Country Facts

Social Background

Political History

Social Infrastructure

Economic Infrastructure

Capital Markets


Service Industry

India's Prospect

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Home Page

India is an amazing country, full of contradictions. It's a place of beauty with warm and generous people, yet at the same time millions and millions of her inhabitants live in the worst poverty imaginable.

There are crowds everywhere. People on bicycles, in cars, on camels and elephants. People on the streets, some sleeping right on the sidewalks. Animals roam free, wherever you look.

Come with us as we take you into India and get a rare glimpse of her history, culture, economy and politics. What are her prospects in the midst of a rapidly changing world?

Presented To You By:
Andy Tay Hu-Kang, 974157Y07
Tan Tuan Ling, 984260L07
Chan Lai Ming, 984254L07
Wong Mui San, 984489A07
Special Thanks To:
Angeline Su, Cindy Quek, Lim Fei Yan


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