxy setup and answered general
questions about the workings of their computers.
3/1992 - 6/1996 Defense Mega Center Columbus Ohio
Network Administrator
Junior Network Administrator for the department of defense. Defense Mega Center of Columbus.
Duties included the installation of all new Workstations upgraded from the old Windows 4.0
network. Maintain NT firewall and produced monthly reports of flagged Internet activity. Reset
Network passwords and Assighnd new account passwords. Set up all new PC related applications
running across network. Did some installation of routers, hard drives and floppy drives.
6/1996 - 9/1998 Defense Mega Center Columbus Columbus Ohio
Dasd Administration Responsibilities included maintaining the
availability of the StorageTek (STK) Nearline 4483 robotic 18-track
tape silo complex 1, submitting jobs via the Amdahl 5955 mainframe,
scheduling jobs to run, and copying jobs to different media for offsite
storage for purpose of mainframe backup.
Comp-Est., Columbus, OH Jul. 1996 to Jan 1998
Performed duties as a Technical Representative Supervisor. Responsibilities
included answering and troubleshooting calls via e-mail and
telephone about our monthly updated FoxPro car collision
estimating software. On the R&D team and tested and Wrote the
install instructions for installation as well and navigation in
the database. Doubled as a Field rep and went site to site for on
the spot install and setup from star to Pier to Pier network
setup. Installed New equipment and software educated our
customers on the workings of their computers and Windows 95.
(Full-time/Second Job Concurrent with DMC Position)
CompuServe Inc, Columbus, OH Feb. 1996 to Mar 1997
performed duties as a Customer Service Representative for CompuServe Inc. Responsibilities
included answering calls in a call center environment about the service and the Internet.
Educated customers in the set up of Dial-up Networking (D.U.N.) for Windows 95 and NT using the
new version of WinCim (CS 5.0). (Full-time Second Job Concurrent with DMC Position)
List of Professional References upon request