12th February 2001 Added two more awards. 10th February 2001 Added a new section called 'Starsigns', where you get too see which member you are compatible with! 9th February 2001 Added 'My Awards' and 'Win my Awards'. To win one Email me with your site address by Clicking Here. 8th February2001 I added a new background for each main page and also new headers for each too! 1 new picture added to Gallery 8. 26th January 2001 Links for the Group pictures completed 20th January 2001 Added new poll & did group pictures links gallerys 1-4. 15th January 2001 Again this update page is NOT updated! i'm working on the picture pages at the moment so some pics arn't accessable. BUT do stay tuned cause hot off the press pics are coming soon!! 1st January 2001 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Sorry for not updating the update page but i keep forgeting! In the past week i have added a couple more pictures, joined a web ring and posted more banners! So be sure to check out each page while they are still fresh! 26 December New Quiz! Go cheack it out but remeber it's tricky so it's only for big fans! PS i hope everone had a great xmas!! 23 December Added more lyrics under"other". 21 December Added poll and EXCLUSIVE pics! 19th December Fixed broken links of Gallery 6 and 7. 15 December Met Human Nature today!!! (irrelevent) but i also updated the pitures(Gallery 7). P.S. Look out for the sexy picture of the boys (yum!) 29 November Thank you pages added (for all the people who have helped me out!). Also i've finished my exams so i'll be updating the pictures soon! Stay tuned! 23 November I have exams so please excuse the lack of updates this week but i promise i will be on track in a few weeks! 12th November New Group pictures added! Cheack em out! |